Archived Banks

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Is beans the problem, Doctor?
May 23, 2014
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds
Archeaology Guild
So I had an idea the other day and I was wondering what the masses might think of it, here goes...

I started making this bank for my faction, purely for aesthetic reasons, and I thought, "Hm, I could probly get some practical use out of this and do something like Tyberia used to do and rent out vaults to people for money." So that was the original plan, but then for whatever reason, I started thinking about Runescape (I'm honestly not sure why that was the first thing to come to mind when I thought about banks, don't judge me)

In any case, what do you guys think of an add on to the Massivelock plugin that allows players to make bank chests? I know we already have enderchests, but cmon... those are so small. I'm talking like storage the size of a real MMO bank, somewhere you can stow away large quantities of stuff. Here's my idea so far:
  • The chests will function like the enderchests/backpack, always accessing the same inventory for each player.
  • In the MMO fashion, you should be able to add upgrades to your storage by adding "bags". Perhaps every player would start out with the default storage capacity of 1 double chest, then by paying additional fees through chat commands, they could potentially have 9, maybe more double chests of storage.
  • I have very little idea on what it takes to make a plugin a reality, so I have few ideas what we would want to do about a "navigational interface" for the bank chests. Perhaps something similar to the /tp page where you have a back and forward button at the bottom of the inventory interface?
  • These chests would have to cost a LOT, at least 2k I'm thinking. The addon chests would be purely virtual and be bought by each player individually, so maybe 100-200r each on those.
  • It may be a good idea to add a public/private function to the chests as well
So, maybe your thinking "This is all fine and dandy, but it seems like so much trouble for just a tiny little curiosity. Why even bother?" Well, let me elaborate.
  1. Less lag from chests: I can speak from personal experience that too many full chests within a given area will cause astronomical lag. It's gotten to the point that some of my faction members can't even walk into our market and residential district without suffering from frame rates of 3fps or less. This could potentially help keep items stored away in a virtual space, limiting lag!
  2. Item Safety: I can't even count how many times I've heard someone whining over how their faction disbanded and all their stuff was stolen. This could potentially end the terror of leaving the server for long amounts of time, letting players know that their possessions will be safe for as long as the server stands.
  3. Safety from MassiveRestore: I used to detest MassiveRestore so much that I honestly thought it would be the end of the server. However, I see now that I was most certainly wrong. Massive Restore is a "necessary evil", and it won't/shouldn't go away. Perhaps we can't always save the structures we've built from it's hungry jaws, but with Banks, we could easily save our items. Putting them into a virtual space makes them relatively indestructible, always there, and always available.
Now I can already hear the nashing of teeth from the looters and raiders, but let me bring up a few points. I used to be an avid looter back in the day, and I still partake in it from time to time. However, it's lost much of it's luster. Very rarely do factions with large amounts of wealth ever disband due to inactivity, and when they do, most of the members have left long ago, looting the place before before they leave. In all honesty, banks probly won't affect the looting scene all that much. Small factions will be too poor to have one so you'll always have those, and large factions either never disband or are looted from the inside.

Now, for the raiders. This idea really won't affect you guys at all, straight up. People will still have to wear their armor and other supplies to go out and fight you, they'll still carry valuables when building, hanging out, etc. In simpler words, you'll still get your kills, meaning you'll still get your loot.

So this got a lot bigger than I was originally planning, but thanks for taking the time to read it all! Let me know in the comments what you guys think, I'm interested to see what people say :)
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Eh, I guess it can. I'll never use it if it does, because it'd be cheaper to use my 4 alts as emergency storage instead. I just think that if it has both a tax and a high price it's not worth it for players to get anything behind their /bp. /bp can store weapons, some value blocks, and lore items if a player goes full inactive... just not as much.

But yes, a small upkeep would be nice. I mean, I'm sure a few faction chunks are used solely for vaults, so why not charge 1r a day for an account? I would say increase it based on space, but that just seems stupid to have one storage chest cost more than what 10 chunks can do already.

But yes, a small upkeep would be nice. I mean, I'm sure a few faction chunks are used solely for vaults, so why not charge 1r a day for an account? I would say increase it based on space, but that just seems stupid to have one storage chest cost more than what 10 chunks can do already.
It doesnt necessarily need to.. raise based on the amount of space. But im saying like. 250r a month. Thats 2 days of voting with the current voting.

In my opinion the banks wouldnt be nearly as valuable without an upkeep.
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Just throwing this in:
I once played a game where you had to pay every time 1r for each item slot you had in the bank when you accessed it, regardless if you just had a look into it or took something out or put something in (well what was equivalent to 1r). The space was unlimited and with this approach we would pay more for our beloved lore items, whereas stacks of quartz for example are cheaper too keep (Example: 5 lore items would be 5r each time you look at them, whereas 3 stacks of quartzblocks would just be 3r)

With this approach you also make sure that people who store more, pay more - each time. And it was in their hands WHEN they paid it (when they decided to access the bank).
The downside was, that if you didn't have any money, you couldn't access your items either. But at least they were safe (they still are to be honest - after more than 10 years - heck I'm old..)

Edit: In that game you also had to go to a certain area and speak to someone to open up your bank. Just an idea again: How about to make an NPC we need to talk to, to access this bank interface instead of a box?
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