Best Race

What is the best role play race

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...Oh god. Okay. There is no /best/ race. Some may have different sorts of advantages over others in certain ways, but there is no clear cut best. That means you, ya nagas, don't make me get the guards on you all!

Anyway. No real best race unless it'd be an opinion, in which, it would be favoritism, in which, mine would end up being vamp- Which isn't a race...but...Vampire. Fine. I said it.
Naturally I have to say naga.
However, if I weren't tied to saying Naga, then I may be inclined to point my finger to dwarves or undead. Both have extremely useful pvp skills, and their other traits are also useful. Undead can be of any race, meaning that in theory they could benefit from the traits of any race, while retaining the bonuses of being undead. Dwarves are excellent craftsmen and soldiers, plus their building style is generally fairly fortified, making any attacks against Dwarven holds semi-suicidal (Expect for Dakkar, although i would want to see some battles as fire people that are weak to water sound easy to beat. Just dump a ton of water down their tunnels, and watch them die or drown. But thats just me disagreeing with lore.) which would make them dangerous opponents.

But thats more of a war focus on them. Other races do excel at other areas, Humanity and the Maiar both having excellent naval qualities (because the Regalian Navy is awesome.)
If this is a joke:
if not...
Vampire isn't a race... but it would be cool if it was.. *Thinks about, then regrets it* OH NO NO NO! Vampires will never be a race.
If I may just, of course every race is a good race, of course there is not *best* race, however we stil can :
- try and see how many people prefer which race, for curiosity sake
- discuss why we prefer this or that race, it could even prove constructive in terms of lore writing, who knows ?

I don't know what was OP's intent, maybe it was indeed to prove that one race was best, or worst, but can't we turn this into a positive discussionwithout seeing ill intent ? :)
I think that you all are more or less aware of what my biased answer would be. I am goings to say it anyway, ORCS!
Humans, because you always have that one moment when a horde of vampires gang up you, bite you, and try to turn you.
I remember that happened to me once...a guard came, then left... xD
Best role-play race would have to be… Elf. I would say Dakkar, but, they are KOS in Regalia because of SOMEONE… Elves are awesome. This is mostly because I am sort of a LoTR geek, only a bit, but elves are SO AWESOME in it!
I like Maiar. They are really the only race to breathe underwater, next to races who are cursed and don't need air. They also look pretty amazing, and have some great advantages in water when in PvP.