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Bounties From The Undercity


No Rest For The Wicked
Apr 21, 2013
Reaction score
Deep within the depths of the Regalian capital strung a web of tunnels, each one meticulously placed and filled with predators that wait for poor souls to become ensnared and lost within the darkness. Among this toxic world hides a tavern, its walls rotting and the roof creaking as it strained under the weight of the world above. And yet, prolific as ever, a board full of waterlogged and torn-down pages seemed to gain just one scroll more. Few know who its creator was- some say it was a specter, yearning for revenge on those that wronged them in life. Others claim it was a culmination of evil from below, as those who read the page often had fiery eyes and ugly faces that were full of curses and spittle. No matter the origin of its creator, the scroll was easy to open, and just as the nosy public did before, you decide to peel it open and begin reading.


"Denizens of the Deep,

As one can probably deduce, the Violets have been cracking down on specific individuals that are from below. Logically, they wish to end or cripple them- constant sabotage against such a powerful organization as them will evidently warrant consequences. Given that both adults and children should find the Violets as an influence, I too have decided to follow in their footsteps, finding that the churlish soldier boys who point and laugh at us 'impoverished criminals with veiled threats and empty promises' should not bite the hand that feeds them.

As such, I am reviving the Wraith Bounty Board.

Below are public contracts to be fulfilled in the undercity or countryside. 40% of the target's equipment, if found when contract is fulfilled, may be kept by the individual contractor (for example, from full-plate and a sword, one may keep a heavy bevor, gauntlets, and breastplate, or a full set of leg armour and a sword). If fulfilled within the confines of the Regalian city surface (aside from Phantasmic slaying), contract payment will plummet to only 20% its original value and the bounty hunters will not be permitted to keep any part of the equipment salvages. We're protecting ourselves and punishing saboteurs, not destroying the city.

After the contract has been fulfilled, ask for a room in the Wraith and stay within the cistern for 48 hours. The appropriate contractors will compensate the bounty hunters. ( @Magivore and 'send a letter' that your hunters are set )

  • Saffaen "The Voodoo Vindicator"
    • Crimes:
      • Assault on countless individuals
      • Consistent rebellion and loose-tonguing to high-significance individuals
      • Subjecting oneself to Phantasmism
      • Breaking and entering organizational facilities
      • Anti-Syndicate sentiment
    • Wanted: Dead or Alive
      • Favours the undercity and Old Town
      • 100r to each person participating who brings them to the contractor (maximum of 5)
      • 30r more to each individual if the contracted remove the hair on his head using Convar Scribley's Head Poultice repeatedly
      • 200r more to the permanent killer of Saffaen (maximum of 1)
    • This bounty concluded after hair on the scalp is entirely gone. Or it looks funny. Whichever comes first.
  • Julius "The Crimson Knight" Peirgarten
    • Crimes:
      • Assault on countless individuals
      • Consistent death-threats to high-significance individuals
      • Consistent introduction of Violets to the undercity and organization facilities
      • Subjecting women to physical and emotional abuse
      • Anti-Syndicate Sentiment
    • Wanted: Alive
      • Whereabouts unknown
      • 85r to each person participating who beats the target (maximum of 6)
      • 160r to whoever brings a notable piece of flesh (such as an ear, or a finger)
    • This bounty concluded after two times of fulfillment.
  • Malyrra "The Manathar Menace," Unknown Surname
    • Crimes:
      • Assault on countless individuals
      • Consistent mockery to high-significance individuals
      • Consistent introduction of Violets to the undercity and organization facilities
      • Actively attacking undercity and organization facilities
      • Subjecting oneself to heavy anti-Sanguine sentiment
      • Anti-Syndicate Sentiment
    • Wanted: Alive
      • Favours the Wraith and Yanar-controlled environments
      • 50r to each person participating who heavily flogs the target
      • 10r more to those participating who break a bone (small as a finger, big as a leg)
    • This bounty concluded when a shred of hair is brought in as evidence of fulfillment.
  • Information of the location of a short-hair, flat-face, fluffy male black cat with orange-brown eyes wearing a collar named "Phylactery"
    • Thieves wanted: dead or alive
      • 20r for each piece of credible information
      • 100r for the cat-thieves with strawberry-blonde and white hair brought in
      • 150r for the return of Phylactery alive and well, thieves brought in or not
    • This bounty fulfilled with the safe return of Phylactery or the capturing of the thieves.
  • Information of Violet presence, over-city espionage, new organizations, new afflictions, and 'anything important' in the undercity
    • 10r for each portion of credible information.
    • This bounty is permanently open.
    • This bounty has been fulfilled 5 time(s) so far.
Don't act like a hero when you are unwilling to die like one."

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Sparrow peered over this through the holes that allowed in the jagged, ornate golden mask she adorned, her chin and lips the only thing revealed from the mask. She read over this again, her name fixating on one particular name. She slooooowly turned towards The Renegade as her lips tugged into a wicked grin.

"I could kiss whoever put this up. You see—now I'm in a bloody dilemma. There's just /so/ many people on here I /want/ to murder, how will I ever choose?" She drawled in a humored tone with her taken Ithanian accent. She glanced back to the paper and read aloud. "'Subjecting women to emotional and physical abuse...'" she paused and flinched in memory and glanced back to him. "You know exactly who I want to go for. Bet you do too." She said with little humor, blue-green eyes flared icily behind the mask with malicious intent.

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"Would ya look at
Sparrow peered over this through the holes that allowed in the jagged, ornate golden mask she adorned, her chin and lips the only thing revealed from the mask. She read over this again, her name fixating on one particular name. She slooooowly turned towards The Renegade as her lips tugged into a wicked grin.

"I could kiss whoever put this up. You see—now I'm in a bloody dilemma. There's just /so/ many people on here I /want/ to murder, how will I ever choose?" She drawled in a humored tone with her taken Ithanian accent. She glanced back to the paper and read aloud. "'Subjecting women to emotional and physical abuse...'" she paused and glanced back to him. "You know exactly who I want to go for. Bet you do too." She said with little humor.


The Renegade read upon the notice once more before sighing. "I suggest you refrain from going after Queergarden...for now. At least until the purple fucks find something else to waste their time on. Would I be willing to go after him myself though," he asked himself, then looking to Sparrow. "Perhaps."
"Guess all it takes it beating a jacobin woman to be considered an emotional abuser of women, ey? What a joke. No matter. There's no more holding back now. Let's see if they're willing to die for these contracts. Who's ready to start cutting people down and put an end to their foolishness?!" Said a Crimson Lion, wearing a most malicious grin as he paced along with his group of mercenaries and allies, readying his weapons and preparing a speech at the Stronghold.

OOC NOTE: If you try to maim my character, I will only allow such if you intend to give kill perms and maim perms in return.

@Aurelian30k @Ferghoul @AtomicKarate @Crimsons
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Don, dressed in his latest disguise, in a fairly disgruntled manner would draw a smiley face next to Eleonora's bounty attemptedly. He sighs.

(Disclaimer: This wasn't done as an OOC slight, I was.. actually asked IC to do this.)
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A wolond lady took up a copy of this paper from somewhere, and muttered to herself, "Hmm... might be a nice way to get funds."
Arwen'elda Tordove paused her work to eye her Wraith Bounty Board, soon to flail both hands above her head to then loudly exclaim to Sophie Perrot behind the barside, "WHO HAS TAKEN MY JOB?" @Patsie
The Avant held a smirk as he looked over the bounties. "Only 60 regals? Who's honestelygoing to die for 60 regals?" He suddenly burst out in a stiff laugh as he turned from the notice. "Aye, lets put the fools tolong overdue graves." The Old Saberfang soon descended into the Wriath to hammer upon his bounty. A flyer that read. "Join the Crimson Company Today. To stomp bitches like these and get paid more for doing it."
I do hope that you're giving away kill perms to your character if you're putting death warrants on people.
@Arhbi Only Eleonora's warrant is wanted for death, and even in that case they are a witchblood with the revive ability if they are killed by an aberrant, and that does not even specify permadeath. I think overall it should not require such.
I do hope that you're giving away kill perms to your character if you're putting death warrants on people.
The only warrant for death I asked for was for Natcanino, who I know can resurrect and I have discussed this to OOC. Nobody else is being paid to die for a good reason to ensure narratives continue. If you're going to consistently come into the sewers and undo progress and expect to hide behind permissions or a guard's permissions, you should also expect that criminals put up bounties like how surface mercenaries do. Better yet, if you're going to OOC give me flak each time criminals decide to progress things forward, don't be passive aggressive in ratings or your roleplay postings. Hair shaving and ear removal also is not a maim, but I added finger removal in case the target is willing to allow it, but they still have permissions protecting them.
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A rather particular, surly halfbreed skimmed over the bounty list and read over each name, and instantly couldn't hold back a primal need to laugh.

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Im not giving you flak at all, nor am I being passive aggressive through ratings either? I merely stated what I stated in the comment above, and nothing more. @Magivore
It was, of course, a pleasant sight for the newer Crimson Lion. Armani Clarke wore a subtly joyous smile, no matter how quiet she seemed to be, and it was more apparent in the gleam of her eyes. Her boots tapped along the cobblestone in leisure pursuit of Julius Peirgarten, thumbs hooked in her belt and a new bounce to her step.

"Hm." Clarke was prepared to embark on her first task with the company.

OOC NOTE: If you try to maim my character, I will only allow such if you intend to give kill perms and maim perms in return.
You should be okay, I added the part to remove things that won't hinder Julius such as merely an earlobe or even if it's just a fingernail or tip of the nose. Nevertheless, I don't feel asking for kill perms balances out losing a singular finger, but there is an out here, as well as character death rules say that, no matter how big this bounty gets or how many people try to hunt Julius down, you still don't have to lose anything that'll make some part of Julius' current life harder unless you want them to do so. If it also helps, this bounty is worth only 20% its original value on the surface and people don't get any equipment they rob you of, meaning that it's absolutely the safest location and chances of being pursued up there is absolutely minimal.
Malyrra read over the list before letting out a laugh "As if sewer dwellers could capture or kill any of these people" she said before drawing a frowny face next to Don's smiley face

Wardruna rolled her weight to her toes nearly restlessly, squinting at the obscure language etched onto the bounty list. She was nearly hopeless to being able to read it and eventually, albeit begrudgingly, left it to the company around her to instead read back the names presented.
The wait felt like ages and with each passing second she grew more irritable- confused as to what all the fuss was about..
But as the names were listed off, the usual harsh expression adorning her sharp features gave way to one of intrigue and interest. Only after a moment would the corner of her lip curl into a mild smirk.
"Now, this.. shall be interesting.."
Immianthe glances to the board, her steely gaze scanning over the weathered parchment. She lifted a hand to trace the tiny smiley face by Eleonora's bounty, a contemplative hum playing at her lips as she sat on the words for a moment. "Lots of threats and bounties bein' exchanged between the city's underbelly and the city proper. Wonder if anyone's gonna be needin' my help." the Maraya murmured, very conscious of the green glow that emanated from under her crown.
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( A familiar advertisement was posted. )
Blondie quoted back at them. "Do you think I'm a coward or too good at hiding to not be up on that board? I'm pretty sure I've broken more than ten of those laws" she laughed lightly digging out from a stack of flyers to hand him one for alchemy apprenticeship.
A Bloodcast knight stood by a barrel in the basement of his home, leaned against it as he mulled over the contents of the announcement. The parchment was not in front of him, yet the words flashed in his mind all the same. With a tap against the wall next to him, a door swung open, a room of racks and stands greeting him as he stepped into the faint orange glow.

Grey eyes tinted with a faint silver light scanned across the suits of metal before him, regaling him with memories for each. The white and black surcoat of the Good Company. The standard armour of a Bloodcast knight. Two stands, empty without his old plate and melted sewer gear. Indeed, none of them suited him- before his eyes levelled on a set of brown and black.

"Mrm. Perhaps that one." he said as he removed it from the stand and adorned it, becoming someone else- something else, entirely.
You should be okay, I added the part to remove things that won't hinder Julius such as merely an earlobe or even if it's just a fingernail or tip of the nose. Nevertheless, I don't feel asking for kill perms balances out losing a singular finger, but there is an out here, as well as character death rules say that, no matter how big this bounty gets or how many people try to hunt Julius down, you still don't have to lose anything that'll make some part of Julius' current life harder unless you want them to do so. If it also helps, this bounty is worth only 20% its original value on the surface and people don't get any equipment they rob you of, meaning that it's absolutely the safest location and chances of being pursued up there is absolutely minimal.

Will be handling it on a per case basis depending on how it's approached and how the contract is attempted. (I.e. What are you trying to take, how are you trying to do that, would it make sense for my character to not kill them for doing it, etc. etc.) While keeping the interests both parties in mind. We'll have to see how things play out and what happens. I appreciate the message, though.
A Dressolini male of impeccible proportion and being came wandering by after a recent exursion of bashing the Working Class and making merry amongst the Common folks when he stumbled upon this Board! "Why not take a gander?" He said to himself. Peering closer to the Board he found himself squinting and looking over the names, then squinting further and looking even closer before exclaiming, "Whoever forgot to put the most important on this list is a bloody loon! For it is I, Deo! Who is to be put on this list! Bah!" The elder Dressolini grumble, sending a slight by spraying it with Vanilla scented Cologne and continuing on grumling as he made his way off, his day essentially ruined.
A bounty has been successfully cleared. In lieu of this, I also increased the 24 hour wait-time to 48. This time is meant for me to search the city IC to try and ensure it was fulfilled and not faked, and I realized that timezones or someone purposefully trying to cheat the system OOC could escape the consequences if they simply chose not to log on or they changed to a different character.
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As the list of crossed-out bounties began to thin out, mysteriously, the ones that remained only seem to swell in value. New bounties, and current ones, have been appropriately updated.
  • Saffaen bounty increased in value.
    • Kill-clause added (you must still adhere to character death rules when hunting this individual).
  • Julius Peirgarten bounty increased in value.
    • Amount of times fulfill-able reduced due to lack of popularity.
  • New bounty added. @Dragonn_
  • Akasha bounty removed due to lack of danger she poses to high-significance individuals.
  • Information bounty increased in availability.
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