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Open Letter Seeking Employ


Staff member
Jun 29, 2012
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An open letter sent to any respectable and money owning (see: Prog Regals) individual with a fairly open advertisement for employment:
My name is Danton Aoûte Terrois Dieu Coeur Ballebâton Loup-garou de Thélème, and I am as my people say, a connaissant de beaucoup des choses. I hail from the Imperial Kingdom of Ithania, more specifically the capital, where I have attended numerous academies, before working as an Emigres in Daendroc, Teled Methen, the Sundial Isles, Cain Folckar, the Dormin Republic, the Songaskian Masaya and Silbrae.

My specialties lie in world history, culture, racial juxtaposition, arcanology, world events, dimenthism, afflicthism, artifactism, occult knowledge and information and occult tracking. I have several understudies in occult theories, and a doctorate from the Ithanian Institute of Arcane Knowledge. I am mundane, but extremely knowledgeable about occult theories and practices, as well as historical applications, worldwide context and historical precedence. My specialties also lie in historical revisionisms, researching historical accuracy of contemporary records, and acting detective in historical matters.

I am searching employment from those with affluent or available wealth. I act both as political advisor, as well as historical researcher, occult researcher, or general consultant. I am not looking for exclusive employment, however my loyalty to employer does permit me to be bought specifically not to work with other specific potential clients, as well as respecting the concept of discretion. I am both available as a salaried on-call advisor, or on a commission basis where I am pair for single instance consultations.

Interested parties, please reply to this letter's address with a letter of your own writing. If applicable or desired, I will be available for interviews or pre-selection meetings to determine conduct, or immediate hiring. I will only permit myself to become salaried to three different entities, no more. Pricing will be determined based on the information that is wanted.

My presence during intellectual discourse with others who research artifactism or dimenthism is largely free of charge in group settings, unless I perceive that I am being used for free information.
((IC reply as letter on thread))
[!] A letter!

To Mister Danton Aoûte Terrois Dieu Coeur Ballebâton Loup-garou de Thélème,

Good afternoon! Your letter seeking employment has happened to catch my eye, particularly the parts concerning your knowledge on 'occult tracking'. I have been long in search of a well-travelled arcane scholar to help me out with a little problem I am having, so quite obviously I am interested in your written skills!

I'd prefer to discuss the specifics of my problem in person (perhaps over a nice glass of wine and some snacks), since it's kind of hard to ask questions and really get my thoughts out over letter. I can be easily found in the Whimsy and Wanderlust (A small cabaret in Old Town, near to the Old Town park), or I find you wherever and whenever you so please.

Exact payment can be discussed in person as well, however I will let you know now that I can offer anywhere from 20,000 to 35,000, depending on when you'd like to be payed and how well you can help me with my problem.​

With great interest,
Abigail Tucker
Owner of the Whimsy and Wanderlust
Court mage for house Reinard​
A letter written on crisp parchment, sealed with a deep magenta Vanhesstia.

To Mister Danton Aoûte Terrois Dieu Coeur Ballebâton Loup-garou de Thélème,

I write to you today as I've taken notice of your letter for Employment. Your set of skills is one to be rivaled with and a set that you don't come across that often in many people. Your knowledge of artifactism and knowledge of the world as a whole took my interests the most as I am seeking out information that I would prefer to speak about further in private.

I would be thrilled if you were able to meet with me and discuss further on the matter at my estate, Duvierre. There we can discuss the possible pricing for your work, and our goals for what you would be able to assist in providing with us.

I hope to hear your response soon and will await your arrival at our estate.
Spirit's guidance,
Amelina Peirgarten
Countess of Lorhauser
Minister of the Foreign Diplomatic Reichstrat
A letter, stamped with the eight-pointed star.

Addressing Monsieur Danton Aoûte Terrois Dieu Coeur Ballebâton Loup-garou de Thélème,

I write you with interest in your services, specifically those which are predicated on your lengthy experiences within the realms of Daen. It is difficult to, in the Regalian capital, chance upon such a statesman who has seen for himself the isles of the Far West and the reaches of Teled Methen, and as such advisory on matters involving said areas is incredibly scarce, making it all the more of a curiosity when it becomes available. In specificity, I am chasing input on superior methods of outreach to the Teled Methen realms (primarily the Tanaar realms) and information on their attitudes, as well as the proper ways to initiate courting in said realms.

If time remains, then a secondary interest of mine lies in discussing self-presentation: the proper methods by which a ruler may best style and display themselves. I would seek advice in this as well, and am prepared to admit my inexperience, but also suggest that it is inexperience borne of a lack of practice and not immaturity, and so all should proceed smoothly. In light of all this, I invite you to my estate for conversation on all subjects aforementioned. Payment can be discussed before serious topics are broached.

Safe Tidings,
Vivanaláryna Invaula Avalorn
Sol Aley Bel Ant Solleria-Avalorn
Élseya Oberron Assath Ahaal
Arcane Minister​
To Mister Danton Aoûte Terrois Dieu Coeur Ballebâton Loup-garou de Thélème,
To Mister Danton Aoûte Terrois Dieu Coeur Ballebâton Loup-garou de Thélème,
Addressing Monsieur Danton Aoûte Terrois Dieu Coeur Ballebâton Loup-garou de Thélème,

A letter sent au retour:

I can usually be found manning my establishment on the bridge between the central avenue of the Golden Willow crossing into New Town around the hour of 6 ((EST)). You can walk in there to make an appointment elsewhere, or use that location to talk.

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