Shelved Character Aylin Di Epostella || The Shifter

This character has been shelved and is no longer played.
Requesting re-review following sorcery update. Entirely changed around most of her proficiency points, and edited her physical stat to align with this.
Remember to set your application to Needs Reviewer when you need a reviewer @Nirnro0t No one is going to notice it otherwise.
@Nirnro0t After reading over your application, everything seems to be in order. Approved.

Please however, add in your body stat calculations to your body stat number for the future.
@Follower Tagging for re-review regarding proficiency rework. Added some small bits to her backstory to reflect her addition of schooling as well.
@Follower im so sorry

Fen'nan has switched sub-race from Solvaan to the newly added Minoor. I found it fit her a bit more so then Solvaan did. Small edits to her backstory to reflect this, as well as a few minor tweaks to proficiency to accommodate new Racials.
Not me updating Fen'nans sheet at an ungodly hour.

I've decided to return Fen'nan to her original roots and fighting style, as the current did not fit the character or my play-style. Her proficiencies have been redone, and her body stat changed to reflect this.
@Follower pepehands
I've added in Milôt Vampirism to her sheet, as well as a description of her vampire form following her recent conversion.
@Follower Minor change. Vampirism abilities/kit changed with IC conversion into Rohkaal Vampire.
Fen'nan has been converted into a Manathar.
Her proficiencies have been also mildly shifted around in addition.
Hello, I'll be claiming this application for re-review, expect one shortly.
Basic Information
  • This is fine.
Skill Information
  • This is fine.
Visual Information
  • This is fine.
  • This is fine.
Life Story
  • This is fine.
Approved. @Nirnro0t
Fengineer Gaming

@Acosmism hello! Requesting re-review, as Fen'nan has ICly been reverted back into a Minoor. I edited her Race to reflect such and tweaked some of her proficiency points.
@Acosmism Hello! Requesting re-review. Aylin's/Fen's sheet has been reworked from the ground up to fit the new template. Her points have also shifted around with the new release of Caster Ranged Combat.
Note (to self mostly): putting this into re-review due to a ticket.
@Acosmism Aylin has been tweaked around a bit! Mostly her prof points have been altered, as well as bits of her core concept and appearance. I've left some points open for opportunities for her to learn things ICly as well.
@Acosmism Hello! Requesting re-review as Aylin's been changed back into a Manathar via off-screen ritual, as I think that's the way to do it. Proficiency points have been tweaked, including progression talent.
Last edited:
@Acosmism hello! Changed some of Aylin's proficiencies around to be more thematic with her style.
With the recent changes in magic and abilities, I've swapped around several proficiencies and packs and have retconned her Cahal form into something more representative of her being.
@Caelamus Hello! Added Vampire points and Vampire form to Aylin's sheet with her IC turning.