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Played Character Ash Helision

This character is actively played.


InkyTheMoth MC - Triangle
Apr 7, 2014
Reaction score
Character Information
Full Name: Ash Helision
Heritage / Culture: Narim Race , Non-Narim Culture
Age: 19
Gender / Pronouns: She
Religion: Worshiper of Jecabee (Unionist)
Occult: Direct communication with the spirit of Iscy Siae and occassionally other members of the Siae family. Some of her magical abililties can loosely channel some of these members and she can specifically imbued certain objects with the powers of the Siae. Void mage (No longer in contact with Iscy)
Character Occupation: Faction leader of Sky Shouters
Appearance Information: She is a moth Narim who is covered in a very soft fur
Eye Color: Brown
Skin Color: Greyish with brown undertone
Hair: Has very soft greyish brown fur all over body
Height: 5ft
Body Type: Small, weak, and fragile but quick and nimble
Additional Features: Wings have been removed
Skill Information: Inate void magical ability with deep connections with the natrual world
Hobbies and Talents: Shouting at the sky, building structures, managing her faction, inate magical ability

Narim - can attempt to sense a discordant note from a deep gestalt consciousness with the living, when they focus on an Event/DM Character, to learn if they have dark/evil/immoral intentions.

Narim - can revert to a larval stage (not child-like, but grub-like) shedding their body, for 3 days. They can then change their arthropod species, and recover any lost limbs or remove scarring.

Languages: Common
Backstory/Plothooks: The first thing she ever remembers is coming into the city on a boat, she had pretty bad brain damage and it took a long time for her to get her bearings even in the city, during one of her more manic episodes she wandered out into the forest and got lost, there she met a good few new people, one person she still thinks is god of the earth, another which she used to think was god of the stars. She formed a faction in the middle of the woods, people gathered around her knowing her as a pacifist and someone who seemed to be in tune with nature. Over time visions she always would have would grow stronger and more frequent until a time when she was contacted through these visions by someone who called himself "Iscy" who would directly speak to her. Iscy prompted her to build an altar but gave her no instruction, so she did so producing an altar made of wood. At first she stood upon it and called upon Iscy to give her power, Iscy gave no answer. She eventually grew frustrated and took it into her own hands, yelling out incantations that came to her head, she yelled out for Jecabee to let her have power as she rubbed her hands on the wood, drawing blood through splinters. When she did this it started to rain and the blood soaked into the wood and Ash feels different now, Iscy is speaking to her again.

Update - Iscy was an unbound spirit who was cast out of Ash

Combat Proficiencies and Abilities
Attack Stat: Magic 7
Defense Stat: Magic 4
[14/14 points spent]
Proficiency Points:
Strength: 0
Constitution: 0
Rebound - Narim Free Point
Intelligence: 0
Wisdom: 0
Dexterity: 3
Sharp Reflexes Pack - Magical
Fleet Footed Pack - Magical
Escape Artist Pack - Magical
Faith: 0
Unseen Prayer - Narim Free Point
Magic: 11
Bolts Pack
Distort Pack
Curse Pack
Cleanse Pack
Bolster Pack
Warp Pack
Disengage Pack
Revive Pack
Shapeshift Pack
Mindcontrol Pack
Mimicry Pack


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Am realizing Hex Doom is just magic hex for thaumaturgy so might find another point to put somewhere - Edit made, removed 1 faith and added magic disengage pack as well as increasing defense for magic
Edit made removed Trip Pack and replaced with Mimicry Pack magic variant
Edit made, removed close save pack and replaced it with fleet footed pack magical variant
Edit made, replaced both images with one image as the altar doesn't really have blood on it as often as I would expect