Archived Azure Order

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Jan 20, 2014
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The Azure Order has been a major part of any Regalian roleplay that includes magic or even law in it. The Azure Order also has been lead on to believe that one day it might be a playable charter.
upload_2016-8-19_20-24-47.png From the Wiki
The idea that the Azure order would be implemented into regalia as a playable charter to me sounds like a great, fun, and expanding idea. So I've just created this little page to remind us all that this is something out there. Im not sure myself how much work it would have to take to set this up as a playable charter, maybe an application page or writing on a few lore progressions? Seeing as every thread i looked at said 'The tech department is currently busy with this, or this'. I think this is a great idea that wouldn't effect the Tech department. I myself don't see any plugins or mods would need to be worked on to add this.

Now write what you guys or gals think below because this is not a petition, JUST, an idea that im bringing up.
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I've always viewed the Azure Order on the same playing field as the Black Order, an unplayable Order used to show their mysterious nature.

The Azure Order to me are like the Big Brother of magic in Regalia. Nothing gets by them for long. I don't see the need to have them become an actual group, for a few reasons.

The first is that it would give insane powergaming perms to all members. Since mages can't escape the Azure's once spotted, they basically are screwed. There would always be backup, and it would not be fun for the Shunner or mage involved.

Secondly, unless the order was played exclusively by Lore Staff, there would always be a risk of having the Order be "dumbed down." By that I mean that it only takes one mistake to destroy the powerful aura of the Azure Order. While I have faith in the fellow RPers to not do this, the powergaming perm as mentioned above makes this all too possible.

Thirdly, not having them played makes them seem that much more powerful. Think about it. there are no NPC Azures ever, and we only had a glimpse of their uniform in the museum. The mysterious aura surrounding them gives them their power in stories. You never hear somebody say "Damn Azure" because more than likely that person would be dead within the night. If they were played, we lose that scare factor. They just get treated like any other charter, which wouldn't be good. Ideally every charter should be publicly praised in the military rich Regalian city, though we all know a day in the tavern isn't complete without some guy saying the system is corrupt.

In short, I think leaving the Azure Order as a non-playable Order creates the vibe of constant watching and distance that makes them what they are today. Nobody knows much about them, so talking to one off duty as a regular character RP'd by someone (if that even can be a thing) destroys the notion of distance from the people they watch.

I like to fantasize about people RPing as them, but in the end, I'd rather dream about it than have it be a reality. Kind of like over-hyping a game to be given something subpar. That's how I see it. I guess time will tell.

Good thread. Loved discussing this.
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