Archived Bring Back Player-submitted Lore!

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The Local Chav
Jun 6, 2014
Reaction score
England is my city
The Spanish Inqusition
So, my phone is currently dying, I don't have a charger and I need to wake up in seven hours but here it goes, will redo this when I get up.

So, if I am mistaken about this then sorry but from my perspective now, it appears that the player lore submission forum is no longer available and in my opinion, it eliminates the opportunities submitted from people who have great ideas yet not the time or effort to become staff. Now, of course some of the ideas on the forum are very very stupid but still, good things that be found hidden between that sea of copyright claims waiting to happen.

So, I wanted to bring up this idea to a system for it so here it goes;

First, tagged posts show what is currently wanted and unwanted, filter the good ideas for use at a point when they are needed. Also get some copyright shit in there, set boundaries. Make it clear that they shouldn't copy Skyrim or World of Warcraft inch by inch. It should be meter by meter!

Secondary and one of the key ideas, staff should only review if the community likes the idea, say a poll. Reach fifteen people with a 'Like the idea' on a poll and enter phase one which would notify staff or somewhat, phase two is the staff do their shit.

Essentially quick rundown as I am fourteen percent now, people say they like the idea, staff should respond and whatever the fuck process you guys had before goes on from there.

Just bring it back for the love of God, I got some shit I wanted to submit.
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Player lore submissions are technically still possible but they have a convoluted system that only the die hard veterans or bold people are able to step into. It's sort of like an unofficial "idiot barrier" that denied people who just want werewolves in our lore from spamming the request system with their permanently rejected ideas.

Long story short, you can actually still request to write for the staff through the "prompt" system, and you can submit your personal pitches for lore implementations to me in PM. Success rates aren't very high overall though because the literary demands of our writing exceed that which can be done from a high school English class alone.
Player lore submissions are technically still possible but they have a convoluted system that only the die hard veterans or bold people are able to step into. It's sort of like an unofficial "idiot barrier" that denied people who just want werewolves in our lore from spamming the request system with their permanently rejected ideas.

Long story short, you can actually still request to write for the staff through the "prompt" system, and you can submit your personal pitches for lore implementations to me in PM. Success rates aren't very high overall though because the literary demands of our writing exceed that which can be done from a high school English class alone.

Well shit, thanks. I did not know that.
I might break open the prompt writing system though, that's something anyone can assist with. It might be easy to simply publicize a list of stuff that players can instantly jump into to assist with writing.
So in other words, if I read correctly, if we have an idea that we are dying to share that actual makes sense and goes with the current lore, we can pm @MonMarty and see if it's ok or not?
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