Archived Armor Weight

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Scottish Egg
May 11, 2013
Reaction score
Anor Londo / Scotland
*Wears Leather armour, runs fast*
*Wears GOLD armour... still runs fast?*

I would love to see a server that done something different than this!
I want to have fights where you don't just stick on your Dia god armour and sprint faster than the horses that roam the land.

What I'm thinking is perhaps a constant, but very slight, slowness on all heavy armour, or/and a slight speed up on lighter armours. If you get what I mean.

I'm not going to go too much in-depth to this idea right now because I can't be bothered in all honest, but I've been meaning to put a suggestion like this out for a while, and just thought I'd quickly throw it out there and take some negative ratings and hateful comments from people saying I should've kept my opinions to my self... I mean, they'd be right but it still hurts you know? ;-;

For the love of god, if you're going to be a drone and leave a "Disagree", at least tell me why you're disagreeing.
I've got nothing against opinions, I'd just prefer if you Actually Stated it. Instead of just clicking a button and running away. It's like saying "I don't like this, but instead of putting forward constructive criticism, I'll just say it's bad, and nothing more."

+No offense to anyone intended
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I really don't see why this should be implemented, because if you wanted to kill someone all you have to do is stick on leather armor, run to the guy, stick on your diamond stuff and kill him
This has been requested before, I'm pretty sure it was denied, it is an alright idea but extremely hinders what people are used to in PvP.
I really don't see why this should be implemented, because if you wanted to kill someone all you have to do is stick on leather armor, run to the guy, stick on your diamond stuff and kill him

Yes, but what if he is wearing Dia? He'll be a lot slower, but a lot tankier. You'd have to be careful in your approach.
Not only that, but if he's also in leather, he might be able to out run you, or perhaps try charge you down before you can him?

Implementing something like this allows for people to play assassin style roles, running in and doing damage then retreating, all whilst trying to avoid getting hit, as a hit in such armour would be next to devastating.

I see what you're saying though, and I do sort of agree yes, if something like this was implemented we'd have to iron out the concept a bit more. Make it so that there'd be benefits to both light and heavy, (Maybe even wearing a mix (Diamond chest plate, Leather legs, head and boots.) would balance the "weight" out) but no single armour type would have a massive advantage over the other.
[Massive Pun Intended]
I have another idea for this. What if heavy armor made noise when your walk? Maybe some random sand placing sound effects to mimic shuffling.

That is brilliant!
Sneaking around in black dyed leather would make no noise, as if you were a ninja, but wearing big heavy armour would rattle and give away your position.

Maybe shifting would lower the noise you made further?
Implementing something like this allows for people to play assassin style roles, running in and doing damage then retreating, all whilst trying to avoid getting hit, as a hit in such armour would be next to devastating.

Traits plugin, Courier trait allows for 15% more run speed.
Traits plugin, Courier trait allows for 15% more run speed.

Oh, I was unaware of this.
Thank you.

That trait sounds extremely powerful though... Are the other traits as good? Surely if such a bonus for speed exists, there would be one for defence too?

Perhaps the traits could work in conjunction with the armour... getting the Courier trait would allow you to move very fast
if you chose to wear light armour.

Maybe... too fast.

As I said, if this was to be added we'd have to sort stuff like that out beforehand, but thank you for the information!
Oh, I was unaware of this.
Thank you.

That trait sounds extremely powerful though... Are the other traits as good? Surely if such a bonus for speed exists, there would be one for defence too?

Perhaps the traits could work in conjunction with the armour... getting the Courier trait would allow you to move very fast
if you chose to wear light armour.

Maybe... too fast.

As I said, if this was to be added we'd have to sort stuff like that out beforehand, but thank you for the information!

Most traits are powerful, though each trait costs points. You can take negative traits for more points, so it evens outs.
Traits plugin always sounded cool, but only if they use it in conjunction with the skills plugin (mcmmo). Wiping everyone's skill slate clean will cause a lot of backlash, especially from hardcore pvp'ers. I almost don't want to train anymore since it will just be undone in a few months.
Traits plugin always sounded cool, but only if they use it in conjunction with the skills plugin (mcmmo). Wiping everyone's skill slate clean will cause a lot of backlash, especially from hardcore pvp'ers. I almost don't want to train anymore since it will just be undone in a few months.

Mcmmo stays, they will never remove/reset it.
I did propose this idea months ago.
(Well a similar idea with only a slight speed reduction when wearing all "Heavy armor")
but it was generally rejected.. the main reasons to the rejection, was the disadvantage to premium players(which no longer applies since nonprems can wear diamond too) and the fact that "light armors"(Leather and chain) would get shredded by god PVPers within seconds, making them useless.(Not sure if this still applies as armor shredding was nerfed)

Armor weights may be more practical to incorporate these days than before these changes but I doubt this will be implemented as long as massive still uses MCMMO.
This is really not needed.

1. It's irrelevant in role play, you can just walk rather than the mods downloading this GIANT thing for everyone to know.

2. I just don't like idea ^^
This kind of reminds me of The Elder Scrolls and when armor ways a whole bunch, and if it is pretty annoying in those games, it will be very annoying on the server.

I'd like to say I'm completely fine with you disagreeing with the idea, but I'd at least like to know why. ^_^
A flat out "No" doesn't help anyone much :/

Because this has been suggested many times, mostly by little kids who think they're Naturo and want to fulfill their call to become a ninja or people who are too poor to afford diamonds.

This isn't a suggestion to "even things out", it is a suggestion to take what some players have worked hard for away from them. Realism is good, but if realism is just annoying I would rather go without it.

Seriously, would you go with diamond armor if it slowed you down by 50 %? I certainly wouldn't, and players would just take their armor off, run around and put it on again when they need it, and that would be more of an annoyance than a balancer. As stated before in this thread, the lightly armored players would be completely and utterly innihilated, they would serve no purpose whatsoever and the uselessness of archery isn't exactly going to help
Very valid points made.
I'm thinking 50% would be a bit harsh... I was actually thinking more towards a slight slowness, like 5-10% when wearing heavy...
And I understand what you're saying about the issue of players just running around then putting all their armour on when they got close. That'd probably be something that would have to be addressed if the idea was actually going to be put it. (Which I know it wouldn't, I just wanted to see what people would say about.)

I don't see it as a suggestion to "even things out", but instead a suggestion to make wearing any armour that's not made of diamond not completely useless...

There's no need to even the playing field between the Diamond wearing people and the... oh wait, that's pretty much the only people since no one wears anything else because it's useless.

I mean, really, if you're going to PVP, it's DIA everywhere. I'd love to see variety instead of just blue, purple glowing
archer-less armies :/
This kind of reminds me of The Elder Scrolls and when armor ways a whole bunch, and if it is pretty annoying in those games, it will be very annoying on the server.
I'm guessing you mean the items having weight? If so, that's not what I'm meaning.
I'm meaning that when you wear heavy armour you're slightly slower than if you wear light armour.
Not that the items themselves would have carry weight. [You could still have an inventory full of the armour of course. It won't weigh you down in that aspect]

( I only think that's what you mean... if it's not please let me know because if it's not I'm slightly confused :S )

I am actually meaning how when you wear heavy armor, it slows you down a lot when you sprint and everything, but light armor is more..."agile". Though it would give others advantages over people in god or diamond armor, one hit with someone with a god axe/sword is dead if they have leather or chain.
What this idea could lead to is the actual use of cavalry. If you run too slow walking, you'd want a horse to ride around on. If you look at history, heavily armoured knights didn't run into battle, they rode. And one of the strategies in a battle is to knock them off their horse, where they're vulnerable. I like this weight idea.
But other armor isn't useless, gold armor can be salvaged for valuable materials or worn for swag, leather can be dyed into uniforms, iron is almost as strong as diamond and makes a good alternative for the poor, it might not be that useful at aqua, but it surely is during a raid.
But it still largely outclasses no armor, and is useful if your faction is getting raided.

wel if ur faction is getting raided it's still useless believe me. i tried to defend my faction with aron armor and dia axe and nope i died, several times and my kill count? el i killde zero. but indeed it's better as none it will keep you 5 seconds longer alive
I have another idea for this. What if heavy armor made noise when your walk? Maybe some random sand placing sound effects to mimic shuffling.

*Really likes this idea*
*Reaches for agree button*
*His chair has Seizure and hits offensive*
*Is shocked by what he has done and literally falls out of his chair sending it flying several feet*
*Remembers he spilled Gingerale in the middle of the night and used Lysol to fix it*
*Looks at the "Lysol" bottle still in his room its actually a form of WD-40*
Great idea though! It would at least give some advantage to the poor scrubs that can't afford diamond armor too well.
In reality, armor really didn't slow down or impair the movement of the combatants, heavier armor would just tire them more. Sprinting was completely possible in full plate armor, which most folks don't realize.
If you were to implement this, a fix to taking armor off running over and putting it on when needed is, while they are armor less wipe them out with god bows
I find the feedback to this to be quite surprising, in a lot of the old posts it was actually quite popular, even when it was turned down, it was done with ways of compliments. "Yea I do really like that, its very creative and well balanced, but we are gonna have it a different way." So yea, I am legitimately surprised with all the dislikes.
In reality, armor really didn't slow down or impair the movement of the combatants, heavier armor would just tire them more. Sprinting was completely possible in full plate armor, which most folks don't realize.

then maybe make it so that if you wear hevier armor your hunger depletes a little faster?
then maybe make it so that if you wear hevier armor your hunger depletes a little faster?

I suggested that too(was also turned down...) That could work pretty well I think at least more than the original idea...
But like I said before.. as long as axes do damage to armor(or as long as we use MCMMO), this will not be accepted, as low tier armors will get destroyed in a matter of hits, making them as useless as before.
this will not be accepted, as low tier armors will get destroyed in a matter of hits, making them as useless as before.

Yes but, if it's already useless, and they already get destroyed in a matter of hits, then does that not just give more reason for them to be faster or less tired out than their heavier cousins?
I'm surprised so many people disagree with this - I thought it's a great implication, and makes sense.
Yes but, if it's already useless, and they already get destroyed in a matter of hits, then does that not just give more reason for them to be faster or less tired out than their heavier cousins?

Jack, I want this to happen, but nowadays, massive's combat is too whats the word... "configured"(I guess that will do).
and I do not think that the PVP community will just openly embrace this change.(as you can see by the poll and ratings)
Well I totally agree on this one, I never saw so fast running guy in 100kg heavy armor.
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