Archived Bloodlust

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Jul 2, 2012
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Personally, I hate bloodlust, and I've spoken to a lot of other people who all hate bloodlust too. The arguments have all been presented in previous threads. I made this thread mainly to gauge the public opinion. Please vote in the poll. Hopefully the admins will get an idea of just how unwanted bloodlust is. Of course I might be wrong and bloodlust is wanted by the community, but I get the feeling that it is not a popular vampire feature.
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I think that most people suffer from Vampirism (xD) for the PvP advantages. When they die their foodbar should go to half instead of full as they usually sethome in a bed at a local arena. Spawn, run in, get killed, go back, kill, get killed, go back, kill... It has gotten quite annoying.. Especially with people like stven1234 around.
It is better to be killed by an armored tank that can fly with a bone than to be killed by a lagbucket bloodluster who has no armor or weapons, that just runs when they get loot.
Bringing back flying sounds awesome :) i use vamps for quick travel and building, i hate using vamp for pvp. Rather be a dwarf so i dont keep getting 1 shot
My opinion on Vampires since I joined this server has always been the same. They are far over powered in PvP, and (not so much anymore) they make the server look ugly. people build massive cobblestone walls/boxes around everything to stop vampires, which looks very un-RP, and just plain ugly.[DOUBLEPOST=1356836315][/DOUBLEPOST]
Bringing back flying sounds awesome :) i use vamps for quick travel and building, i hate using vamp for pvp. Rather be a dwarf so i dont keep getting 1 shot
No. Absolutely not. If flying comes back, I will never log in again. refer to my above post for reasoning.
It is better to be killed by an armored tank that can fly with a bone than to be killed by a lagbucket bloodluster who has no armor or weapons, that just runs when they get loot.
Can I just play MC at your house to see what you mean? I can't exactly get the point when I get an immediate "Pong!" and 150 FPS.
I say just slow them down. Bloodlust seems fair when i fight vampires if it werent for the speed boost.
As a former vampire, and a current Orc and former Human, I will state this:

Bloodlust is the single most annoying thing in the world. It allows vampires to kill people, then jump out of reach or run away and wait for their health to regen. However, I do not consider it to be overly OP, as vampires have a great deal of weakness as well. Wood, holy water, sunlight, and the inability to increase their food bar except with cake or killing other creatures.

Bloodlust may be the most annoying feature on this entire server, but it is not (regrettably) OP. I voted to remove it, but I now wish I could vote to leave it as is.

And to those who feel it is OP... remember, the real world isn't fair, so why should this game be fair? Yes, they are powerful. So are all evil beings (for some reason) in most books. In the end, you just need to use good combat tactics to defeat vampires.
i gotta agree with that statement of using tactics, one time me and a group of vampires at aqua, was losing to some random new player who filled up on holy water and and wood, finally learned ways to beat him but was a great example of tactical approaches on his part
It is better to be killed by an armored tank that can fly with a bone than to be killed by a lagbucket bloodluster who has no armor or weapons, that just runs when they get loot.
I agree, I miss the old flying-fortress vampires xD
My opinion on Vampires since I joined this server has always been the same. They are far over powered in PvP, and (not so much anymore) they make the server look ugly. people build massive cobblestone walls/boxes around everything to stop vampires, which looks very un-RP, and just plain ugly.[DOUBLEPOST=1356836315][/DOUBLEPOST]
No. Absolutely not. If flying comes back, I will never log in again. refer to my above post for reasoning.
Really now? In my opinion, good riddance.
I don't know about you syko, but I remember back then, only the pro pvpers were vampires. No one else could be bothered. Nowdays the noobs are vampires, and the elite pvp factions are humans. (With exceptions)
I don't know about you syko, but I remember back then, only the pro pvpers were vampires. No one else could be bothered. Nowdays the noobs are vampires, and the elite pvp factions are humans. (With exceptions)
I dont mind the pvp advantages of vampires (although becoming and staying vampire should be more difficult). But my reason for hating vampires is that every faction would just build a massive cobblestone box/wall around their whole faction, It ruins the medieval RP, and just looks horrible.[DOUBLEPOST=1356890499][/DOUBLEPOST]Also, I was a human, and could kill any of these "pro PvPer vampires" ((on my SYkO account)) with my 600+ sword skill and my Sharpness V Fire Aspect II sword.
When i first heard of the vampire plugin i thought vampirism would be feared and people would desperately try not to get infected by vampires. You know, like a real disease. Instead we have every new player screaming CAN I BE INFECTED in global.
lol, 600+ swords... that alone makes all the advantages of any race/disease useless I think.
I dont mind the pvp advantages of vampires (although becoming and staying vampire should be more difficult). But my reason for hating vampires is that every faction would just build a massive cobblestone box/wall around their whole faction, It ruins the medieval RP, and just looks horrible.[DOUBLEPOST=1356890499][/DOUBLEPOST]Also, I was a human, and could kill any of these "pro PvPer vampires" ((on my SYkO account)) with my 600+ sword skill and my Sharpness V Fire Aspect II sword.
I remember quite distinctly syko:

"I love how I'm the only human who can dominate at pvp" - SyKo_Reaper117 6 months ago.

You can be an exception, but my point still stands.
Well, I think a big problem is that the lag makes them appear to teleport around sometimes ~5 blocks at a time, so hopefully server sharing helps the public's hate for vampirism. The other options that I think could be good solutions are
  1. Bloodlust can only last for a certain time (say 30 seconds) before a cool down (say 10 seconds)
  2. Bloodlusting costs some number of items (say it consumes 1 gunpowder every few seconds)
It consumes our hunger, which is the only way to regenerate health.

There is nothing, I've found (in Wikipedia), in vampire legends, about vampires having super speed or strength. However, we make our own :D
That is worthless, you regain it in seconds through combat, allowing infinite bloodlust in combat.
That is worthless, you regain it in seconds through combat, allowing infinite bloodlust in combat.
The issue's pretty damn clear suddenly: They get more food than they spend. It's something like 3 food-pops per hit on a human. If they nerf it to one or one and a half, vampires would have to be closer most of the time and attacking, AKA more time to hit them :)
Every race is going to have its complaints. It is just like WoW. This will have an outcome of nerfing every race. When there are races there are fanboys of the race and then there are people who die insistently by them. QQ is my opinion.
The issue's pretty damn clear suddenly: They get more food than they spend. It's something like 3 food-pops per hit on a human. If they nerf it to one or one and a half, vampires would have to be closer most of the time and attacking, AKA more time to hit them :)

This is a usefull statement, probably alot more usefull then all other thread replies. I will present this to cayorion and we might include it in the batch of the next race plugin fixes.
The issue's pretty damn clear suddenly: They get more food than they spend. It's something like 3 food-pops per hit on a human. If they nerf it to one or one and a half, vampires would have to be closer most of the time and attacking, AKA more time to hit them :)
I see now, that is the issue. It isn't hitting Bloodlusting lagpyres, it's hitting them and having them recover instantly, then punch you and regain more hunger to heal. I agree, it is a bit out of control. It's just slow enough that lava kills us :D There is where the nerf en lies.
They should try to make being a vampire a bad thing as I'm quessing that if you we're one in RL it would be bad
Make vampirism more expensive and perhaps you can't get infected from drinking a vampire's blood?
I believe they should keep bloodlust, but make it a rare power of a vampire, that does not last long, but is feared.
Like having bloodlust deteriorate the food bar quickly, like 1 hunger every 5 secs?
Bloodlust is awesome! I love not being able to get a single hit on a bloodlusting when I fight outside...
As more of an RP player I do not use bloodlust very often and personally just enjoy the standard added jump and the mob alliance. However I do sometimes use bloodlust as a way of getting free of attackers when travelling and in this scenario it would be favourable to have a way to engage it faster like when it was compatible with Spout.
For PVP I can see it being a bit OP, but only substantially if the vampire has the better ping, otherwise it becomes a pain for the vampire to time their hits properly. Also I don't know why it's such a big deal, a vampire still has to land a number of hits to kill and if they don't have armour all it takes is one well timed swing with a stick!
So if the other races are going to whine about bloodlust why shouldn't vampires have a whine about stakes? Yes, it is a well established piece of lore that stakes kill vampires, but it is also fairly well established that swords kill humans. Instead of dealing enourmous damage I think stakes should do about the same damage as a diamond sword and cause debuffs or disable bloodlust for a time.

In summary: A faster way to engage bloodlust would be nice.
A nerf may be due for bloodlust, or a limit to it's use in arenas.
If bloodlust were to get a general nerf then stakes should be nerfed with it rather than sunlight.
Bring Back Bone Flight, i never used it myself but if there really was bone flight then i might try vampire for a bit just for the bone flight, it sounds way better than bloodlust
Actually removing them Makes my PvP skill in other server Better like 78%.
So I guess we could nerf it alittle like "speed I jump Boost II" or maybe only get Blood From people if you hit them "enough time" --> ( 1 hit = 10% chance 2 hit = 20% 10 hits = 100% chance to get blood from people?)
Would that be Fair? To all of us that is pvping with a vampire? Or maybe if you wear Certain Dyed Leather Armor you get to resist Damage from Vampires?
(The last two suggest is maybe ClientSide not sure it is possible...[DOUBLEPOST=1369592455,1369592212][/DOUBLEPOST]
Why not just remove the race altogether? I put in the option to nerf bloodlust. And many suggestions have been made about it. Read the entire thread before you post a misinformed reply.
Then why not remove Vampire lover's RP?
I dont think bloodlust should be taken away but toned down. Ive been able to use it well for RP but point of the matter is, bloodlust is the ONLY successful way to protect from wood. (other then protect 4 diamond which only prems can access)
I just spent 2 weeks as other races (undead, maiar, and agni).
Honestly.. All your posts have been about how it would affect you and you only. If you want to be vampire to not have hunger, that's just silly, it doesn't take a whole lot to eat some bread, it is a few seconds of having right click down >.>, bloodlust definitely does ruin pvp.
I personally think bloodlust should be a non pvp trait, whenever you hit someone your bloodlust disables for 30 seconds. Then it could be used for travel and parkour.
If it is true you are a vamp for the no hunger, than that suggestion really shouldn't bother you at all.
Then why not remove Vampire lover's RP?
How about you actually read the context before making insulting statements. You've quoted me out of context, and you clearly don't understand the rhetoric. Also, this thread was a suggestion to remove bloodlust, it's served it's purpose, does it really need to still be open?
Honestly.. All your posts have been about how it would affect you and you only. If you want to be vampire to not have hunger, that's just silly, it doesn't take a whole lot to eat some bread, it is a few seconds of having right click down >.>, bloodlust definitely does ruin pvp.

If it is true you are a vamp for the no hunger, than that suggestion really shouldn't bother you at all.

You might wanna check up on my RP. I am now a half elf. For reasons such as archery and RP, I am now an elf.
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