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An Apology And A Call To Action


Jun 13, 2016
Reaction score

"An Apology and a Call to Action"


Peter Winslough of Habichtsburg and a few other of his humble guards were arrested because of a small fine we owed, regarding unregistered armor and weaponry. For that, we apologize within the bottoms of our hearts. Peter Winslough came peacefully, while I, his sister, stood terrified and quiet in the sidelines. I was threatened with a spear and struck across my face as I watched my beloved brother be dragged to cells, along with our Falcons, whom I would call my friends.

However, there is a darker side to what should have been a simple situation.

On the 29th of July, Peter Winslough and his Falcon guard came to the slum gate. We nobly fought, assisting the charters in battle, dare I say excelling them in doing so. We had rushed to the front lines, assisting Jared Kade and a few other familiar faces, helping and bending over backwards to fight as well as we could. We left, collected and having fought a job well done.

It was not but three hours later that we were being hunted.

Later that day, enjoying the Regalian Campgrounds, we were swarmed by fifteen men and Allar. Peter Winslough and a few other of our Falcons were aggressively arrested, being wrongfully called traitors to the state for preposterous reasons, all of which could be effortlessly debunked. However, a crucial piece that I would like to point out, is that there were indeed two helpful guards, who had handled everything very professionally and treated us with respect - while still doing their duties, which we still were not pleased with.

Allow me to explain on the Winslough family's behalf.

From our lovely castle in Habichtsburg, we were brought to the attention that our city was under attack, and in a crisis. We readied our men, and sailed to the island, fully geared to battle alongside you all.

I have no words to explain how sorry I am that words of "treason" have been wrongfully spread about this city. I, Sabine Winslough write this alone, fueled by the decision that our brothers and sisters under the Almighty Spirit and Regalia combined deserve nothing less than the absolute truth.

I am not a stranger writing this to you all, as I serve my Empire as a clergy under the Priscille Doctrines, humbly following the word of the Spirit. I have guided many into the light, and I aim to do just that with all of you.

Please, City of Regalia, help us to fight for and with you. Even while I am inking these words, Peter Winslough and his noble guard are being held captive in cells, treated like criminals, now being evaluated for treason, though this could be fixed with a single fine and a shaking of hands. They have distracted themselves from the enemies at hand. I know that this is not the Empire I love, and I believe that you all know it, as well. In these dire times, let us be aware of who the real heroes are.

- Under the Spirit and all of its Holy Doctrines, I sign off to you with deepest regards,

Lady Sabine Winslough of Habichtsburg, Heir to House Winslough, and acolyte under the Priscelle Sect.


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"Priscelle?" The Reverend of the Sancella Sect uttered, "And you should be trusted?" The elder soon chuckled lightly, his laughter echoing through the halls of the Cathedral."

A response was quickly made by the Supreme Chancellor, posted upon the notice boards of all public buildings around the capital.

It comes as no surprise that House Winslough once again tries to veil the truth with emotional nonsense and unlawful acts. House Winslough were barred from ever owning a House Guard for the rest of their days by the State Council only a few months ago. To continue to act in neglect of a State declared sanction is treason against the State. Thus, Peter Winslough will be given due process of law for treason.

Furthermore, I have to express my deepest disgust and concern over the fact that this woman, this Sabine, would try and use Religious doctrine to justify and hide her families unlawful actions. Not only is it a disgrace to the Faith she pledges herself to, its a disgrace to the Holy Empire we all have been born and raised in. I suggest the Inquisition look into this immediately, given that Sabine Winslough's public proclamation is nought but an attempt to raise arms against the Regalian Government, using Religion to do so.

Peter Winslough will face trial through Martial Law, as will his band of unlawful mercenaries that parade themselves around the city like roosters above even those charter affiliated I implore you, Citizens of Regalia, not to forget the atrocities House Winslough and their House Guard committed against honest denizens of the Holy City only months ago. House Winslough will be presumed guilty until proven innocent, as is custom in the Empire's legal jurisdiction. Any more blatant attempts to incite uprising against the City Guard or the Regalian Government from House Winslough will result in those still at large being indicted for treason also, and our pillarys have been empty for far too long. If the Winslough loyalists want jobs fighting the Sanguine, find a damn charter.

With due diligence,
Rodderick Howlester
Supreme Chancellor of the Regalian Empire

"I thought the rat traps were already set off and disposed of.."
A certain Anglian ushered under her final exhale of pure disdain, swiveling about to return home.
Inquisitor Klaus von Leitner reads over the announcement, and then over the Supreme Chancellor Rodderick Howlester's response. He takes off to begin preparing the right proceedings for the woman named Sabine Winslough.
Lord Inquisitor Rote finishes his draft of orders to pin to the noticeboard of the Inquisition of Holy Leomar.

"Mark this 'Sabine', I think my evenings dinner shall have another Heretic brought before me for scolding. Another Servitor for the Faith never goes amiss. Perhaps my lamb chops will taste better knowing your defiled words will be held to you." He'd mutter, before taking off his tiny spectacles and rubbing his nose.
Camilla sighed as she read over the note placed by the Supreme Chancellor, bringing a hand to pinch the bridge of her nose.

"What have I gotten myself into, eh? Mn.."
The Mu-Allar would turn to Zzal and left out a raptor like laugh, "At leazt the lazz didn't call uz lizardz again, if zhe did I would have no problem with eating her."

"Excelling them?" A certain scarred Daen woman spat as she leaned, sweeping her sapphire eyes over the rest of the announcement followed by the response from the Supreme Chancellor himself. A bark of a laugh escaped her, before followed by rumbled words, "Her words are most certainly biased, anyone whose family is being sent to trial would try and paint them in a better light. Your paints are running dry, girl. May the Spirit and the courts have mercy on your brothers soul."