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An Open Letter From Nathaniel Bigge

House Bigge Crest 2017 (edited text).png

Citizens of the Empire, I write to you today as a disgraced man. As most of you know, I was recently responsible for the death of 2600 Sailors and the loss of over 2700 supply bales. This is devastating and has been on my conscience since the event. Even more devastating, however, is the fact that I have not yet publicly addressed the matter. I can honestly say I have never felt so much guilt.

Every night my mind is tainted with the visions of these poor boys dying at sea. I am ridiculed in the street, called names, used as a litter bin. Yet all of this I deserve. When I pray, I pray for that the men had painless deaths and that the Spirit may forgive me for my mistake. I have joined The Eternal Order Of The Ivory Wardens so that I may help others on the Great Way, and prove to the Spirit that I am not an evil man. Yet all of this I deserve. I have requested my sisters do not return to the city, for I fear for their safety. I have distanced myself from my family and friends. I have no allies to call on and not a single political move to make. Yet all of this I deserve. The nightmares, the ridicule, the prayer, the loneliness is all that motivates me to put right my mistakes.

The purpose of this letter is not to find sympathy from people. I do not want to gain respect or fame from this. I just want people to know that I am eternally apologetic for the deaths I have caused. For that reason, I present the following plan:
  1. I have already spent the past weeks hand writing letters to each family of the 2600 men. These are ready to be sent out.
  2. I shall be trying my hardest to raise money for the fallen's families and to recompense the 2700 bales. I shall be holding charity events and shall be donating as much of my own fortune that I can spare.
  3. I shall be contacting the Crown to request that a monument is built in memorial for the fallen. This shall also be funded by myself. Once the memorial is built, I shall be holding a service at the location, open to the public.
  4. House Bigge shall be openly supporting the Navy. As many know, House Bigge's wealth come from the production of Ship Parts and Equipment. Out of the 10 ships in the Grand Armada, 6 were sunk. House Bigge shall be donating 7 of each part they produce to the Empire free of charge. These will not make full ships, but they shall certainly be put towards the production of new ships.
  5. I shall attend my Court Martial and face the decision that the Judges make.
I am sorry. I cannot say this enough. The phrase does not erase what has happened and it certainly does not bring back the fallen men. But it brings me comfort, and hopefully comfort to the sailor's families, that I am speaking out on the event. I shall not hide from this and be ridiculed as a heartless man. At least now, if the ridiculing continues, I can stand tall knowing that I have done something to avenge the sailors.

Spirit Be With You,
Nathaniel William Bigge
Imperial Knight Norswick​
"You gotta' train" - Nathaniel Bigge
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Virathus Krupp, despite the heated exchanges between the two, would relate the amends Nathaniel Bigge had set in motion to the survivors of the catastrophe. He set all his bitterness aside, thankful that the headstrong patriarch humbled himself, no matter how those of the Grand Armada may respond.
Juliette pondered the words of the letter, having paused where she was before stating in a rather quiet voice, "Perhaps you can sympathize even with those you dislike." She shook her head lightly before moving to continue on her day with a short sigh.