Help Wanted
Looking for work? Earn your own salary, work your own schedule. At the Hidden Dragon, Performers, Entertainers, and Enforcers are needed to provide service to the higher class of Regalia. Brothel Milord Felix Voss caters to the rich and blue-blooded, and those who believe they can offer entertainment for them are being asked to send word to him. Both Males and Females are wanted, and of any race. Just understand who is being catered to. Simply send a letter, or visit at the Dragon to speak with him in person.
The Positions
Performers stick to the stage, or doing general activities. Skills in dancing are generally the most needed, but those talented in singing or instruments are equally useful. You provide the ambiance and the sceance.
Entertainers tend more specifically to the Clients. Whether it be sexual or innocent. This is very self-explanatory. However, it can also mean simply interacting with all the guests.
Enforcers specifically protect our entertainers, and ensure no harm or misuse comes to them.
Brothel Milord, Felix Voss
[ You can reply here with a letter, find me IG, or message me in Forums PM or Discord @Muffins#0001 ]