Archived Cannons For All

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The Fonguard
Feb 28, 2013
Reaction score
Senator Fong's Mansion
The title says it all. With the new premium features(which I think may be a bit OP) are creating a larger gap between the prems and non-prems. I feel that giving non prems access to cannons would help bridge the gap in a fairly helpful way.

  • Non-prem factions are able to protect themselves more reasonably against their godlike premium attackers as cannons are effectively deadly but are stationary, resulting in a fair means of defence.
  • Non-prems don't have to cower in their f homes with no means of fighting off attackers and calling it harassment, leaving less mod involvement.
  • Cannons are made of iron blocks which are not very cheap to the average non-premium which keeps them from becomng OP or very numerous.
  • Gives the non-prems a range advantage as they would probably get destroyed in close combat with a prem.
  • The premiums don't lose much as their armor never breaks(can /fix it), they have twice the faction power, and they can just use their portals to get back.
As an addition to my suggestion, maybe we could give non-premiums access to basic ammo types while premiums get access to more advanced ammo types.
(extra suggestion courtesy of EyebrowsJ)

Thank you for reading my post, please post your thoughts below!
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I do not support this, premiums make it so the server runs, there are no disadvantages to being non-prem and its as any other server would have, if you want to have advantages then just make silver and buy it, or pay for it.

I find it disturbing how many people say this server gives non-premiums the same treatment as any other server does to those who don't pay to play on the server. -cough- Diamond armor restriction -cough-
Then buy premium *cough*cough

Yes i totally have a credit card and so does the rest of the world. Oh and of COURSE i have dozens of hours to waste away everyday in a boring rpless Darkroom. Who wants to rp on this server when you can grind for silver to buy premium anyway? /sarcasm
I believe that the non-premium restriction on using cannons was lifted.

Making them might be nice, but still cannons are largely inaccurate during raids and are hard as heck to aim.

Feel free to downrate me if any of this is inaccurate.
I think it is reasonable, after all, most prems don't really use cannons, why let the plugin go to waste? Also, will help even out the fighting a bit :D

Fell you are seriously beginning to baffle me with the fact that you just rate someone disagree over and over rather then voicing your own opinion. I understand you don't see from my point of view, you don't need to spam my message box to get that across, that isn't what ratings are for. If you have constructive criticism do tell us.
I do not support this, premiums make it so the server runs, there are no disadvantages to being non-prem and its as any other server would have, if you want to have advantages then just make silver and buy it, or pay for it.

I know premiums help run the server, I doubt that with non premiums being able to fire cannons would change the amount of premiums on the server. My suggestion only presents a way for combat inexperienced non-premiums to defend themselves fairly against players who wear the best armor that never breaks and have very high mcmmo stats.
ALSO, you just assume every non-premium is capable of paying every month for PVP benefits? What if they did not want to pvp? What if they don't have the money? What if they can't get the silver because they RP or build instead of spending days at a time collecting resources to sell for a month of PVP benefits they they will only use to create cannons or portals? Why did you go into premium defence mode upon reading my suggestion?
There seems to be to many people literally jumping out to try and keep the non-perms from gaining any benefits that premiums once had. I swear, if we so much as let non-perms have a colored name we would be bombarded by inappropriate ratings and horrible arguments as to why it's a terrible idea. What about giving non-perms the ability to fire cannons upsets so many of you? Yes its useful, but why do you need to bar it behind a door that requires a credit card to open when it would benefit the server more if it wasn't?
I do not support this, premiums make it so the server runs, there are no disadvantages to being non-prem and its as any other server would have, if you want to have advantages then just make silver and buy it, or pay for it.

Another thing that bothers me is the fact that you took this as a threat to premiums and their role on the server, and that having this one premium benefit(out of like 25 now) available to non premiums would be completely unfair to the premiums. Also, most people who buy premium do it for the PVP advantages. Making RPers and builders buy premium just to be able to defend themselves easier is a bit unfair as they do not PVP 24/7.
The title says it all. With the new premium features(which I think may be a bit OP) are creating a larger gap between the prems and non-prems. I feel that giving non prems access to cannons would help bridge the gap in a fairly helpful way.

  • Non-prem factions are able to protect themselves more reasonably against their godlike premium attackers as cannons are effectively deadly but are stationary, resulting in a fair means of defence.
  • Non-prems don't have to cower in their f homes with no means of fighting off attackers and calling it harassment, leaving less mod involvement.
  • Cannons are made of iron blocks which are not very cheap to the average non-premium which keeps them from becomng OP or very numerous.
  • Gives the non-prems a range advantage as they would probably get destroyed in close combat with a prem.
  • The premiums don't lose much as their armor never breaks(can /fix it), they have twice the faction power, and they can just use their portals to get back.
Thank you for reading my post, please post your thoughts below!

I disagree with the entirety of this suggestion.
The basis for the argument is entirely founded upon a series of assumptions.

• Non-prem factions are able to protect themselves more reasonably against their godlike premium attackers as cannons are effectively deadly but are stationary, resulting in a fair means of defence.
→ There are a number of options for defense against a stronger opponent. Cannons are not necessary for defense​
• Non-prems don't have to cower in their f homes with no means of fighting off attackers and calling it harassment, leaving less mod involvement.
→ Non-Premiums are not forced to cower in their faction homes during a raid. There are always a number of options for defense as many Non-Premium factions that I've seen in the past utilized. As well, you aren't forced to participate during a raid and have the option to play a minigame, go to Regalia, go to Ally, etc. Might it also be added that in the case of a raid you still have the ability to require the attackers stop after reaching the max amount of hours allowed for raiding, call on a premium friend or ally to fight or build cannons for you, or you could simply try to come up with a way to better your opponent using ingenuity rather than brute force.​
Might I add on a final note that cannons are truly not that useful. In nearly every raid I've been in, those in god armor tend to be able to withstand a cannon shot with little damage done
There seems to be to many people literally jumping out to try and keep the non-perms from gaining any benefits that premiums once had. I swear, if we so much as let non-perms have a colored name we would be bombarded by inappropriate ratings and horrible arguments as to why it's a terrible idea. What about giving non-perms the ability to fire cannons upsets so many of you? Yes its useful, but why do you need to bar it behind a door that requires a credit card to open when it would benefit the server more if it wasn't?

The door to premium is in no way barred by a credit card. I, myself, have been a premium for a long time now and I've never once used a credit card. You can use Prepaid Debit Cards that you can buy at any convenience store or silver, making the purchase all the more easier
Fell you are seriously beginning to baffle me with the fact that you just rate someone disagree over and over rather then voicing your own opinion. I understand you don't see from my point of view, you don't need to spam my message box to get that across, that isn't what ratings are for. If you have constructive criticism do tell us.

I find your responses to others to be increasingly showing a blatant disrespect and lack of regard for consequences. I'd advise you to talk a moment and think about the greater consequences for not just Non-Premiums but for Premiums who would feel robbed and would start complaint threads of the own. In the end, I find just taking a moment to reflect before pressing post can save you some unneeded anger and frustration.
Might I add on a final note that cannons are truly not that useful. In nearly every raid I've been in, those in god armor tend to be able to withstand a cannon shot with little damage done

If you believe that cannons are not very useful, why do you care whether or not they are open to non-premiums in the first place, as obviously you can withstand its fire anyway?
I find your responses to others to be increasingly showing a blatant disrespect and lack of regard for consequences. I'd advise you to talk a moment and think about the greater consequences for not just Non-Premiums but for Premiums who would feel robbed and would start complaint threads of the own. In the end, I find just taking a moment to reflect before pressing post can save you some unneeded anger and frustration.

I didn't post to support this idea, rather i feel that the response to it was not given the consideration it deserved. I do see your point however, and i understand the valid reasons behind it. I'm derailing this thread so i'm going to stop posting here now.
I'd advise you to talk a moment and think about the greater consequences for not just Non-Premiums but for Premiums who would feel robbed and would start complaint threads of the own.

Are you referring to my suggestion? First of all, why would premiums feel robbed when according to you, cannons aren't even useful plus the fact that I have yet to see a faction even use them on their walls(they probably don't use them anyway). Second, this is not a complaint thread, I am suggesting we give everyone the ability to use cannons. Where do you see a complaint in that? Sure I feel that the situation is a bit unsatisfactory, but I do not see this as an unfair situation for premiums at all and I feel it is a reasonable trade now that premiums get a good sum of money every month and can use a command to fix their already invincible armor.

You also have not responded to my last question which asks for a reason to why you don't want non prem cannons when you say they are useless in the first place.
  • The server could loose support.
  • Cannons are horrid when it comes to raids. They're difficult to aim and use, so it isn't much of a loss to non-premiums.
  • If the server looses donor's support, there won't be a server.
  • The server could loose support.
  • Cannons are horrid when it comes to raids. They're difficult to aim and use, so it isn't much of a lost.
  • If the server looses donor's support, there won't be a server.
I'm not sure whether your for against this idea or not... I will just assume you are against it.
First of all, premiums have over 20 other benefits. Cannons are barely important on that list, Bsavs says they are useless anyway, you say they are hard to use which kind of argues against your point, and lastly, I see no reason that someone would stop being premium purely because cannons work for everyone. That seems very silly to become premium just to use cannons. Do you use cannons? Would you or did you buy premium just to use cannons? I would hope not.
  • The server could loose support.
  • Cannons are horrid when it comes to raids. They're difficult to aim and use, so it isn't much of a lost.
  • If the server looses donor's support, there won't be a server.

  • I highly doubt that people would stop buying premium because one perk is opened to public.
  • If it "Isn't much of a lost" then why do you care if it is opened to the public or not?
  • Once again, I highly doubt that people will stop playing massive and stop buying prem because everyone could fire a cannon.
I'm not sure whether your for against this idea or not... I will just assume you are against it.
First of all, premiums have over 20 other benefits. Cannons are barely important on that list, Bsavs says they are useless anyway, you say they are hard to use which kind of argues against your point, and lastly, I see no reason that someone would stop being premium purely because cannons work for everyone. That seems very silly to become premium just to use cannons. Do you use cannons? Would you or did you buy premium just to use cannons? I would hope not.

  • I highly doubt that people would stop buying premium because one perk is opened to public.
  • If it "Isn't much of a lost" then why do you care if it is opened to the public or not?
  • Once again, I highly doubt that people will stop playing massive and stop buying prem because everyone could fire a cannon.

"The sever could loose Support." I said could, not will. And it depends on what the person specifically paid for. If you are so desperate for premium perks, buy it. I know I can't buy it with cash. My mom doesn't allow me, so I trade silver-skins for Premium. You should try go to Jamescl, he sells three month premium.
It sounds like the people complaining just need to click here
Please don't be a brat about calling everyone who doesn't agree with you a non-perm. Buying premium doesn't solve the major issue regarding this thread so please don't act like it does.
There seems to be to many people literally jumping out to try and keep the non-perms from gaining any benefits that premiums once had. I swear, if we so much as let non-perms have a colored name we would be bombarded by inappropriate ratings and horrible arguments as to why it's a terrible idea.
You're directing this at me, aren't you?
Please don't be a brat about calling everyone who doesn't agree with you a non-perm. Buying premium doesn't solve the major issue regarding this thread so please don't act like it does.

Its not that, haven't you noticed how much they've added to premium? I even think they've added way to much. I don't think they're getting enough donors...
I'm not Desperate for prem perks... I'm just simply saying that your argument about people could possibly stop buying prem because non prems can fire cannons with them.. was not logically sound. and, being a former prem, and soon to be prem again, do not care if non prems could fire cannons at me, and would definitely not leave the server because of it.. It just simply make non prems a bit harder to fight.. which, is fun, in my opinion at least. I mean honestly, what fun is it when your enemy cant even kill you back? <3
It sounds like the people complaining just need to click here
The fact that you would rather post this than a valid arguement to my statement saddens me.

"The sever could loose Support." I said could, not will. And it depends on what the person specifically paid for. If you are so desperate for premium perks, buy it. I know I can't buy it with cash. My mom doesn't allow me, so I trade silver-skins for Premium. You should try go to Jamescl, he sells three month premium.

That person paid for premium. Premium's benefits are mainly PVP oriented. Buying premium is a way of getting the upper hand upon those without it. Cannons may be PVP oriented, but like bsavs(the very experienced veteran of the server) said, they are pretty much useless and not many people use them. Why are YOU personally against this suggestion?

BTW, I am not eager to buy premium and this idea does not suggest that I do. I merely want to help the massive experience for all of us. Do you truly believe that giving nonprems access to cannons would kill the premium playerbase?
You're starting to turn this into a flame war, buddy.

I don't want a flame war, i have given sufficient explanation as to my thoughts and reasoning behind everything i say, i am not flaming. I am not insulting. And I am not spreading false accusations. I think we should return to the topic rather then pander flame bait, thank you.

I don't think the gift of cannons to non-perms would affect the server at all, this also means it is a pointless introduction and i couldn't care less either way. It wouldn't change anything about the server really, no one uses cannons much anymore. This is why i doubt premiums would care if others were given this ability, though i doubt non-perms could put this feature to use.
The fact that you would rather post this than a valid arguement to my statement saddens me.

That person paid for premium. Premium's benefits are mainly PVP oriented. Buying premium is a way of getting the upper hand upon those without it. Cannons may be PVP oriented, but like bsavs(the very experienced veteran of the server) said, they are pretty much useless and not many people use them. Why are YOU personally against this suggestion?

BTW, I am not eager to buy premium and this idea does not suggest that I do. I merely want to help the massive experience for all of us. Do you truly believe that giving nonprems access to cannons would kill the premium playerbase?

All I am saying is that it is a perk for premiums, so leave it that way. All I am reading heres is complaining, the server is trying to do its best to support itself. If you want the perk, buy them like the rest of us.
You're directing this at me, aren't you?

I'm not directing anything at anybody, please stop your delusions that everything must be about you. I couldn't care less how much you think i'm out to get you when i'm clearly not. I'm just wondering why people are so quick to defend even the smallest premium ability that no body even uses.

Your also rating every post i put, regardless of context as either disagree or offensive. Please, i understand your opinion and your point of view. Stop spamming me with your inappropriate ratings. Now move back onto the topic before someone locks all the threads we have been posting on for abuse.
All I am saying is that it is a perk for premiums, so leave it that way. All I am reading heres is complaining, the server is trying to do its best to support itself. If you want the perk, buy them like the rest of us.

I am not going to continue this discussion on this thread, if you want my opinion on your statement go look on the thread that was created for that purpose.
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