Archived Bloodlust

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Jul 2, 2012
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Personally, I hate bloodlust, and I've spoken to a lot of other people who all hate bloodlust too. The arguments have all been presented in previous threads. I made this thread mainly to gauge the public opinion. Please vote in the poll. Hopefully the admins will get an idea of just how unwanted bloodlust is. Of course I might be wrong and bloodlust is wanted by the community, but I get the feeling that it is not a popular vampire feature.
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Personally, I'd like the right-click-with-a-bone method back. With the way now, vampires will run in and hit you, giving them enough food, and they run away much too fast for anyone to catch them when they are about to die, and just come back when they regenerated. It is very annoying. Therefore I voted nerf it. Maybe make food lost more quickly, or a maximum time of say 30 seconds at a time, then a cool down of maybe 10 seconds?
I think bloodlust is a bit too OP at the moment, I was just in pvp and there was some noob in iron bloodlusting around and its damn near impossible to hit anyone bloodlusting because of the unfair speed and jump boost. It gives a complete disadvantage in PVP however it should not be removed completely as it is part of being a vampure. I think it should be nerfed to either 1. Consume a material, 2. Only people who have been a vampire (and been online) for say, 100 ingame days can use it or 3. Just have less of a jump boost (Vampires can already jump 2.5 blocks).
Bloodlust is very unfair to players who do not have good computers/internet IMO. When you are laggy, these vampires are nearly impossible to hit.
For the people that completely want to remove bloodlust, bloodlust is the main thing that is drawing vampires. Without it, being a vampire would be dumb because you could go with a race instead of having two major disabilities: The sun and wood. Personally, it should not be removed. And if it is changed, it should only be slightly.

Note: This is coming from a non-vampire. This is also only an opinion; I'm not looking to start a debate.
For the people that completely want to remove bloodlust, bloodlust is the main thing that is drawing vampires. Without it, being a vampire would be dumb because you could go with a race instead of having two major disabilities: The sun and wood. Personally, it should not be removed. And if it is changed, it should only be slightly.

Note: This is coming from a non-vampire. This is also only an opinion; I'm not looking to start a debate.
It completely ruins pvp.
Illo I understand it ruins pvp, but it is balanced, you don't always pvp at day. They're ways you can overcome their power, and I think your good enough to figure those out. I know it gets annoying when they continue to lose bloodlust, maybe there should be a cool down other than food level, this would make it a tiny bit more balanced.
Illo I understand it ruins pvp, but it is balanced, you don't always pvp at day. They're ways you can overcome their power, and I think your good enough to figure those out. I know it gets annoying when they continue to lose bloodlust, maybe there should be a cool down other than food level, this would make it a tiny bit more balanced.
A vampire can pvp at day for 2 or 3 minutes in remus, and infinitely at aqua. Someone broke into a darkroom and has just been running around impossible to kill with bloodlust. Extremly unfair and frustrating.
I know this is why there should defiantly be a better cool down than just hunger so this doesn't happen. Besides when new arenas come out they will probably disable vampirism for arenas and such.
I personally think bloodlust should be a non pvp trait, whenever you hit someone your bloodlust disables for 30 seconds. Then it could be used for travel and parkour.
Why not just remove the race altogether? I put in the option to nerf bloodlust. And many suggestions have been made about it. Read the entire thread before you post a misinformed reply.
It's why I play... I hate hunger, it's stupid. I liked the old system of eat food to regenerate. Personally, I would quit the server if you even touch vampires. (those minor changes like the irradiation is fine)
I think the bloodlust should stay as is, because it compensates for the draw backs.
If you're having trouble dueling a vampire, may I recommend...
MassiveCraft said:
A vampire hit with holy water will suffer a 70% temperature increase. This means vampire will go blind and catch fire if they are hit by two holy water potions.

If the temperature is at least 50%, they are debuffed with weakness and slow.
MassiveCraft said:
Wooden stakes deal three times the damage of a diamond-sword to vampires.
Follow through for a better chance of triumph.

This seems like one of those cases where the fault does not lie with game mechanics, but with player tactics. Don't take that the wrong way, I'm not saying anyone is a bad player, I'm just saying vampires are in no way OP, you just have to exploit.
Illogical, if they remove Bloodlust, nobody will want to be vampire because the disadvantages heavily outweigh the advantages. Unless you remove sun damage, the plugin will be useless. And because of all the work that Cayorion has put into the plugin, I highly doubt that he will remove it.
If anyone will actually read the post, it's not about REMOVING bloodlust, it's a poll, and one of the options is to NERF it. Aka slow it down, or make it non-pvp, or even make vampires not jump as high.
If anyone will actually read the post, it's not about REMOVING bloodlust, it's a poll, and one of the options is to NERF it. Aka slow it down, or make it non-pvp, or even make vampires not jump as high.
Learn about every (normal) vampire legend. Don't, we make our own legends. Vampires are superhuman - they can jump and run faster than humans, (the common knowledge) they drink blood, and are borne through the dark disease.[DOUBLEPOST=1356140044][/DOUBLEPOST]I.E. if you don't want vampires, leave the server.
Learn about every (normal) vampire legend. Don't, we make our own legends. Vampires are superhuman - they can jump and run faster than humans, (the common knowledge) they drink blood, and are borne through the dark disease.[DOUBLEPOST=1356140044][/DOUBLEPOST]I.E. if you don't want vampires, leave the server.
When I first joined the server a year ago, vampires used to fly with bones. I would prefer this to bloodlust because it is not nearly as op. There are MANY alternatives to the current vampire traits that will still fit with the law. And if you think that you're the majority, or that you think you speak for the server, look at the poll.
When I first joined the server a year ago, vampires used to fly with bones. I would prefer this to bloodlust because it is not nearly as op. There are MANY alternatives to the current vampire traits that will still fit with the law. And if you think that you're the majority, or that you think you speak for the server, look at the poll.
Vampires were nerfed, they used to be able to jump 8 blocks and 3x as fast. It's now 2 blocks and 2x as fast. I use those 6 blocks to travel, climbing mountains. You're taking away my ability to climb by reducing it.[DOUBLEPOST=1356140886][/DOUBLEPOST]that's only 1/100 of the server
Bloodlust annoys me as it would any player who PVPs on a regular basis, however with the current TPS personally I have no trouble killing the buggers. I did like the old bone-flying more as well Illo, but I'm 99% sure Cay won't change that any time soon. My suggestion: When vampires are hit by a stick/wood thing their bloodlust should falter, and shouldn't be able to at all when holy-watered,
Bloodlust annoys me as it would any player who PVPs on a regular basis, however with the current TPS personally I have no trouble killing the buggers. I did like the old bone-flying more as well Illo, but I'm 99% sure Cay won't change that any time soon. My suggestion: When vampires are hit by a stick/wood thing their bloodlust should falter, and shouldn't be able to at all when holy-watered,
That makes sense, when you get damage, you should have a weakness recoil (weakness, slowness)

--Coming from an active vampire
It doesn't matter if wooden stakes do more damage to bloodlusters if you can't even hit them in the first place. The original vampires took less damage from wooden stakes, if they took away bloodlust the damage from wooden stakes would probably be reduced too. Fighting a bloodluster is... possibly one of the most frustratingly annoying things there is. Eyebrows I haven't seen you as a human, perhaps you should try both sides before you voice your opinion so strongly like that.
It doesn't matter if wooden stakes do more damage to bloodlusters if you can't even hit them in the first place. The original vampires took less damage from wooden stakes, if they took away bloodlust the damage from wooden stakes would probably be reduced too. Fighting a bloodluster is... possibly one of the most frustratingly annoying things there is. Eyebrows I haven't seen you as a human, perhaps you should try both sides before you voice your opinion so strongly like that.
I have usually little trouble killing bloodlusters with my 4 FPS, Ham. Especially with the better TPS and all, now. Stop complaining :P
Personally, I'd like the right-click-with-a-bone method back.
Lol, seems like you already have forgotten how vampires was tanks back then, impossible to kill, could just stand and take hits however they pleased. The new setting makes them more cowardy, wish vampires are supposed to be.

Don't forget here people that vampires have huge problems in there gameplay 95% of the time they play, and when they finally go to an arena to play normal humans go screaming NEEEEEEERF! Perhaps they need to have an advantage in something.
Lol, seems like you already have forgotten how vampires was tanks back then, impossible to kill, could just stand and take hits however they pleased. The new setting makes them more cowardy, wish vampires are supposed to be.

Don't forget here people that vampires have huge problems in there gameplay 95% of the time they play, and when they finally go to an arena to play normal humans go screaming NEEEEEEERF! Perhaps they need to have an advantage in something.
The thing is, for the 50% of the day that they ARE incapacitated they just go to an arena. Which I find ironic.
It doesn't matter if wooden stakes do more damage to bloodlusters if you can't even hit them in the first place. The original vampires took less damage from wooden stakes, if they took away bloodlust the damage from wooden stakes would probably be reduced too. Fighting a bloodluster is... possibly one of the most frustratingly annoying things there is. Eyebrows I haven't seen you as a human, perhaps you should try both sides before you voice your opinion so strongly like that.
I just spent 2 weeks as other races (undead, maiar, and agni).
As a former vampire, and a current Orc and former Human, I will state this:

Bloodlust is the single most annoying thing in the world. It allows vampires to kill people, then jump out of reach or run away and wait for their health to regen. However, I do not consider it to be overly OP, as vampires have a great deal of weakness as well. Wood, holy water, sunlight, and the inability to increase their food bar except with cake or killing other creatures.

Bloodlust may be the most annoying feature on this entire server, but it is not (regrettably) OP. I voted to remove it, but I now wish I could vote to leave it as is.

And to those who feel it is OP... remember, the real world isn't fair, so why should this game be fair? Yes, they are powerful. So are all evil beings (for some reason) in most books. In the end, you just need to use good combat tactics to defeat vampires.
Illogical, if they remove Bloodlust, nobody will want to be vampire because the disadvantages heavily outweigh the advantages. Unless you remove sun damage, the plugin will be useless. And because of all the work that Cayorion has put into the plugin, I highly doubt that he will remove it.
I believe the advantages should heavily out weigh the disadvantages and no one should be wanting to become a vampire because it is a disease. I think because of this if you are infected by a vampire and do not cure yourself you can't change back to normal for 24 hours. In this 24 hours you would not have any of the perks of being a vampire but you would be weak to the sun. This way vampires could still have an edge in pvp making it instead of them being able to kill you easier to making it so less people would want to fight a vampire.
Lol, seems like you already have forgotten how vampires was tanks back then, impossible to kill, could just stand and take hits however they pleased. The new setting makes them more cowardy, wish vampires are supposed to be.
I remember about a year ago when if you were being raided by a vampire at night you had better have half your faction online to help defend, but I also remember you only had to defend until the sun began to rise because no vampire with any brains would stay and fight. This was a great balance between you being scared of vampires and them being scared of you.

In addition to this the fact that people are admitting that they are vampires or that they were previously vampires and kind of disappointing to me as I think being a vampire whether it be now or sometime before is somewhat of a taboo and should be kept secret.
First, I think they should nerf it slightly, and if they don't put it, then make it so people are inclined to HIDE that they are a vampire instead of screaming it out to the server.
I only want to say one thing I get an average of 15 fps I haven't fought much since the /home was messed up as I've been busy. But when I fist went to pvp aqua as a vampire and fought a vampire my first reaction was "daheck am I suppose to do here" when bloodlusting a vampire is completely unhittable as long as they are moving (at least when I'm fighting them on my computer) Our fight turned into a jousting match as we kept running at each other hoping for a hit through the lag. I tried jumping in the water to slow them down which helped a bit. (though I still got killed) When on a mountain in elledor I checked the dynmap enemy faction vamp was at the bottom of the mountain in 2 seconds he was next to me (also probably from lag) I thought he flew to me or tp'ed to me.

Naturally I don't pvp. but when I tried those times I got murdered from a combination of bloodlust lag and inexperience.

I have no opinion on whether it should be nerfed or not. Just putting the story out so it can be considered.
personally i say look at the legends. Vampires are supposed to be unbeleivably fast, usually too fast for most to fight, and stronger, not to mention the flying (or in this case high jumping). By the way it always was, vampires are the best fighters. Only thing is the drawbacks of being staked, and being in sunlight. Thats the way it has always been. To slow a vamp down would expose them to countless shots with wooden objects, and i'm sorry, but if it's doing more damage than enchanted swords with a common wood block, then i think it's justified the vampires be near un-hitable for the simple fact that they can be dealt a one shot so easily. I've seen it go both ways too, where vampires get completely overwhelmed with people weilding signposts. I think the other races of the world balance it out. I dont think the answer is to nerf the vampire, but to make a few more races to parallel it a bit better. Maybe make a race dedicated to fighting vampires even.

And you might have to find a way around them in pvp, but being one i can tell you, it's allready annoying enough being vampire, between being pinned by sunlight, and having an inherent fear of doors, signposts and fences. We take these obstacles for the rewards it brings in mobility. I use it for building and travel. Bloodlust allows me to go from place to place safely before sunrise.

All i'm saying is, vampires have it hard enough, nerfing bloodlust will just make it unfair being a vampire. No getting away, being a sitting duck for one shots. And if they pull through with an anti-vamp round in the bow, the vamp will officially be a horribly broken race that no one would want to play.

Besides, i think now the agni's are destroying the pvp arena's anyways lol and vampires are dying out to variety. I think we only had a vamp problem because it was either something new, or the same ol gameplay we were used to. Now there are tons of races to play, and i think thats awesome. Soon i'll most likely be ditching my vampirism to be a dwarf anyways. But i still stand behind bloodlust. It compensates for the unsavory parts of being a vamp

Btw, this wasn't heated or anything. I just thought i'd voice my full opinion on the subject :)[DOUBLEPOST=1356527136][/DOUBLEPOST]here's my suggestions. Make it harder to become a vampire, as in a quest, or make a head vampire that chooses who he gives it to, and dont let the other vamps turn people. find some way to keep the population down, or throw a big obstacle in the way of becoming one to deter most. something more complex and involved than throwing together ingredients and waiting. Maybe make take away the ability for one player to infect the other and throw a diamond block in to the mix to change. That way someone would actually have to invest in it. And maybe increase the waiting time to 3 days like they do with changing races?
I really think vampirism should be very taboo. I think we need more vampire hunters, or maybe reward people for killing vampires outside of Arenas?
Of course, you'd have to figure out a way to stop such a system from being abused...
its allready pretty taboo. You get hunted on sight quite often, and alot of people refuse to do business with known vampires. Factions can also be inhospitable to vamps. I think as long as the populace ousts vampires, we should be good on that. and with the new variety of races, vampire hunters could be a rather frightening prospect in packs
Lol? Vampirism is not even close to taboo. People will screamin global I AM A VAMPIRE! I say we need more crazed vampire hunters on this server. If not, make it so vampires have to kill people and mobs to get food back instead of drinking blood. This makes it so vampires cant spam bloodlust all day AND there is more tension between vampires and humans
Meh. Personally, I like the current system enough. My couple ideas are:
Vampires wearing armor while bloodlusting should reduce movement speed.
Vampires that get hit with a stick should get blindness for a few seconds; if something really had enough power to instantly kill you, even if you were in armor the pain would blind you for a few seconds.
Meh. Personally, I like the current system enough. My couple ideas are:
Vampires wearing armor while bloodlusting should reduce movement speed.
Vampires that get hit with a stick should get blindness for a few seconds; if something really had enough power to instantly kill you, even if you were in armor the pain would blind you for a few seconds.
The only thing is: vampires are very strong, their power is reduced quite a bit. maybe a little bit reduced speed (from 2x speed to 1.9x movement speed) but... I wouldn't mind. I normally don't pvp with bloodlust anyway :D[DOUBLEPOST=1356584418][/DOUBLEPOST]Also, if you reduce the jumping height, I might rage quit. Some of my ways of getting around involve bloodlust :|
If we want to be balls out with it. Iron armor should keep vampires from feeding on you as another race. Chainmail should take away the "stake" effect of wood. That way to fight human to vampire, they would both nullify eachother. The vamp cant feed in battle, and the human can't stake the vamp. Difference, the human is wearing hard armor that makes up for the added strength, the vampire is in weak armor, so diamond weapons still affect him heavily. This would make combat somewhat more realistic. It still gives vampires the speed, but it would shorten that gap in combat drastically i think

But each one would have to gear for combat with the other, otherwise it's speed vs the one hit as usual. This is also beneficial to anyone tired of vamps, because this would virtually force them to wear the lightest armor next to leather.

Basically. Chainmail keeps the vampire from the effects of wood. But hard armor like iron and diamond nullify a vamps ability to feed. Or maybe getting hit by wood while in chainmail still slows down a vampire to regular speed, as if wounded.
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