Archived Bloodlust

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Master Craftsman
Jul 10, 2013
Reaction score
Worcestershire, England
The vampires, now so persecuted by the crimson, and all of alloria, really, should have Bloodlust put in the priority light, as it should be rebalanced soon; it has been offline for a long time now.
just an idea :) a small plea too XD
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Actually no, not according to the Massivecraft lore. quote] Sorry, I was referring to what people Think They are because of twilight. Not what they really are in the lore... which is evil, demonic, human and diseased looking people.
However, half the people I meet think they are sparkly, Loveydovy-Love-Bitey-Wuvs who should be protected at all cost (facepalm)
Why don't they bring bloodlust back, with half the speed and jump? or They bring it back as normal but with a -10% damage or something? :)
There is to the best of my knowledge nothing to say that a vampire need behave like a bloodthirsty monster all the time. If they are hungry then obviously, they have some serious addiction issues, they should be, well bloodthirsty. However there is no reference to vampirism changing the way a vampire thinks normally at all (assuming that they are not possessed), it is in fact stated that many retain human morals. However this should only really apply to "middle-aged" as fledgling vampires and older vampires may differ from this due to being overcome by early thirst or being bitter and jaded.
But still, they're too human looking. So many people don't make them pale, so many people REFUSE to actually hide in the shade, and just can't seem to RP correctly as a Vampyre. "I only feed on animals" well, that's only going to ENCOURAGE feeding on humans, "They're kind" starve one for about a week and invite them on a date. Pretty sure that will end well. I'll leave that as my final words, as I don't want to flame too much here.
Starve one for about a week and invite them on a date. Pretty sure that will end well.
I've done this... It ended... interestingly ;)
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