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Blasphemers Among Blasphemers


Staff member
Jun 21, 2019
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Pamphlets and fliers disperse near the Hero's Contemplation Temple first, before spreading to the rest of Regalia and seemingly funneling its way to Crookback in particular.
One must first recognise the unique position in which the 'Abyss Dweller', 'Deep Caller', or 'Deep One', as we call 'Lord Morrlond', holds in our faiths; whether it be that of Bloodsingers' Evolism or Faithfuls' Estelley, in worship of the Night, or worship of the Eldar Memory, He is important in both narratives of worship. In His dominion of the waves that flow like snow, deep under, too, are the rejected whom His voices, the Priests, embrace with the message: to never forget the rejected, and unloved.

So whether it be friend, acquaintance, guiding figure, principle or mother to the few of us, it comes heavy-handed when we hear those who should be protecting Elissandre endeavour and collaborate 'to rip off her spine'.

Court of such Pretenders as these, and Pretenders of the Court, Argentum: your flock has broken your own code, whether it be through sheer ignorance or pure malice, all for the petty reason of not allowing Priestess Elissandre's passage into Crookback via cart. Thus I have said, and thus it shall be so: condemnations. Condemnations to Silver Knight Andria, for those who truly care about the code, an affront made to yourselves, and for hurting the Faithful's priestess too.

For the Auld-kin who follows the Deep Caller's words within the premises of Crookback, perhaps consider: this is family that was hurt. 'Mother', whom you call affectionately. So whether it be bleeding dry Andria and her collaborators, Necratos, or acknowledging their presences as nothing more than the errant dust collected on an untouched shelf, these acts will be enough. They have, after all, endeavoured first to make embitterment rather than embetterment, so they should feel the bitter sting of utter estrangement too.

That which all under Paradise considered beautiful, may also be considered ugly;
that which all under Paradise considered good, may also be considered not-good.
Being and non-being engender one another. Hard and easy complete each other.
Long and short generate each other. High and low complement each other.
Melody and harmony resonate with each other. Fore and aft follow one another.

By worship of Night's Memory and worship of the Eldar Memory, this has been Faithful Engor's words, acknowledged by both Ordvaan and Priestess Elissandre, loyalest supplicant to 'Deep One' Morrlond.
A public letter is quickly sent out following the display of fliers and pamphlets that pop up around the city.

In regards to recent actions taken by one Silver Knight Andria:

The actions against Priestess Elissandre, one sworn to the efforts of the Deep Lord, are inexcusable. There is a grave concern stirring within me from once again hearing of rash actions taken by Sera Andria. They have humiliated and disrespected the position they stand in with careless actions and thoughts. They threatened to rip the spine out of a Void Priestess of Morrlond, and proceeded to duel them in their hunting of Necratos. I do not take the zealous Estelley worshipper's words as truth alone. Rather, I have watched with my own eyes, and I have conferred with the Priestess to recount events. To keep longwinded thoughts short, I offer this:

Silver Knight Andria, present yourself to the wider Order to face charges and determination of consequences for alleged code breaks. Weakness must be, and will be, punished. You know what is owed and due. I present these charges:

- Code breakage, Kathar Common Knight Code, Section 3: Argentum Knights are disallowed from degrading themselves or their Order.
- Code breakage, Argentum Code, Section 3: Argentum Knights must protect Void Priests and assist in their rituals including acquiring sacrifices if needed.

As for Necratos, a warning: you will be dealt with for daring harm upon the Deep One's faithful.

Silver Knight Cassias Aemaq Forluren Bel-Saal Solleria-Tol Iche
Pacted of the Deep Caller
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Viola looked over the notice, a frown forming on her scarred visage. The Daphalar took a pen from her satchel, as well as a piece of parchment she wrote on, before tacking it below one of the notices in Crookback:


In case you see this, we should talk SOON.

Viola Aetris,
Sovereign of the Serpent's Hollow
A wax stamp and the layered fabric is pinned bellow the letter declaring blasphemy. It bares Lady-Protector Revna Hjortsund's unique Reliquary-seal. For whom it is given against is unclear. But its magenta colors shine against the letters in the background.
Sera Andria,

I will not sit and spout the same words again. The above addresses have done that fine. Instead, a note.

You will face the consequences of your actions. I only hope you do so with a sword drawn, dry eyes, and deeper consideration. Plead your case to whomever finds you first. Expect no mercy for fallible excuses. And clean up your act, if you live to do so.

Cutting you off,
Sera Allison Krait,
General of the Dread Wars,
Founder of the Crimson Brigade,
Pacted of Xor,
Host of the Flayed Instrument,
& Silver-Knight of the Argentum Order.
A certain Sendrassian stares at the notice with a hum, hissing out a gentle complaint. Suraya draws talons through the parchment, leaving his own message wrought onto the thin pages of this faithful debate:

In rage we sing the deepest songs, and to Him do we give greatest faith and hate. To those He has blessed that have been wronged, in His name, do we sharpen teeth and drink deep of this wrongdoing. Blessed of His brood, sundered in vengeful song, by these talons shall I right what others have erred wrong.

Oh those of the deep sing. Sing unto vengeance and hate and bloodshed. And to those who have erred, I invite you to drown. Drown deep, and dread the coming tide. He watches, He who is patient. He who was first and shall be last of the deep. Priest of my blood and brood, vexed of my orisons, let faith right this wrong.
- Suraya Ndaricinta Vyaldala
A note would be placed upon the same bulletin. In place of ink, each letter seemed to be carefully singed into the parchment.




In place of a signature, was a single scorch mark that threatened to burn clean through the paper.

@uwuMaple @Sparrower @KitchenRefugee @Lizehrd
A certain Sendrassian stares at the notice with a hum, hissing out a gentle complaint. Suraya draws talons through the parchment, leaving his own message wrought onto the thin pages of this faithful debate:

In rage we sing the deepest songs, and to Him do we give greatest faith and hate. To those He has blessed that have been wronged, in His name, do we sharpen teeth and drink deep of this wrongdoing. Blessed of His brood, sundered in vengeful song, by these talons shall I right what others have erred wrong.

Oh those of the deep sing. Sing unto vengeance and hate and bloodshed. And to those who have erred, I invite you to drown. Drown deep, and dread the coming tide. He watches, He who is patient. He who was first and shall be last of the deep. Priest of my blood and brood, vexed of my orisons, let faith right this wrong.
- Suraya Ndaricinta Vyaldala

[!] The missive has since been rotted and destroyed; a change of heart and a change of mind.