Shelved Character Aylin Di Epostella || The Shifter

This character has been shelved and is no longer played.
@Caelamus hello! redid all of Aylins points to fit in with the new magic and her current concept.
Approved, but you may need to retcon having been turned Cahal at some point due to the lines in particular;
"Spell Point Buy only allows a person to stick to either Void or Exist, which is important in some cases, for example a Vampire, as Vampires can only have Void Magic as a Void Affliction."
"It is not possible to change Void or Exist alignment of Spells later, so it is important to make this decision before Point Buying Spells."

Them being a born void mage might be a retcon of that arc to an extent, so bare that in mind going forward.
@Caelamus hello! with the merging of the Minoor sub-race into Teledden, Aylin's been changed back into a Fin'ullen once more as it's more fitting to her character. Points have also been updated to reflect the changes to engineering into Artificer as well.
@Caelamus nothing major, just swapped out a point buy pack. Alteration is now Thanhicism.
@Caelamus Apologies, with the recent prof changes there's been some edits to Aylin's own proficiencies, including the new addition of a Theurgy Pack as well.
Bump. Requesting re-review, changes made to proficiency points to reflect IC training.
@trent_rouls Retconning Aylin's dominant parentage back to Teledden for to keep prior consistencies in roleplay, and because it turns out there was little reason to swapping and changing it all in the first place.
@trent_rouls haha,,, me again,, I have reworked Aylin's entire app and retconned her race in regard to recent changes to Solvaan. For the last time.