Archived Beefin' Up The Beginning Of Massivecraft

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I'm not narcissistic. I'm just better than you.
Oct 20, 2013
Reaction score
a crappy hole in the ground, Pennsylvania.
I am sure many if you remember the staircase at the beginning of Massivecraft. I personally do not. I believe I joined before it twas added. I am not sure however. But. This is not enough. Not at all. Everyone knows that griefer. Stealer. Troll. Advertiser. Spammer. It is as simple as that. They are everywhere. They just join massive and walk up the staircase. Boom. Already able to commit crimes against Aloria and her people. Yes. They can get banned. However, it is annoying to need to deal with them. I suggest that Day and Marty and them beef up Massive's early game.

I am suggesting adding a form of quest. First, you select a race. This is your starting race. You are sent to a quest that is about thus race and gives you basic lore info. It would be a fairly lengthy quest, but not overly long. I would say it should take five minutes or so. It would give info on all vampires being evil, Regalia's power, etc. Finally, you would be quizzed on what you learned. If you fail the quiz, you must do the quest over again.

Most trollers would either stop or run straight through the quest. The quiz would finally stump them, and make them be sure to read through the quest details. This quest would not be part of your character's backstory. However, it will give basic plot details for new players, and hopefully stop headphone hoddie vampires who helped people and people with random skins shouting "Join ______craft! IP 20.18.76.__! Ttly awesome sevur! No lame rp!"

Let's face it. Guys like those are still annoying, even if they are getting banned.
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Eh, I guess it could give new players a bit of information on MassiveCraft lore? ._.
We have a quest offered to players upon their first log in already. It is of fair length, and provides them with a bit of everything needed to get started on MassiveCraft, as well as some direction as to what to do after you complete the quest...

With that being said, I am completely against any idea of "quiz quest completion." The amount of players that have true intentions of playing seriously on this server would decrease dramatically if answering questions wrong within their first few minutes of joining the server kept them from progressing further into the server.
I think, even with the quizzes we can all add to massive craft, the main factor of players is the community. I mean, honestly, after searching for a while, Massivecraft still has the best community I could ever ask for. I've made many friends and what really helped me in the beginning were veteran players who took me under their wings and nursed me, helped me, and played a large role of me becoming who I am today, IRl and in game, especially in the Role-play sense. So what I want to say is, try your best to be patient and tolerating of these new people, try helping them, correcting them (subtly and gently) and providing them a few links to Massivecraft Lore, Information, Rules, etc. Keep in contact, add them to your friends list and check in from time to time, helping them. I credit @Zero_00 @XxAusFuryxX and... well, I'll never admit this but @Lady Rose also..sorta helped...through the torturous, emotionally damaging RP scenes in the first few weeks of massive craft.
@Alj23 There is only one issue with the quest. It is offered. Anyone who does not want to do it doesn't need to. This would be a mandatory quest which is race specific. Plus, the quiz could be obvious to anyone who paid reasonable attention to the quest. Questions like "Who is the woman who reeks havoc on Regalia and is possesed by the arch-demon"or "is there such a thing as a friendly vampire?" Anyone who just wants to grief will get these questions wrong. Who would guess an unsuspecting name like Mrs. Beaver to be the root of all earthly evils? Or that that server twas not made by a bunch if twi-hards. (Sorry if I offend some people by saying that.)
@Alj23 There is only one issue with the quest. It is offered. Anyone who does not want to do it doesn't need to. This would be a mandatory quest which is race specific.
Ah, but the rewards for completing the current quest outweigh not doing it and going straight to one of the boats or jumping into role-play. I personally don't like the idea of a forced quest, with pre-set and required responses. It's too constraining. The current quest helps new players, and gives them the direction they need to continue on the server.

With as many people as there are in Regalia, advertisers, trolls, and just plain old stupid people don't get far before punishment is dealt.
As Alj23 has mentioned before we already have a starting quest for the server and the staircase at the begging no longer exists, you spawn right into Regalia in the new spawn harbor now.
What you are describing is very much like a white list server, where a person needs to fill out an application to be able to play on the server. There are servers that use this approach in an attempt to weed out players that are likely to break the rules. I would argue that many factions use a similar approach to weed out potential problem members, and we still get routine tickets about cases where there have been problems. MassiveCraft has made a conscious decision to be open to everyone, and I feel that this is what has allowed the development of such a great community.

A lot of research has gone into restructuring the beginning of MassiveCraft, with the emphasis being on helping players get into the game in a straightforward manner. We feel that PVPers who find the PVP, Roleplayers who find the roleplay areas, and builders who find places to build are much more likely to stay and join the MassiveCraft community. Yes, the price we pay for streamlining the process for the people who want to have fun on MassiveCraft is a few more people who just want to be disruptive. In part to address this, we have increased the number of Game Staff, and are considering some tech solutions. We take player's enjoyment on MassiveCraft very seriously for both existing and new players.

To close, I would like you to consider how you would feel if you wanted to quick log into MassiveCraft and get something done, but instead found that we had implemented a new required quest that took more than 5 minutes and required you to be able to correctly answer questions at the end. Then think what it would be like if you accidentally hit a wrong key when taking the quiz. Who do you think would be more likely to complete the quiz, a new player who is looking for an enjoyable time on a Minecraft Server, or the person who just wants to cause problems and has chosen MassiveCraft as their next target. I would argue that, short of having a friend already playing on MassiveCraft, the person most likely to complete the quest as you suggested would be the troublemaker.
@Yendor I do not see how it is like a white list server. It would not require filling out anything. You would just go through the quest and answer five or so questions to weed out people who don't want to actually play on massive. The idea behind this is to stop any spammers or greifers. Though these are few and far between, they are still very annoying. Even if there is a spammer once a month, it gets really annoying. I understand that a forced quest may turn some players off, but it will be something simple that will give everyone a basic idea on what is happening. Maybe the server could start you in the info universe before you go to Regalia?

In short, even though you seen few griefers and advertisers, they are still annoying. It would also be nice to introduce players to the concept that headphone and hoodie skins are NOT lore compliant.
Also, though some troublemakers would pay close attention to the quest, few would. Any advertiser I have seen wither stays at us pawn or goes to the tavern. And only new players would need to take it. Either way, the quiz could just be a series of buttons. Maybe a square room with one but to per wall?
Extensive research has been made to create the current first 10 minute experience, and half of it's conclusions directly contradict, or state that some of the things you are suggesting will be counter productive to the server, and lose us potential players in the earliest moments of them joining.

I'm just going to be short and quick by saying this suggestion is going nowhere, and lock the thread.
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