Archived Banner Registry

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


One does not simply, give up hope.
Mar 28, 2014
Reaction score
The New Guard
So, with the recent addition of banners to our beloved Massivecraft, I thought it might be beneficial to keep tabs on what faction uses what banner. Since there seems to be more than enough banner combinations to go around, people wouldn't have a hard time finding an original combination. I sort've took this idea from the medieval "Heraldry" system, where knights would use symbols emblazoned on their shields as identification.

I don't think applying for one would take to much work, the only thing to worry about is the fact that the particular combination someone picks is the same. And all the staff would have to to is keep a database, housing the banners already in use.
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This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
In my opinion, and this is just that man - Staff are volunteering to help with this community, and I'm pretty sure most wouldn't be interested in monitoring what banners have been used, and looking through applications when they already have other things they need to do.
It's really just not worth the trouble.
That was the only trouble I found with this idea... there is no real ironclad reason for this to be implemented but I thought I would put it here to see what everyone else thought. Thanks for your feedback!! :D
It would be interesting, and it would certainly eliminate the possibility of identical banners...but even so, I think anything like this should be strictly unofficial.
There's always the potentiality of a user-run banner registry on the forums. Would be kinda neat to see all the different banners.
I would say also add noble and high class houses to this
It does seem like an interesting idea in all honesty, albeit with a few necessary tweaks due to the effort staff would have to make as you suggest. Some form of thread on the forums perhaps where factions can post their banners might seem nice however
This would be great if they fixed the banner bug when switching worlds <3
This idea is befitting to Massivecraft, the only issues are the immature and staff having to intervene. I like the idea though. Kinda gives it a Game of Thrones feel