Preserved Sheet Augustin Villeneuve Reinard

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Updated, but only a 9 point difference so I do not believe it necessitates a re-review.
seems like kind of a nerd ngl
(also your tags include "heartland ceardrian")
  • Longevity - "Norean Ailor live exceptionally much longer than other Ailor, up to 300 years. They exit puberty at the same time as other Ailor, but beyond that, their aging slows down to a proportional speed of their age. For example, if they are 90 years old in real years, they will look like any other Ailor who is only 30."
  • Preferential Scholars - "The Norean can only assign Proficiency points to no more than one Combat Proficiency Category. While Noreans are not incapable of being warriors, fighting just does not run in their blood or their heritage, so to stay focused on more than single combat discipline is impossible for them."