Shelved Character Aylin Di Epostella || The Shifter

This character has been shelved and is no longer played.


Always smirking
Jun 3, 2019
Reaction score




★ ────────────────────〔〕──────────────────── ★​


"Bye-bye, baby blue, I wish you

could see the wicked truth, caught
up in a rush, it's killing you."



★ ────────────────────〔〕──────────────────── ★​

Full Name || Aylin Taalvei Solaveirä-Nathamlanne di Epostella
⇴ {Alias(s): Fen'nan, Reine}
⇴ {Real Name: Aveline… ?????}
Age || 21
⇴ {Birthday: April 5th, 290 A.C.}
⇴ {Zodiac Sign: Aries}
Gender || Female
Race || Altalar || Highborn Solvaan Dominant
Sexuality || Bisexual
Eye Color || Azure blue

Religious Concept || Once a learning, aspiring Estellon worshiper, then briefly manipulated by her rage to Dragon Worship, Aylin no longer holds herself to any faith, left with a resentment for both religions.
Personality Concept || A shapeshifting mage, forever morphed by a series of traumas and devastating betrayals, Aylin's once vibrant, impish self has been replaced with someone haunted, bitter and guarded. Plagued by memories and festering with rage, she is consumed by one maddening thought alone: Revenge.


★ ────────────────────〔〕──────────────────── ★


"Now I am the violence,
I am the sickness
Won't accept your silence
Beg me for forgiveness"


★ ────────────────────〔〕──────────────────── ★​

Total Points || 14 Proficiency Points
Strength: 0
Constitution: 2

⇴ {Debuff Endurance Pack}
⇴ {Rage Counter Pack}
Wisdom: 5
⇴ {Enchant Shift}
⇴ {Enchant Protect}
⇴ {Enchant Revenge}
⇴ {Enchant Mimic}
⇴ {Exorcism}
Dexterity: 0
Arcane: 7

⇴ {Sinistral Puppet}
⇴ {Radiant Relocate}
⇴ {Sinistral Break}
⇴ {Sinistral Leap}
⇴ {Sinistral Rage}
⇴ {Sinistral Implode}
⇴ {Sinistral Execute}
Charisma: 0


Languages |

⇴ {Common}
⇴ {d'Ithanie}
⇴ {Lëtz}
⇴ {Altalar}
⇴ {Allorn}
⇴ {Agasi}
⇴ {Sulvaley}
⇴ {Sinnayed}
⇴ {Saan}
⇴ {Katharic}
⇴ {Ibeth}
⇴ {Vasar}






★ ────────────────────〔〕──────────────────── ★​


"Call a doctor

I think I created a monster
She's got a psycho inside her
But I think that I kinda like her
That's the story of my murder"


★ ────────────────────〔〕──────────────────── ★
Abnormalities | A sky-blue tattoo that resembles demonic script wraps all the way around her neck, the center on the front of her throat, a sword facing down with lightning on either side of the
cross-guard. Often apart of her usual shift, from the elbow down her skin blackens, with white flecks shifting and faintly glowing within, like an eternal night sky. Following this, her fingers lengthen and sport wicked claws upon each digit.
General Appearance | Standing to 6'1", Aylin sports a sinewy, lithe figure and pastel blue skin, with faint lean muscle upon her arms. The Shifter's features appear soft, with smaller lips and dimples, offset with intense, wide prying eyes and sharp teeth that change in variety depending on which she is shifted to. Long, wavy blue tendrils of hair are typically worn loose or braided.

★ ────────────────────〔〕──────────────────── ★


"I feel so fucking numb
It hits my head and I feel numb
My body's looking wrong
My body's looking wrong
My body's looking wrong.


★ ────────────────────〔〕──────────────────── ★​


The Fire In My Blood | Bastard-born origins unbeknownst, Aylin never knew her creators till arrival in Regalia, instead her first memories begin in Havenreach, Ithania. Raised up by her proclaimed older sister, a Solvaan named Monique, the two grew within the ignored, darkest crevices of the grandiose city, first as beggars before they resorted to thievery to make ends meet. Life carried on as such until she turned nine. Finding herself alone after believing Monique to be deceased, she survives off whatever income her petty crimes garner, as well as her only joy, her street performances.

Is Both A Blessing And A Curse | Like a butterfly to a spider's web, only months following Monique's demise, Aylin is swooped from the streets by a wealthy Teledden named Vessalai, who lures her with both promises to fulfill her ambitions and threats of jail for her crimes. Thrust into a world of wealth, the Solvaan finds that not all that glitters is gold as she grows under his care, quickly harnessed into little more than a weapon under Vessalai's whim, and so by the time she reaches her later teens, her hands are soaked with blood.

For I Will Always Need | When loyalty wavers, the end result to the family is catastrophic, resulting in the death of Aylin's partner, Vessalai's young son, and Vessalai himself. Fleeing Havenreach, Aylin changes her name and travels Aloria aimlessly for several months before arriving to Regalia at the age of eighteen, drawn by swirling rumors of a city rich with mysteries and opportunity.

Something To Burn | Quickly making a name for herself as a criminal due to her own extreme political ideologies, joyous moments in her time in Regalia are overshadowed by great grievances as Aylin finds herself in conflict with various foes, engaging in several wars, and living through some of the darkest moments in Regalia's history. In her few years within Regalia, the Solvaan has burned quickly, leaving a lost, angry soul still searching for her place.
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Hey there. Not staff, but thought I'd give you a quick peer review.

You might want to put what subrace of Altalar you are in here! I would assume Maritime, considering your hair colour.

Skill Information (Required)
Total Points:
  • + 10 Historical Knowledge (from Racial Boost points)
  • + 20 Light Bow Combat Skill (from Points)
  • + 2 Throwing Combat Skill (from Points)
  • + 5 Fast Blade Combat Skill (from Points)
  • + 10 Rogue Training (from Points)
  • + 10 Musical Arts (from Points)
  • + 10 Underworld Knowledge (from Points)
  • + 3 Athletic Training (from Points)

You've only spent 60 points here. As an Altalar, you are allowed to spend up to 70 thanks to your age. You also forgot to add your +10 to any stat you get as an Altalar also.

It would help the staff reviewer a lot of you added the calculation of your physical stat in here, so that it's easier to follow :D

Other than that, everything looks great. I'd recommend putting all the option information (such as likes, dislikes and relationships) into a spoiler tab, just to clean the app up a bit. Hope you get approved soon, and can't wait to see the character running around!
It would help the staff reviewer a lot of you added the calculation of your physical stat in here, so that it's easier to follow :D

Other than that, everything looks great. I'd recommend putting all the option information (such as likes, dislikes and relationships) into a spoiler tab, just to clean the app up a bit. Hope you get approved soon, and can't wait to see the character running around!

Hey! Thanks for the help! :). I had a feeling I'd mess up on the Stats, I'll make the edits accordingly :)
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Here is my review:

  • Skill Information
    • Generally, Altalar pick only a few skills and hone them to levels that exceed the norm. What you've done is pick around 8 skills and have them at a barely mediocre level. I'd highly recommend narrowing it down some and investing more points rather than having a jack-of-all trade characters. Altalar are generally masters of their craft, able to spend decades perfecting their talents.
  • Personality and Abilities
    • Rather than "slight adoration", if you want Fen'nan to have access to her Ring of Talea, she should be more devout. Only those who are truly faithful are eligible to meditate at the Mirror Pools of Talea.
  • Life Story
    • Again, here you mention that she's raised away from Altalar and knows nothing and cares very little about her culture. How then would she be religious enough to receive her ring? The period of time to take the pilgrimage to the Mirror Pools is small, how would she have learned of it? Either rewrite her to be more religious or remove mentions of the ring. As it stands, she's not nearly Altalar enough in her ways to be eligible for the Pantheon's blessing.
Make these changes and I'll mark you as approved.
Here is my review:

  • Skill Information
    • Generally, Altalar pick only a few skills and hone them to levels that exceed the norm. What you've done is pick around 8 skills and have them at a barely mediocre level. I'd highly recommend narrowing it down some and investing more points rather than having a jack-of-all trade characters. Altalar are generally masters of their craft, able to spend decades perfecting their talents.
  • Personality and Abilities
    • Rather than "slight adoration", if you want Fen'nan to have access to her Ring of Talea, she should be more devout. Only those who are truly faithful are eligible to meditate at the Mirror Pools of Talea.
  • Life Story
    • Again, here you mention that she's raised away from Altalar and knows nothing and cares very little about her culture. How then would she be religious enough to receive her ring? The period of time to take the pilgrimage to the Mirror Pools is small, how would she have learned of it? Either rewrite her to be more religious or remove mentions of the ring. As it stands, she's not nearly Altalar enough in her ways to be eligible for the Pantheon's blessing.
Make these changes and I'll mark you as approved.
Hey! Thanks for taking your time to review my application! :). I edited her to have less skills and put more points towards what I wanted her focused in, along with making her more devoted as well, and made all changes to her app in this color :)
• I have made changes in red to the following to update her character sheet:

• Added Vampiric Mutations to follow with her being turned.
• Removed her Ring of Talea from the sheet.
• Added more to her Life Story just to update with major recent events.
Bump. Updated profs, all changes still made in purple. Needs re-review.
Made changes to Proficiency Points and added in Sorcery spells— requesting re-review. :)

My Review:

Skill Information
  • Body Stat: You only have 15 combat points, which is fast blades. Please adjust the stat equation.

My Review:

Skill Information
  • Body Stat: You only have 15 combat points, which is fast blades. Please adjust the stat equation.

Thanks for reviewing Fen! Forgot to change Physical stats rip. I have now edited points and switched out darkness sorcery for elemental. Changes made in blue.

Adjusted and switched out Burglary points for Light Bow! Changes in blue.

Requesting a re-review to fit in with the latest proficiencies updates and to update it to more recent things!

Minor changes have been made in purple.


I made some small changes to proficiency and her sorcery in purple lmfao
And I need that approved tag back ehehh...
I made some changes in orange;
  • Fleshed out the backstory a bit more.
  • Edited personality bits to reflect current goals and feelings and become more up to date.
  • Edited her proficiency points a bit to better line up with her backstory.
Small update.
  • Updated application with mutations and current appearance with recent IC changes.
  • Also updated proficiency points to better reflect current combat style and focus.
Hello! Looking for re-review.
Werebeast mutations have been added!
Changes in blue.

hello maam!

Requesting re-review, complete change in character sheet with IC changes, as the character is now a Kathar.
Everything but backstory has been altered.
Small change that I believe requests a re-review

After resuming activity on Fen again, I realized the Sire of Rage does not befit both personality and her long believed goals and changed it to Sire of Secrets to fit with her character.
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Approved but from Sire of Secrets is now locked in and unable to be changed from this starting point.

Character was cleansed and returned to Altalar. Furthermore, proficiencies were updated to hopefully line up with proficiency update.
She was also aged down, as I felt her behavior did not reflect her age.
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Hello maam
Fen's profs were a little messy so I've redone them entirely.

Void Ocular has also been added as a mutation. Heheh.
@Katiesc Added vampirism and it's mutations in red.

Edit: Disregard this lol. She got cured.
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