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Appeal To All Followers Of Duindin To Not Serve Metropolitan


Local dwarf
Aug 1, 2019
Reaction score
Following posters were found primarily in dwarven district, but also found their ways by wind or thievery to other parts of the city

My name is Wulf Eikinskjaldi Grofsmid of Ruin-Khuur

I am ordained as priest of Duindin, I have been educated in lessons of Grebor
And I appeal to all that praise Duindin to not join Metropolitan
It is a corrupt institution where one´s personal connection permit one to avoid responsibility for crime and innocent are accused of crimes
On 5th of July I was assaulted by Briareth and one Ailor, from whom I managed I escape. But when I awaited in front of wrong Greygate, after my long departure not aware which one is used, constable Ashford assaulted me, accusing me resisting, despite me staying still, not having any weapons and not knowing magic. My nose and arm were broken. During the beating Briareth and Ailor arrived upon the scene, revealing their friendship with constable.

I am more than aware that as mere commoner my word is worthless. One acquitance of mine sent letter on my behalf to commader, but I do not believe that constable Ashford will be punished

For that reason I will stay in Croockback, any dwarf wishing for spiritual guidance will have to visit me there

And I ask all who hold Duindin in your heart, do not work for Metropolitan. If you work for it, I ask you to resign. I will gather funds for any dwarf that will be in risk of poverty due to this. We can´t permit this to go unanswered
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A freckled Teledden, with sparkling and gently glowing silver eyes stared at the note she came across, a look of distaste growing on her features as she read it over.

"Does this stupid Dwarf think anyone will take this seriously after he tries to assault a young girl for being Isldar?"

She scoffed, crumpling the piece of paper before tossing it over her shoulder.
A certain Silven, Briareth, looked over one of the posters and busted out laughing, doubling over even as they treated it as the funniest thing in the world. After a moment of calming down, they wiped at their own eyes to dry out the tears, chuckling, "/Wow/, just.. haha- WOW. Can't wait for people to hear about this one.. Gods, he needs to write this better too.. giving me a headache. - Can you believe this? He attacked Nynx and another person first, now he's crying over consequences," Briareth would have brought said poster to their partner, Kayhdin/Kay'lynne, to show it to them, who I'd hope isn't too fair away when the Silven read this, "It's time for another hunt, don'tcha think?" @PeBB3L
Valenia could not help but snicker as she found a discarded copy of the message. The Isldar fought hard to suppress a growing grin as she read over the letter in the middle of the street, before merely pocketing the poster to show to her companions later.

"Wonder what the guy did to piss Briar off, pfah. I can't wait to hear the story behind this one."
A certain Silven, Briareth, looked over one of the posters and busted out laughing, doubling over even as they treated it as the funniest thing in the world. After a moment of calming down, they wiped at their own eyes to dry out the tears, chuckling, "/Wow/, just.. haha- WOW. Can't wait for people to hear about this one.. Gods, he needs to write this better too.. giving me a headache. - Can you believe this? He attacked Nynx and another person first, now he's crying over consequences," Briareth would have brought said poster to their partner, Kayhdin/Kay'lynne, to show it to them, who I'd hope isn't too fair away when the Silven read this, "It's time for another hunt, don'tcha think?" @PeBB3L

Another Silven would take the paper up gingerly between a few fingers as their golden eyes scanned the page. A small grin curled upwards, tugging at the corners of her lips as she released the paper and sent it away in a gust of wind to land in a nearby pond, water soaking into the page. "That certainly does seem deserving, indeed. And I am a bit peckish."

A Statement from the Lord Commissioner of the State Metropolitan

The Dwarven criminals mentioned in this letter have attacked innocent Isldar in the center of the street without any cause or provocation, and when they were arrested by members of the State Metropolitan, they proceeded to sling out a slew of racist remarks upon not only their Isldar victims, but also the Isldar Constable present on site, resulting in corrective action being taken.

To the followers of Duindin in the City of Regalia: If you are a member of this slanderous and lying priests fold, then you must not concern yourself with this appeal, for you will not be welcome in our ranks anyhow. Our gates are open only to self-respecting, honest and dignified members of the Dwarven community who function well in our society.

Duke Rodrigo Peirgarten of Lorhaus
Marshal of the Golden Fist of the Emperor
Lord Commissioner of the State Metropolitan
Public response to response from Wulf Eikinskjaldi Grofsmid of Ruin-Khuur

I swear on my own life that not a single finger of mine laid on Nynx, Isldar Lord Commisioner´s statement mentions, they accuse me of assaulting. Neither have I slew racist remarks upon constable. One also has to question quality of information lord commisioner is provided, as the confrontation happened in Golden willow, not in middle of street. Constables were so uncaring when they wrote their false report, that they did not even bother to get location correctly.

I thus once again reaffirm my previous statement to not join Metropolitan. But I am thankful to the response. As without it I would not have realized how far corruption goes, permitting constables to feed lord comissioner such blatant lies
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A certain Songaskia could be seen reading the back-and-forth messages. Dragging her hands down her face, an exasperated SIGH left her lips. Fareen thunks her head against the noticeboard, making a mental note to speak to Nynx later.

It's been a long day.
Response to response from Wulf Eikinskjaldi Grofsmid of Ruin-Khuur

I swear on my own life that not a single finger of mine laid on Nynx, Isldar Lord Commisioner´s statement mentions, they accuse me of assaulting. Neither have I slew racist remarks upon constable. One also has to question quality of information lord commisioner is provided, as the confrontation happened in Golden willon, not in middle of street. Constables were so uncaring when they wrote their false report, that they did not even bother to get location correctly.

I thus once again reaffirm my previous statement to not join Metropolitan. But I am thankful to the response. As without it I would not have realized how far corruption goes, permitting constables to feed lord comissioner such blatant lies

"The Lord Commander never gave the name," Laughs a Jose as he hands the drama around to his groomsmen, "What madness is happening while we're getting this wedding done!"
A freckled Teledden, with sparkling and gently glowing silver eyes stared at the note she came across, a look of distaste growing on her features as she read it over.

"Does this stupid Dwarf think anyone will take this seriously after he tries to assault a young girl for being Isldar?"

She scoffed, crumpling the piece of paper before tossing it over her shoulder.
Lightly chopped the back of her head with the side of his hand as she threw a piece of paper behind her, before picking it up.

"You shouldn't be throwing paper on the street honey."

He'd uncrumple the paper giving it a quick scan, before giving an unamused look.

"See? This is why I left the Constables in the first place, I have to put up with idiots like this, that pull weapons on innocent girls and then complain when I slap the muffins out of them because they're incapable of using those weapons effectively. Be this a lesson, the constables may have a different order to everything, but we'll still kick the snot out of those that mess with us and our civilians."

He'd finish his rant before placing the piece of paper in the rubbish, not on the street floor.
A response was sent to Wulf Eikinskjaldi Grofsmid of Ruin-Khuur directly from Briareth

And not a single finger of mine was laid on you. It seems we all wish to point the finger of who attacked who, and in the end, you will be the one who lies. You attacked Nynx Darrath and proceeded to assault another civilian within the Willow Tavern. Now, while some of us can cry out our stories and say who is right and wrong, who is corrupted and not, it will waste time. Let it be known I laid no hand on you, and if you continue to spit lies, then we can take it to the Arena. You think Crookback will keep you safe? Think again.

In the heart of Crookback, a young Silven laughs raucously as he takes a sip of his drink, flipping a knife between his fingers that didn't belong to him. Aldon read through pages of the responses back and forth, scattering them across a table like playing cards.

"How wonderful that the Lord Commissioner decided to give us a response in his own tongue. Such good honor in a man I thought to be lacking in it," the silver-eyed freedom fighter mused out to the open air for any and all to hear. In a stroke of inspiration, he placed down his drink on his papers, taking out a sketchpad and ink.

"This will make for quite the fine mural, I believe… quite a find one indeed. 'From His High Throne.'"
A response was sent to Wulf Eikinskjaldi Grofsmid of Ruin-Khuur directly from Briareth

And not a single finger of mine was laid on you. It seems we all wish to point the finger of who attacked who, and in the end, you will be the one who lies. You attacked Nynx Darrath and proceeded to assault another civilian within the Willow Tavern. Now, while some of us can cry out our stories and say who is right and wrong, who is corrupted and not, it will waste time. Let it be known I laid no hand on you, and if you continue to spit lies, then we can take it to the Arena. You think Crookback will keep you safe? Think again.

This letter would be pinned on notice board, underneat which would be his response

Assault another civilian? Do you mean the tall Ailor who picked by collar and raised me into air. Anyone with functioning brain would see that as assault, forcing me to defend myself. And while he attacked me, you walked by his side. You summoned weapon. If you did not wish to fight me, why would you ever summon it. And when Ashford was beating me to pulp, you arrived, telling him your desire to join up, only being stopped by him denying you. And you are correct. Croockback won´t keep me safe. But I will be able to defend myself, without fearing repricussion for resisting.
This letter would be pinned on notice board, underneat which would be his response

Assault another civilian? Do you mean the tall Ailor who picked by collar and raised me into air. Anyone with functioning brain would see that as assault, forcing me to defend myself. And while he attacked me, you walked by his side. You summoned weapon. If you did not wish to fight me, why would you ever summon it. And when Ashford was beating me to pulp, you arrived, telling him your desire to join up, only being stopped by him denying you. And you are correct. Croockback won´t keep me safe. But I will be able to defend myself, without fearing repricussion for resisting.

Annnndd another response.

You claim I laid a hand on you and assaulted you, and you have now admitted I have not, while doing this, you have shown you've lied. I applaud you.

Good luck.
Annnndd another response.

You claim I laid a hand on you and assaulted you, and you have now admitted I have not, while doing this, you have shown you've lied. I applaud you.

Good luck.
I hope that intelligent readers will notice that you never denied my other accusations in that letter.
You accuse me assaulting another civilian, I show why it is false, you don´t deny it. Only reason why you wouldn´t deny would be because you know that I am correct and hope that people will be distracted and not realize that. This means that you would be atleast on same level of liar like me
I never said you laid finger on me. If somebody wishes to mug you, but you escape, the crime still happened. If murderer tries to stab you, but you dodge and get away, crime still happened. You summoned the weapon against man who was defending himself. You covered flank of assailant. Fact that I escaped and you failed to stab me does not change the reality
Sitting in a simple but comfortable lounge, Akurgal drinks some tea as a scribe reads the notes of city's going. A soundless chuckle escapes from their lips.

"Back and forth allegations. One of racism and another of constable brutality. Why does this sound like Daenshore. What do you think, Nallamath?"

Taking a hefty swig of wine from her bottle, Ana Cervantez nudged Marten van Heeresveen by the elbow as she read paper by paper out loud. As far as she knew, Anglians couldn't read, for their eyes were smogged with garette smoke and their ears were filled with wheat grinds.

A certain winged Fin'ullen visibly laughs when he sees the board.
"Fuckin'.. Have we forgotten how to use letters? All this back and forth on the board, jeez..."
Marten gazed into the far distance as Ana read sentence after sentence aloud. A pile of garette butts began accumulating itself on the ground between their shoes; Marten's mud-spattered 'Ranger' boots, Ana's classy /close/ to trashy Daen-styled loafers. "Okay, okay. Alright. So, what you're sayin' is-" he paused for a second, revelling in the moment of what he considered to be his own brilliance. "How tall am I? I could go for a Dwarf, right? Earn some coin on the side. I'd never get a job at the Metro-something either way."


"Yeah, yeah. I'll surgically remove a few inches off you so you can make coin as a charity-reliant dwarf, doomed to have their pockets turned inside out by debt-collecting Isldars. How quickly can you annoy a Frostling, Marten, before they place bounties and spear you through the heart with an ice pick? Ten regals it's less than an hour. Twenty regals it's less than twenty minutes. Fifty regals you'll try and pickpocket one of them in the crowd and have a militia of Isldars after you for a week."

Ana held a hand out with a 'pay-up' gesture.

"Aw, man... He didn't even sketch me down." Emile grumbled, moving to cross out some words on the flyer and replace them!
On 5th of July I w̶a̶s̶ ̶a̶s̶s̶a̶u̶l̶t̶e̶d̶ got my ass kicked for being racist and spouting threats by Briareth and o̶n̶e̶ A̶i̶l̶o̶r̶ Emile :) after refusing to leave.

Assault another civilian? Do you mean the tall Ailor who picked by collar and raised me into air.
(Sir, i'm only 5'5.)
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Winifred eyed the many letters that scattered the board.

"You... would think that they would just... duke it out face to face rather than wasting paper. Are they scared to fight each other?"

A glance was spared down to her familiar, the Ithanian Fluff batting at one of many crumbled copies of the original flyer that had been tossed to the cobble. After a moment, the cat peered up and spared a single meow towards the Constable.

"..Yeah, agreed."
"The racist attempts to draw in others to twist to their foolish ideology. Bit sad. But, it is good to see that most people have sense. Perhaps the world is changing for the better....one can dream. At least this thread has told me who to blacklist from the Copper Maiden's services." Asra said reading the chain of messages attached to the notice board.