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Bay's Bounty


Bands of hunters and settlers meandered about Southern Drixagh. The many Companions of Virathus Krupp had happened up the great bay north of Etolia, and gazing over it knew they had found it - their home.

Locals were slow to cooperate in exploring, but beholden to their sensibilities, they bartered for food and resources. They leased or sold their canoes and small fishing ships, and the many hills made not just for a gorgeous landscape - but a defendable position.

As the Grand Armada prepared to leave the settlers to their devices, they would be bid to help build piers and docks. The Sailors said their goodbyes to those they had helped for so long, and made their way for the Crown Isle as preparations for the coming Elven War were nearly completed. Lodges similar to those of the hunter and ranch models applied across Drixagh would begin to crop up - but now served individual clans and houses.

Hunkering down, the people would have access now to trade and the warmest water the Northerne province sported. Fishing, wood working, all sorts of trades suddenly became available to those on the bay as small settlements began to conglomerate. Now with the blessing of the Coens, and by the virtue of Santorski supplies at hand, the people suddenly found themselves offered a way of life aside from incessant hunting and forage.

Of their wealth, the people's pride could be restored. Their praises were shouted by Virathus, and echoed by the people. A list of patrons were announced, and their donations made clear; those who toiled to make Drixagh great again would become folk heroes, chiefmost among them the Imperialized brethren the Krupp family could depend on.

Vaughn Haagenvig and Gustavus Ostrokrupp would be entrusted to guide the people as the war was waged away from Regalia, and to them Virathus would send the building plans of his cousin Hamelin d'Vaud. A settlement of design - based on Wirtemcaller architecture - would emphasize heavily centralized workplaces and the like, so that the most could be made of what resources were available.

Though nicknamed Stilicho, the identity of the people of the city was well cemented; they had the vigour of the Northernes, and the ingenuity of the Calembergers. To instil the fear in the Spirit, and pride in Unionism, Reverend Buhr would organize Unionist activities in the town, and provide rousing sermons. A last bid for support would be sent out to all noble families, a general letter would be sent asking for both donations and trade routes to be established would be pushed.

Hail to thee,

Autumn approaches, and the fruits of our labour are nigh. We now settle Drixagh - no longer must all hunt and rely on subsistence, but the greatest bounty we can achieve is only through further support.

War looms, and pockets tighten - but to provide is to strengthen a chink in our Empire's armour. Paramount now is the importance of supplies, and I would not dare bid someone provide anything but humble donations.

As a city requires more than donations to thrive though, to simply give access to our ships to trade freely would be a fabulous boon. We have the finest furs and best dried meats on the market - and as industry develops, we will offer more with it; should you be able to provide any of this, a thousand blessings upon you.

Otherwise, I thank you for your consideration.

As we march along the Way,
Virathus Krupp

Reflecting during his last night in his new home, the Krupp patriarch welcomed a local healer who offered him a mushroom tea, and a plethora of local remedies that would relax him. Late into the night, they provided him clarity - visions of sorts, of a great future.
A small trio of merchant ship with sails of navy blue bearing a crest of a silvered oak tree had made their way to the new settlement and the captain leading the expedition brought forth a letter adorned with a silver seal of an oak tree. It was addressed to a certain bearded man and smelled of exotic teas with the merest hint of vanilla. Upon breaking the seal, it would read:

To my dearest Monsieur Krupp,

I hope this letter finds you in good health and even better moral, as I have heard the news of the settlement you have established. What a great feat to do in these trying times for the Empire! It will be a bustling trade post soon enough, mon chéri. Until that time, however, I wish to aide you in your goal as best I can. I have sent some supplies from my estate; barrels of wine, crates of dried tea leaves, and larders worth of sun-dried grapes. My apologies that I could not send more filling foods for the townsfolk but I hope that a glass of wine and cup of tea can boost the moral of those that work the fields and forges. Happy smallfolk can do wonders, as I am sure you are aware.

Another gift has been entrusted to the captain that delivered this letter. A detailed star chart -- crafted by mine own hand -- to aide in the development of sea trade for your people. I have instructed the crew to lead whatever ships you wish to send in guiding them through these trade routes until you reach your destination. Hopefully, the fertile lands of mine will be welcoming to your vessel.

May your new establishment bring glory to the Empire and to your own name, monsieur. A name I have already heard through the streets of the city, in the mouths of the commoners, and sometimes even in my dreams. I would go on but my staff summons me to sign off something or another. Adieu my fierce seafarer. Spirit preserve you and may the stars shower their choicest blessings upon you.

Veuillez recevoir,