Archived An Idea To Help The Economy.

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Founder of Raptum
Sep 8, 2013
Reaction score
I want to propose that you lose your armor when you die with PvPflag activated so that godarmor will be a more desireable item in the economy.

I propose that god armor drops just like your inventory does when you die in PvP.

The reason for this is that the armor economy is getting slower and smaller all the time and the demand for strong armor is extremely small right now. This is because of two reasons, number one is that god armor never breaks, and number two is that you don't drop it upon death.

The result of this is that if you are careful you will never need more than one set of god armor per person, effectively making the market for it almost non-existent.

I think that this will improve the state of the economy.
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It will certainly help people like you @FubeTheMangler to earn some regals. But maybe people will stop buying it because they are afraid of loosing it, and then this idea doesn't help.
Cut many Good pvpers will not die often and have seperat sets. So they can use it, while less Good pvpers might not because loosing 600r every fight os not someone they want. Which would make the gap between Good and bad pvpers bigger.
also, i think it would decrease the pvp'rst to, and that's another thing we don't want, i take myself as example, in only started pvp'ing and heavily PVE'ing because if i died i didn't lose my armor, if this woud happend i would stop with that again. for teh rest i completly agree with madus
I don't think this is a good idea at all. It would actually put more god armor into circulation, seeing as every fighter of prominence uses the god armor, and multiple people can die during a fight, making god armor change hands much more easily.

Also, if all the good fighters were to gang up on the low to average fighters, god armor would eventually be consolidated into the hands of those great at PVP.

While it /could/ add a bit more strategy and tactics to how some people fight, I think it would deter a lot of people from fighting at all, or turn the idea of fighting off to those who we're thinking about training and fighting. We already made it so you drop your inventory in fighting no matter what, so if you kill someone, you're guaranteed loot if they had it on them to begin with.

What would help the economy would be nerfing /fix to a lower number, and making armor take more damage again, which would thus increase diamonds being used it, depleting them from the flow and creating a demand for them.

So in conclusion I'll say that making it easier to get god armor from fights is not the way to go, but to make it break more often, and increase the demand of diamonds to make it, while also decreasing the amount of diamonds in circulation through breaking it. Finding a happy medium is key.
It will certainly help people like you @FubeTheMangler to earn some regals. But maybe people will stop buying it because they are afraid of loosing it, and then this idea doesn't help.
Cut many Good pvpers will not die often and have seperat sets. So they can use it, while less Good pvpers might not because loosing 600r every fight os not someone they want. Which would make the gap between Good and bad pvpers bigger.
My Issue is not making regals, I make alot of regals evry week. My issue is how much the economy is going down, for example for armour, about a year ago a god set costed 1000-1500 regals normaly and now It's about 500-700, and it went down, the issue is that we're not doing anything against it
My Issue is not making regals, I make alot of regals evry week. My issue is how much the economy is going down, for example for armour, about a year ago a god set costed 1000-1500 regals normaly and now It's about 500-700, and it went down, the issue is that we're not doing anything against it
It is supply/demand. God armour is (or used to be atleast) A business that made a lot of money. So the amount of suppliers raised and prices fell.
If you want to stop the endless deflation, HUGE changes has to be done. It would maybe even require it's own staff department with a few members.
It is supply/demand. God armour is (or used to be atleast) A business that made a lot of money. So the amount of suppliers raised and prices fell.
If you want to stop the endless deflation, HUGE changes has to be done. It would maybe even require it's own staff department with a few members.
And that's where we want to draw the line. The staff can makes changes that they think would benefit the server, and if it happens to indirectly influence the economy, great.

Something unique to MassiveCraft is that the economy is completely player driven. You guys set the prices for items, we didn't. You guys come up with cool business ideas, and almost always you can do them because Massive allows you to do that.

Essentially, I feel an "economy department" would be too overbearing.
[QUOTE="Alj23, post: 298304, member: 2256"
Something unique to MassiveCraft is that the economy is completely player driven. You guys set the prices for items, we didn't. You guys come up with cool business ideas, and almost always you can do them because Massive allows you to do that.
basicly what i read was "you destroyd it, now it's up to you to fix it again", don't get me wrong, i'm completly behind that. but it's alway's easier to break something then repair it and we destroy stuf coz #humanitynufsaid
My Issue is not making regals, I make alot of regals evry week. My issue is how much the economy is going down, for example for armour, about a year ago a god set costed 1000-1500 regals normaly and now It's about 500-700, and it went down, the issue is that we're not doing anything against it

God armor should have never costed that much. If you have the right setup you can make a full suit in an hour with a cost of about 64 regals on your part (for a stack of diamonds). 600 is still a great profit for the effort and costs put into the creation.
This might actually chase people beginning to PvP away. I know I would... I probably would just got straight back to roleplay, and never PvP ever again. Not that I actively do it, anyway.
Something unique to MassiveCraft is that the economy is completely player driven. You guys set the prices for items, we didn't. You guys come up with cool business ideas, and almost always you can do them because Massive allows you to do that.
basicly what i read was "you destroyd it, now it's up to you to fix it again", don't get me wrong, i'm completly behind that. but it's alway's easier to break something then repair it and we destroy stuf coz #humanitynufsaid
What he's saying is- the economy is pure
socialism, not communism. If the server were to take over the economy, it would no longer be socialism.
[QUOTE="Alj23, post: 298304, member: 2256"
Something unique to MassiveCraft is that the economy is completely player driven. You guys set the prices for items, we didn't. You guys come up with cool business ideas, and almost always you can do them because Massive allows you to do that.
basicly what i read was "you destroyd it, now it's up to you to fix it again", don't get me wrong, i'm completly behind that. but it's alway's easier to break something then repair it and we destroy stuf coz #humanitynufsaid[/QUOTE]
Not exactly. If the staff can step in and help solve an issue prevalent to the server like this, the sure, we'll help. What I was trying to say is that we can't hold your hand through fixing the economy, and eventually through change such as Minecraft updates and big server updates, things will change that change the server.

If in the future a Minecraft update changes the base durability of armor, then the server adapt to that.
i knew what he ment suz @suzzie2 (i ain't stoopid eventhough i act like that somethimes)
i know staf won't let the economie destroy itself when worse comes to worse (or let the players destroy it) it was just something i've read in that, sort of opinion you can say. but it is right what i said in some way, it is mainly us, the player, to not destoy it and fixe it when we break it.
Nerfing fix power or armor durability a little bit would be a better solution. I feel this would just kill Pvp for a lot of people(not all) and discourage people to get into it even further. A lot of people don't Pvp as it is because they don't want to grind stats, but this would also mean having to grind a ton of money to afford tons of spare armor in order to have any chance against the people that have been Pvping for years and have double chests full of god gear, which are about the only people that this would benefit.
That's true, nerfing fix would help, but repairing armour is not many diamonds, It would barley make any diffrence with the economy by such a small thing.
As I said, this was just an idea I had to help out the economy, sure there is probaly other ways probaly better ways,
It will certainly help people like you @FubeTheMangler to earn some regals. But maybe people will stop buying it because they are afraid of loosing it, and then this idea doesn't help.
Cut many Good pvpers will not die often and have seperat sets. So they can use it, while less Good pvpers might not because loosing 600r every fight os not someone they want. Which would make the gap between Good and bad pvpers bigger.
That's like saying; I wont pvp because I'm afraid of loosing GOD weapons, which is literly the same thing.
As I said, this was just an idea I had to help out the economy, sure there is probaly other ways probaly better ways,

That's like saying; I wont pvp because I'm afraid of loosing GOD weapons, which is literly the same thing.
It is. But there is a difference in loosing a weapon or loosing a weapon and full suit of armour.
2 god weapons are same value as a god set right now, your point is bad.
no, his point is good. what would you prefer? losing 1 god axe each time or losing1 and something that is worth a second? each time? i know what my choice is, lose 1
I don't really if I use either, because as a PVP'r I farmed my gear to have abit over, I don't mind dying and losing some weapons.
no, his point is good. what would you prefer? losing 1 god axe each time or losing1 and something that is worth a second? each time? i know what my choice is, lose 1
Not really. He had a good point. I rather have a whole set of armor, rather then a weapon.
In the end, it all comes down to what's practical, not worth.
God weapons aka (all enchantments) goes for 300regals each when It's all enchantment 300+300=600 aswell as a god set :)
I don't really if I use either, because as a PVP'r I farmed my gear to have abit over, I don't mind dying and losing some weapons.
yes, but tehre you say it, YOU have some over (and i asume every harcore pvp , or mainlke them) have that, but this would completly destroy the will for others to even start because they don't have to mony
yes, but tehre you say it, YOU have some over (and i asume every harcore pvp , or mainlke them) have that, but this would completly destroy the will for others to even start because they don't have to mony
In evrygame like this you farm your stuff, It's not like you will allways have some without puttign in effort, that's like saying '' I'm gonna start played world of warcraft, I expect to have all stats and good gear''
It's literly same, we all worked for our gear just as any normal minecraft server, I'm simply trying to help the economy, and you guys are talking about things that wont do anything about it, I see no logic in this.
God weapons aka (all enchantments) goes for 300regals each when It's all enchantment 300+300=600 aswell as a god set :)
Can you not read. Did you just miss almost my entire post?
Not really. He had a good point. I rather have a whole set of armor, rather then a weapon.
In the end, it all comes down to what's practical, not worth.
I wasn't referring to the weapon. And if you're paying that much for a weapon, when you can get full armor for that price, you're getting ripped off.
In evrygame like this you farm your stuff, It's not like you will allways have some without puttign in effort, that's like saying '' I'm gonna start played world of warcraft, I expect to have all stats and good gear''
It's literly same, we all worked for our gear just as any normal minecraft server, I'm simply trying to help the economy, and you guys are talking about things that wont do anything about it, I see no logic in this.
it's not, on world of warcraft i would farm for stuf, true, bet there i would fight stuf that is equal to my lvl here i can't do that, here it al depends on skil, traits, MCMMO and gear. Th gear is a great aspect of this, if i can't afford god stuf i can't pvp, simple as that, that's how i see pvp on this server, and tbh, on every server that hasn't just stated. so it's NOT just saying "oh i play new game i get best gear". (later i come back on this and elaborate more mkay?)
Can you not read. Did you just miss almost my entire post?

I wasn't referring to the weapon. And if you're paying that much for a weapon, when you can get full armor for that price, you're getting ripped off.
my statement is still, I'm trying to help fix the economy, if don't like it don't respond.
it's not, on world of warcraft i would farm for stuf, true, bet there i would fight stuf that is equal to my lvl here i can't do that, here it al depends on skil, traits, MCMMO and gear. Th gear is a great aspect of this, if i can't afford god stuf i can't pvp, simple as that, that's how i see pvp on this server, and tbh, on every server that hasn't just stated. so it's NOT just saying "oh i play new game i get best gear". (later i come back on this and elaborate more mkay?)
Exact your suposed to farm MCMMO for killing mobs you get money and encahnt with levels, your statement is very bad.
yes, but tehre you say it, YOU have some over (and i asume every harcore pvp , or mainlke them) have that, but this would completly destroy the will for others to even start because they don't have to mony
All "hardcore pvpers" started with nothing, that's how it works. It's not hard to get god armour stats or weapons with a decent set up. Losing a bit of armour now and then is not a huge issue.
my statement is still, I'm trying to help fix the economy, if don't like it don't respond.
Well, it really just looks like a way for people just to recirculate armor back into the market. And what you responded with to my post had nothing to do what I said, which is what I'm trying to point out. :U
Exact your suposed to farm MCMMO for killing mobs you get money and encahnt with levels, your statement is very bad.
Your attitude is bad. Some people do not have the time or resources to 'farm' MCMMO.

Actually back up you're statements with real proof, not hearsay.
All "hardcore pvpers" started with nothing, that's how it works. It's not hard to get god armour stats or weapons with a decent set up. Losing a bit of armour now and then is not a huge issue.
Except not all of us are hardcore PvPers and we do suffer from a loss of armor.
Well, it really just looks like a way for people just to recirculate armor back into the market. And what you responded with to my post had nothing to do what I said, which is what I'm trying to point out. :U

Your attitude is bad. Some people do not have the time or resources to 'farm' MCMMO.

Actually back up you're statements with real proof, not hearsay.

Except not all of us are hardcore PvPers and we do suffer from a loss of armor.
Is that our foult taht you dosent work for the gear like we did?
Uh. Did I ever say I had trouble getting it? I'm talking for others, not myself.
Honestly, I see it like this, It's not hard to farm, evryone started from scratch and have to ''start from the bottom'' - Drake, evryone had to farm their gear don't see why it should be a diffrence?
okay i come back clearly you 2 didn't see
(later i come back on this and elaborate more mkay?)
so i alaborate on it, now witht eh help of what you 2 wrote :P so yea, no props m8
All "hardcore pvpers" started with nothing, that's how it works. It's not hard to get god armour stats or weapons with a decent set up. Losing a bit of armour now and then is not a huge issue.
i never said they didn't, you did seem to understand i was talking about hardcore pvp'rs mainly good :) that's one thing. i am going to use myself as example again, i am not a hardcore pvp'er, i can't afford to lose and a god weapon and god armor everytime i die, i can afforda god weapon everytime i die tough, that's why i pvp, i'm able to, i can afford it, and i can even make some time to treain my mcmmo stats.
Exact your suposed to farm MCMMO for killing mobs you get money and encahnt with levels, your statement is very bad.
now back to you, feelz play horrible games with me latly so i apologize if i sound rude in advance
now that is out of the way. yes we are suposed to farm mcmmo, but we aren't talking about that so i won't say a thing about that. yes you can create your own god gear with teh lvls you get, but (again myself as example) i have latly enormus bad luck with enchantments and only get useless ones, if i lost my geard i had now i would have to do it with very crappy gear or buy it, if this bad luck would continou i would need to buy everytime i died a fulls et of god gear wich i cannot afford.
i see you saying "go darkrooming" that doesn't alway's give the amounts you need, not if you take into acount i have other expenditures aswel.
yes everyone had to beging from scratch but i say you this, premiums that were on this server before teh EULA have stil an advantage over teh newer prem/nonprems because they could benefit from an doubl money/XP drop they could train faster.i know now this isn't like that anymore but teh after effects are stil there
okay i come back clearly you 2 didn't see

so i alaborate on it, now witht eh help of what you 2 wrote :P so yea, no props m8

i never said they didn't, you did seem to understand i was talking about hardcore pvp'rs mainly good :) that's one thing. i am going to use myself as example again, i am not a hardcore pvp'er, i can't afford to lose and a god weapon and god armor everytime i die, i can afforda god weapon everytime i die tough, that's why i pvp, i'm able to, i can afford it, and i can even make some time to treain my mcmmo stats.

now back to you, feelz play horrible games with me latly so i apologize if i sound rude in advance
now that is out of the way. yes we are suposed to farm mcmmo, but we aren't talking about that so i won't say a thing about that. yes you can create your own god gear with teh lvls you get, but (again myself as example) i have latly enormus bad luck with enchantments and only get useless ones, if i lost my geard i had now i would have to do it with very crappy gear or buy it, if this bad luck would continou i would need to buy everytime i died a fulls et of god gear wich i cannot afford.
i see you saying "go darkrooming" that doesn't alway's give the amounts you need, not if you take into acount i have other expenditures aswel.
yes everyone had to beging from scratch but i say you this, premiums that were on this server before teh EULA have stil an advantage over teh newer prem/nonprems because they could benefit from an doubl money/XP drop they could train faster.i know now this isn't like that anymore but teh after effects are stil there
I'm gonna do you a favor I'm gonna have a 6 hour stream when I get enought fgot gear and McMmo from scrath to prove my point.