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Played Character Argo Dagwyn

This character is actively played.
May 26, 2015
Reaction score
  • Full Name: Argo Dagwyn, born as Arrathnertil Gobinder
  • Race: Half-Solvaan
  • Age: 71
  • Sex: Male
  • Gender: Male
  • Sexuality: Bisexual
  • Eye Color: Sky blue
Core Concept
  • A Solvaan moving on with life one step at a time, he keeps himself dedicated on helping those that he can while understanding more about his life. A occult with a lot of history in Regalia's recent years, he'll always be found in the next big thing, doing his best to keep people safe.
  • Argo is a recent member of the Estelley faith as a follower of mainly Sapphora, Mana, Aseia, Melca, and Sinnavei. While learning to be a member of the faith, he will keep his morals and ideals even if those under the faith go down paths he refuses to go.
  • Argo stands at a 6'5, maintaining a tone body built from his adventures and a healthy life style.
  • He keeps his face shaven and clean, though tends to have trouble keeping his hair under control, having a headband he wears just incase.
  • While most of his features are that of a Solvaan, his eyes are a hazy blue from his Lanlath side of his mother along with the long curly hair.
Proficiency Information
  • Strength 1
    • Diving Tackle - (Solvaan Pack)
    • Technique Parry
  • Constitution 0
  • Intelligence 0
  • Wisdom 0
  • Dexterity 0
  • Magic 7
    • Magic Warp - (Solvaan Pack)
    • Calvary Summon - (Free)
    • Magic Cleanse
    • Magic Snare
    • Magic Shove
    • Magic Safeguard
    • Magic Wardrobe
    • Monster Invocation
    • Mounted Lancer
  • Charisma 0
  • Faith 6
    • Divine Stance
    • Divine Smite
    • Divine Antimagi
    • Divine Savior
    • Divine Aura
    • Divine Rescue
Mechanic Information
  • Magical Talent
  • Alchemy Hobby
  • Technology Hobby
  • Solvaan will not be attacked by wild and non-humanoid creatures, which may prevent them drawing aggression from certain Event Creatures (discuss with Event Dm's).
  • Solvaan can use the Mist Form Transformations (found below), which does not count as a Disguise, and uses a variety of weather effects on their appearance.
  • Solvaan will not be attacked by wild and non-humanoid creatures, which may prevent them drawing aggression from certain Event Creatures (discuss with Event Dm's).
  • Lanlath cannot use God Magic. However, Lanlath can Dimension Align to Lathan Magic, which is extradimensional like Void/Exist/Ordial, and unique to the Lanlath.
  • Lanlath can see things from incredibly far away if they focus, able to spot an eagle landing a kilometer away or a coin being flipped across a town. Ask DM for Event use.
  • Common/Common Sign
  • Altalar
  • Sulvaley
  • Droque
  • Saan

Plot Hooks
  • Argo is a face seen plenty in Regalia's recent years, always one of the first to be there to help when shit hits the sails. Perhaps you're someone he's helped in the past, or heard about how trouble is always close when he's around.
  • Argo has for most of his life unknowingly in a pact with a Sinnavei spirit named Solphenia. After finding out and spending a year forming a maternal relationship, they've gone different paths. But from this, he sees spirits now in a more multifaceted light than before.
  • Argo has been learning more about his Solvaan heritage, having been adopted at a young age and born in Daen. But now that his magic isn't connected to Solphenia anymore, his more Lanlath traits begin to reveal itself.
  • Argo's a skilled true mage with an innate connection of fogs and mist from his heritage, however ice is a element he mastered in thanks for his adopted father.
  • He's a handy alchemist, able to craft a series of potent potions, as well as dabbles in some engineering.
  • He'll always consider the land of Daen his homeland, with his ties closest to the The Sentli Maquixtl and the land of Amontaar.
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Total Points: 70/70 (+10 from altalar)
  • 10 Hunting Knowledge
  • 30 Magical Knowledge
  • 3 Ancient History
  • 3 Historic Knowledge (Ancient History)
  • 3 Linguistic Knowledge
  • 3 Society Knowledge (Western Culture)
  • 15 Stave Combat Skill
  • 10 Culinary Arts (Age+Hobby)
  • 6 Athletics Training
I keep getting 73, equally you need to state your proficiency limits you've chosen as per the new application template.
In the point calculation on the wiki, it says this about athletics.

Proficiency Invested x0.5 Athletic Training, Dancing Arts, Bodycare Training
In the point calculation on the wiki, it says this about athletics.

Proficiency Invested x0.5 Athletic Training, Dancing Arts, Bodycare Training
That means bodystat. Additionally you need to clarify proficiency limits and tag me when you complete edits by doing @Caelamus
Question, since my character did grow up in Daendroc, does that mean he doesn't have to use 3 of his proficiency to learn the language?
What do you mean by clarifying proficiency limits?


Please review this page.

Question, since my character did grow up in Daendroc, does that mean he doesn't have to use 3 of his proficiency to learn the language?
@Caelamus I found out that Hunting Knowledge also counted as Physical Stat, so I fixed that and changed unarmed combat to Western Culture knowledge so it wouldn't go past the physical stat limit
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Proficiency Limits: (Solvaan Altalar) Choose 1 of any Science Proficiency to raise to 30, and 1 of any Category to raise to 25 (Magical Knowledge)
Clarify proficiency limits, you've only clarified that you rose Magical knowledge and ignored the others.
Here's my review!

Basic Information
All looks good here!
Skill Information
Please separate your proficiencies into 3 categories based on the points invested, being Core, Talent and Hobby, this helps me read over the investments!
Besides that, your point spread is fine and good to go!
Special Traits
All looks good here!
Visual Information
All looks good here!
All looks good here!
Life Story
Despite having been raised amongst Altalar communities and studying in the school of Atraves; Argo is stated to be faithless. Could you expand on this for me a little more in your life story?
Also, where did Argo learn to hunt so proficiently? Please expand on this a little more in the Life Story too.
Besides that, it looks good!

Once you make the requested edits I'll be glad to mark you as approved!
@Antimreoir I'm going to be editing my character sheet a little bit by adding the new Solvaan abilities, getting rid of my Ammu-loa's Saving, as he doesn't worship Estel, write some stuff in his character sheet about his trial, and also, I wish to remove my +3 in Arken Knowledge as with the Arken sense ability, he would just use it if he suspected that a person was related to some Arken stuff. I won't remove it yet as I feel like with something such as that, I should ask for permission first.