TW: Epilepsy!!!

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"Life is a Dancing mind, a loving heart, a caring soul, and wandering thoughts"

〘 Theme 〙

Athm is first and foremost a social worker. Whether it be assisting a local family with financial difficulties, consoling a distressed soldier, or talking down a panicked attacker it is their purpose to help others. On one hand you may see them engage in idle chatter with almost anyone, on the other hand you may see them assist or interfere with an intense or violent situation. While mostly a force for good, and someone who is generally content, Athm is an emotional individual with an constantly shifting personality, which can make their behavior unpredictable and varied.
◎ Personality - )
To describe Athm in a few words would be to say "A being with too much Empathy". They love to help others and to make people happy because they feed off of others positive energy, And because it makes them feel rejuvenated. They also find treating others in a negative and mean way "Illogical" as they are unable to comprehend hurting innocents. Whenever someone they view as "Evil" does something bad to someone they view as "Good" or "Innocent", they become emotionally unstable.
◎ Religion - )
Athm's relationship with religion is quite complicated to say the least. They have mixed feelings about the many gods and religions of Aloria, seeing some gods as paragons of good who take care of their followers to perfectionists who demand all grovel beneath them. They have seen the religious aid the poor and heal the sick, but they have also seen them slaughter passer-byes and go on bouts of zealous rage. Athm however is not non-religious, as they are a follower of the Great Calm faction of Draconism, a religion that reflects them greatly. Athm is also an Syncretized Nilthist dedicated to stopping the evils of the blind one, both to protect their home and the ones they care about.
◎ Culture - )
Athm was dreamed into existence by the Draconism god Daiana and given to an Anglian farmer couple of a Kissut Eronidas and Sentli Maquixtl. Athm has grown up with a kissut's love for community and a sentli's love for freedom. They grew up with all their wants and needs met while still being instilled with a respect for others and hard work, giving them a rich and positive culture.
◎ Politics - )
Athm is a staunch collectivist. As is with their "Treat others well" attitude, They have no preconceived hatred or biases towards anything affliction or occult, and is completely fine with them as long as they aren't doing something evil. They also believe that the populous should have more of a say in day to day life, as they despise oppression.
◎ Affinities - )
Athm is an archon of the Aegis Prefect lineage, born as one as decided by their birth mother Daiana's dreams. Athm uses their affinity to assist themselves with their duties to help uphold the values of the Great Calm, as is their purpose as a dreamborn. As a dragon champion of the draconist faith, Athm also uses their archon powers to serve the will of the Great Calm faction of draconism, serving their mother specifically.



Strength: 0
Constitution: 6
❁ | Tank Rally ❁ | Tank Sanctuary
❁ | Tank Stance (Free)
❁ | Shield Impact (Free)
❁ | Shield Rumble
❁ | Shield Cover
❁ | Shield Snare
❁ | Thick Hide
Intelligence: 2
❁ | Safeguard❁ | Tech Exhaust
❁ | Tech Ghost (Free)
❁ | Leytech Branch
Wisdom: 0
❁ | No AbilitiesDexterity: 0
❁ | No AbilitiesFaith: 0
❁ | No AbilitiesMagic: 7
❁ | Arcane Warp❁ | Arcane Revive
❁ | Arcane Barrier (Ley)
❁ | Arcane Cleanse (Ley)
❁ | Protocol Coding (Free)
❁ | Protocol Detect (Free)
❁ | Monster Invocation
❁ | Protocol Rewind
❁ | Protocol Eject
❁ | Anima Magic
❁ | Eternum Magic
❁ | Anglian ❁ | Vasar
❁ | Nātl
❁ | Common
Schools of Magic:
❁ | School of Moxy❁ | School of Halting
❁ | School of Gravity
❁ | School of Elements

○◦━◦○◦━◦○◦━◦○◦━◦○◦━◦○◦━◦○◦━◦○◦━◦○◦━◦○◦━◦○◦━◦○◦━◦○◦━◦○◦━◦○ ███████████████████████████████████████████████

Daiana Godborn:
❁ | "You can Transform into a more Dragon-like appearance, with a body partially or wholly covered in scales, a Dragon-like head, a spiked tail, clawed feet and hands, and optionally non-flight wings. This Transformation counts as a Disguise but reverts when you reach 0 HP if used in Combat. You are also held in higher regard by Dragon Site Soulcores and Machines."
❁ | "You can sense the emotional states of others, even when they are trying to hide it with their expression or body language. This will not detail why or how they came to such an emotion, you will just be able to feel it by looking at them. You can also try to telepathically heighten or lessen these emotions, though it is up to the other person whether this succeeds."
❁ | "You can hear stories or histories from the elements, for example feeling battles that were witnessed by mountains, suffering felt by burnt forests, or cries for help carried by the wind. This cannot be used to metagame the actions of other Players, but can give you unique story insights in storied locations at the behest of an Event Dm, or Progression, or your own Lore Story writing."
Heritage Traits:
❁ | "Eronidas can perform great feats of strength out of Combat (carry multiple people, throw boulders etc.). They also gain +5 in out of Combat dice roll Strength competitions."
❁ | "Maquixtl can (with OOC consent) read emotions from other Characters, and suppress their own from being read."
❁ | "Eronidas are barely affected by Alcohol that gets other people drunk, needing insanely high proof, and always being able to keep their drinks down."
❁ | "Eronidas have hardy physical digestive systems, capable of eating raw and spoiled foods and drinks without any issues or risk of illness."
❁ | "Eronidas have two independently beating hearts, meaning that even if one heart were to stop (damage/heart attack), the other would keep them alive."
❁ | Winged Flight: You can use Wings (of any Fae/Draconic/Mechanical design), while while out of Combat, allows Elytra flight, including the use of Rockets to gain more height and speed. Combat or Ability usage immediately disables flight and prevents flight until end of Combat.
❁ | Leytech Conduit: You may choose up to 2 Packs from Magic Point Buy, or Invoke Point Buy, that you've Point Bought and re-classify them as Ley Point Buy Packs. These Mechanics/Abilities will not be classified as Magic, or make you Magical, instead, they will be fueled by the Elderlaw.
❁ | Long Living: You live much longer than the average life span of your heritage. You can live up to three times as long, and you can visually stop aging at a chosen age (must be at least 21). Additionally, you are immune to non-magical diseases and Afflictions.

❁ | An Old Staff | A Gentle Support
➫ An ancient staff, clade in the color black and decorated with an array of draconic markings and letters, it was one the many trinkets Athm picked up wandering the fields of their home. It makes a good walking stick.
❁ | A Scrap Necklace | A Memento 
➫ A small but memorable necklace fashioned from leftover scrap from the fields of Anglia, it stands not only as a signifier of their leap into creation, but also a reminder of where they came from. It is an item that Athm holds dear.
❁ | A Worn Satchel | Trinkets & More 
➫ A worn down leather satchel holding various knickknacks, scraps of metal and a small amount of regals.

❁ | Berry | Mechanical Friend
Berry is a small mechanical bird akin to a small parakeet created by Athm in their lonesome to help bypass the isolation they experienced during the civil war.

Bollo is a small 8cm golem created by Athm to help them with mundane tasks and to remind them of things they need to do. Bollo is a joyful and helpful addition to Athm's life.
Art by bluespices97 on DeviantArt

❁ | Haell | Link Here



◎ Demeanor: - )
➫ Athm has a very uplifting and cheery demeanor. They often appear excited and bouncy, finding it hard to stay still. They often appear energetic and confidant, with a healthy posture. They appear oddly approachable and welcoming despite their imposing appearance, as they make up for it in more ways than one.
◎ Body Structure - )
➫ Athm stands at an height of 214cm or 7ft due to their Neflin & Eronidas heritage combined with the fact that they are somewhat dragon-like due to their godborn status. Their body appears well defined, well kept and clean. While they may take on a more orcish height, they have distinctly nelfin ears, as well as a standard humanoid face. They are have features standard of dreamborn such horns, scales and a tail all colored gray as their birthmother Daiana is a grey dragon.
◎ Body Features:
When in avarr form, their non dragon-like features are replaced with those of the previously mentioned transformation and they grow in size. Their eye color appears to be a faintly glowing gray pupil, with each iris having central heterochromia colored gray and purple. When in monster transformation, they appear as an elemental creature made up of blue crystals, ice, blue flames and wind or a golem made of stone and other earth materials.
◎ Clothing: - )
➫ Athm does not wear that much clothing as being a dragonkin can make that difficult. They wear an array of body jewelry on their torso and wear a grey and yellow Greek styled skirt on their legs. They also wear plain grey shorts and do not wear shoes. When armored, Athm appears covered in large and heavy plate armor made of elemental materials.
◎ Tattoos: - )
➫ Athm appears very decorated in the art of tattoos. Their back is covered in a plethora of messages and sayings written in dragonspeech. A small barely perceivable sun marks the innings of their right hand, with ring markings on their fingers. A noticeable gear tattoo is also on their left ankle. When in Avarr form, all visage of their tattoos are covered by feathers.

Thanks for Reading!




Sorry for the long page ;-;
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