Archived An Idea Involving Npc's Spawns And Role Play

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High Council member of The Algorian Empire
Jul 17, 2012
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so heres my idea

disable mob damage in all server spawns

use mincraft villagers (or iron golems) as a slave race of sorts, or maybe they just love to work, point being they all have a role-playable purpose.

give villagers a name and let em work the taverns, study in the librarys and banks, priests, farmers anything else ive missed that would be vital to a good economy

when you name em, [ name, job ] so it would look like Joe, The Innkeeper
and joe would stand behind the bar wandering around pointlessly like a normal minecraft villager

now I understand that this might create tedeous amounts of lag should too many be used, so maybe you could only do like an inkeeper, a farmer, a priest, a banker, a librarian and one other, so as to not make the server lag too hard. also due to the high number of people populating the spawn i think its not necessary to do this in regalia. unless people want it.

why i though of this-
Ithuania has a stunning spawn but its not populated.... at all..... and looks like a freakin ghost town, you cant buy land in that spawn and you cant buy a shop there either it just looks pretty and thats all it does, it would be nice if ithuania felt like a capital of a continent so i could use it to rolepay meetings with other faction and nice things like dat.

how it would benefit the server-
people might start going to the capitols of the continents rather than regalia to meet, hopefully easing the heavy load away from regalia and spreading it around a little more ?
I think it would be kinda awesome to walk into a bar and get served by an iron golem named John...
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My suggestion was the custom NPC's mod, but because it was clientside, it was rejected. It's a great mod that would solve this problem.
I think this is a good idea, and it should be possible to do this server-side. Would add alot to the feel of Regalia too, you could have them as Captains for ships to go places, or even as prisoners in the prisons in Regalia.
I honestly dont like the idea, it will discourage people to Role-Play as priests etc.
I honestly dont like the idea, it will discourage people to Role-Play as priests etc.

What! That's your reason for the dislike? I don't understand in the slightest how this would stop a player wanting to roleplay as a priest! If they wanna do that they can? That's like saying if you make white people priest black people will be unable to be priest! In reality everyone can! Just cause a villager will be a priest does not mean player will stop it will just be a more comon character to run into[DOUBLEPOST=1370644955,1370644907][/DOUBLEPOST]
My suggestion was the custom NPC's mod, but because it was clientside, it was rejected. It's a great mod that would solve this problem.
I know but it's too much like effort! And I think it's not possible given the lag it would create
I think this is a good idea, just however, this will have to be coded and it looks to be quite extensive so it may or may not happen. (It's Ithania too)
Perhaps, just a thought, sell houses in spawns besides Regalia? For a lower price (like 5 silver a month) since they will get less traffic.
The naming thing will be possible in the next update. What we could do is have villager breeding places in every spawn town, then have slave auctions. Then, players can buy villagers there, and teleport back to their f home, name them, and have them do whatever RP thing they want.
What! That's your reason for the dislike? I don't understand in the slightest how this would stop a player wanting to roleplay as a priest! If they wanna do that they can? That's like saying if you make white people priest black people will be unable to be priest! In reality everyone can! Just cause a villager will be a priest does not mean player will stop it will just be a more comon character to run into[DOUBLEPOST=1370644955,1370644907][/DOUBLEPOST]
I know but it's too much like effort! And I think it's not possible given the lag it would create

I didnt mean it as an offence, if you only expect to recieve praise from your ideas, dont ask for an honest opinion. And i am not discriminating in anyway, but picture this: An NPC taking your place as a priest, or shop keeper. However i would like them to be slaves...
I think this is a good idea, just however, this will have to be coded and it looks to be quite extensive so it may or may not happen. (It's Ithania too)

Just name a villager in an anvil there no need for coding...
Perhaps, just a thought, sell houses in spawns besides Regalia? For a lower price (like 5 silver a month) since they will get less traffic.
I'm not sure that's quite possible yet, regalia was outfitted for the plugin, they would to change each world one at a time... Would take ages[DOUBLEPOST=1370680576,1370680406][/DOUBLEPOST]
I didnt mean it as an offence, if you only expect to recieve praise from your ideas, dont ask for an honest opinion. And i am not discriminating in anyway, but picture this: An NPC taking your place as a priest, or shop keeper. However i would like them to be slaves...

Not discriminating, wants slaves, you are a confusing character, your point is invalid it will not discourage any role play choice in the slightest, just because a villager is a priest does not mean a player can't be one to?
I like this but i dont think it is possible for this one reason, MrsBaver. She fills spawn with mobs that are meant to be fought, I dont think it can be coded to have peaceful mobs be safe while being able to attack hostile mobs.
Takes 5 seconds to replace a villager in creative mode, if they had the combat for mobs as a toggle able command, they could role play the villager that die as real death, and then recreate some new ones[DOUBLEPOST=1370683595,1370683590][/DOUBLEPOST]
I like this but i dont think it is possible for this one reason, MrsBaver. She fills spawn with mobs that are meant to be fought, I dont think it can be coded to have peaceful mobs be safe while being able to attack hostile mobs.
We have had ideas around NPC's for a long time, but then we talk about real NPC's with RP skins doing stuff, but projects have been pulled off in wait for bigger once. The idea i and many shared was/is to bring a more MMO feel to the player experience by adding "quest givers" as NPC's. As an example. With all from small easy "get fishes" quests or "find the black smith". But also to remove the "quest boats" in Regalia and have NPC's giving the quests there insted.

Another idea would be to have royal guards around the city that are NPC's.
Anyhow, the ideas have been adressed for a long time :)

people might start going to the capitols of the continents rather than regalia to meet,
Exactly this is what we right now are trying to avoid. That is why the continent spawns are just pretty.
We have had ideas around NPC's for a long time, but then we talk about real NPC's with RP skins doing stuff, but projects have been pulled off in wait for bigger once. The idea i and many shared was/is to bring a more MMO feel to the player experience by adding "quest givers" as NPC's. As an example. With all from small easy "get fishes" quests or "find the black smith". But also to remove the "quest boats" in Regalia and have NPC's giving the quests there insted.

Another idea would be to have royal guards around the city that are NPC's.
Anyhow, the ideas have been adressed for a long time :)

Exactly this is what we right now are trying to avoid. That is why the continent spawns are just pretty.

Oh nice I like that, but why would you not want hem to go to the capitols?
Since that would leave us with 5 lifeless cities insted of 1 with life, as it is now, its better to focus everything on Regalia and try to get one city full of life, if the server grows to big for one city, i can see us making other cities useful as well.
Well the citizens plugin works rather well and creates npcs which you can customize with profession and what they wear. I played around with this plugin before but the citizens plugin can generate some degree of lag.
Since that would leave us with 5 lifeless cities insted of 1 with life, as it is now, its better to focus everything on Regalia and try to get one city full of life, if the server grows to big for one city, i can see us making other cities useful as well.
Now that is one fine idea I like that!
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