Preserved Sheet Arwen Tordove

This sheet was missing a prefix or has not been edited for a long period of time. Please create a ticket including a linkif your sheet was moved in error.
  • You have 10 points free. If this is intentional, mark that down. If it's not, feel free to invest them.
  • Remove the extra description on abilities, simplify them into just the names. You can keep this on the mutations if you choose.
  • Modern Kathar is not a language. Did you mean Modern Altalar or Kathar Altalar?
  • You have 10 points free. If this is intentional, mark that down. If it's not, feel free to invest them.
  • Remove the extra description on abilities, simplify them into just the names. You can keep this on the mutations if you choose.
  • Modern Kathar is not a language. Did you mean Modern Altalar or Kathar Altalar?
  • Marked as unused
  • Removed extra descriptions
  • Switched that to Kathar Altalar
Last edited:
@fantuinn After actually getting into RP, I spent 9 of those 10 points and switched out a spell!
  • Invested 9 points into Roguery, one unspent because then all of the numbers will be uneven or not end in 5's.
  • Switched Elemental-something out for Magic Bolt I (LOOK MAN IT LOOKS SO COOL).
No need to tag, but following changes for record:

Proficiency Changes
  • Removed 5 points from Fist Combat.
  • Added 5 points to Musical Art Category.
  • Added 1 point to Sailing Art.
Added to backstory to explain the above changes.
@fantuinn Redid the entire proficiency list per conversation about figuring out Arwen's niche, biggest changes are:
  • Added 2 new Rogue packs, removed an ability and switched a couple around.
    • Note: Added 3 to Burglary Pack as a point reservation for when the rework is released.
  • Added a sorcery spell and switched many around to fit a more criminal niche.
  • Moved around other points, removed a couple.
    • Did update the Body Stat to reflect.
  • Removed all mentions of her/she. Retconned Arwen's biological gender is now male.