- Joined
- Sep 3, 2024
- Messages
- 9
- Reaction score
- 2
- Points
- 18
Full Name: Amira Katamar Iaantris Bel-Saal Solleria-Regalia
Heritage / Culture: Fin'ullen
Age: 26 (Birthday April 15, 289 AC)
Gender / Pronouns: She/they
Religion: Deep Will, Morrlond Patron (Fornoss syncretized, Nyxil patron)
Character Occupation: Aelriggan Laoch Lasrach Knight
Occult: Silence Mage (Curse Origin)
- Elemental School (Water & Ice Specialty, Book/Mentor Training)
- Learned primarily during squire training, she immediately took a liking to water. Ice came later along, which she focused on the most when the Laoch Lasrach chapterhouse was relocated to Gallovia.
- Alteration School (Trial Training)
- This was mainly used for party tricks and quality-of-life upgrades, letting her not have to remember to bring keys and letting her have most materials on hand.
- Amnesia School (Trial Training, amateur)
- She only uses it in dire circumstances due to disorienting a bunch of people the first few times she used it. She doubts she will ever have control over that magic, as it comes out stronger than her other magic schools and its dangerous nature.
- Stillness School (Book/Mentor Training)
- This magic also came out really strongly when she first started trying to utilize it, but it's less dangerous to practice and she was able to get the hang of it later in her squireship. She uses it as noise reduction and shits and giggles.
Appearance Information
Eye Color: Blue
Skin Color: Pale
Hair: Black
Height: 5'11
Body Type: Lean and muscular
Voice Claim: Stelle from HSR (but with a southern accent. Yeehaw.)
Additional Features: Amira has two dark green horns on her head, three bioluminescent scales on each side of her face, and sharp teeth due to Fin'ullen Mechanic 2. She doesn't wear any makeup, which she claims is because "it dissolves too easily in water". She actually just doesn't know how to apply it, and last time she tried applying eyeshadow she got too scared because the brush was too close to her eyes. Very androgynous.
Due to recent IC events, she has acquired a scar around her throat area that expands almost to her shoulders. It's a dark grey scar, traveling downwards in the shape of a root system. (Looks kinda similar to Viktor Arcane's Hexcore scar) She keeps it hidden underneath her scarf and clothing.
Skill Information
Hobbies and Talents:
- Fishing, Crabbing
- Learned because of her former pirate parents, who were very adament that even in the most dire, most helpless situations, she's at least able to catch fish.
- Doodling
- She doodles in the notebooks that she keeps around, the doodles often containing sketches of people next to their respective journal entries.
- Violin
- She picked it up during her squireship after seeing another squire play it. She only knows one or two songs well, those two becoming muscle memory. (The two songs are Fisher's Hornpipe and Glasgow Reel.)
- Rum-making
- Another thing taught by her sea-faring parents. She doesn't do it often, preferring ale.
- Baking
- Amira used to have two pet jars of sourdough starter. Be afraid.
- Carpentry
- She can only really build walls at best, maybe an amateur shed if you pay her enough. Had to earn a bit of money somehow.

- Fin'ullen -
- Fin'ullen can Transform into Daphalar, turning part or whole parts of their body into Aquatic humanoids (think Merfolk), this is not a Disguise.
- Fin'ullen can apply non-Magic aesthetics of deep-sea creatures and coral to their body without becoming Occult. This also includes clothes and weapons.
- Fin'ullen can breathe underwater without any Abilities, and can also see perfectly underwater without it blurring their vision, allowing them to stay submerged indefinitely.
- Fin'ullen can perform great feats of strength out of Combat (carry multiple people, throw boulders etc.). They also gain +5 in out of Combat dice roll Strength competitions.
- Fin'ullen can use Persuasion /Dice on Spirits even without Charisma Proficiency, and gain a +2 Bonus while doing so.
- Knight -
- Laoch Lasrach Mechanic: Laoch Lasrach Knights can choose one Mechanic from the Evolism Religious Mechanics, and take it for their own. This may not alter their morality! (Likely will be chainging soon.)
- All worshipers of Evolism are granted the gifts of Ravaal. They can bless their weapons in the Glacial March, becoming ghostly and see-through. Any would-be lethal wounds they inflict will not kill, instead when they expire, they fall into a glacial coma, a Curse requiring 3 Mages with 7 Proficiency in Magic to break to awaken. Secondly, she grants Evolists the means to produce Soul-shards, which are small ice-like crystals in which they can capture the souls of those that they do end up killing, where they can choose to keep them, or let them pass on without the Malefica getting close.
- Laoch Lasrach Mechanic: Laoch Lasrach Knights can choose one Mechanic from the Evolism Religious Mechanics, and take it for their own. This may not alter their morality! (Likely will be chainging soon.)
- Common
- Grew up in Regalia, spoken outside of her home.
- Altalar
- Spoken at home, doesn't know a lot of uncommon words because her parents wasn't very close to the Allorn Empire. Pirate lingo.
- Gallwech
- Picked up during squire training, but only at a beginner level. Learned due to the Lasrach chapterhouse's movement.
- Aontaithe
- Picked up in Erui-Innis for Lasrach knight training. Can hold conversations, semi-fluent.
- Skodje
- Picked up during her squire training, surrounded by a lot of Velheim folk. Very, very beginner and basic.
The 1-10 is based on the tab they're in, 10 usually means a more positive/respectable opinion on them. She may not necessarily like them.
Bedivere - 5/10
"I really haven't talked to him a bunch. Positive guy, maybe we should talk more... Hm. I dunno a lot else 'bout him, but I think he's partners with Khenari?"
Wilvamair - 5/10
"He's... So quiet. Guy's probably been through somethin' rough. Really cool sword, though."
Khenari - 6/10
"We always need more medics in the world. Sure glad he exists. Seems a lil' grumpy. I think he's partners with Bedivere... S'pose opposites attract."
Rhain - 7/10
"He's a real busy man. Professional as well. He's also an absolute tank in battle, you need to see it! He also... When he's disappointed in you, it'll hurt a lot. I can still feel the shame lingerin'. Yeesh."
Eliora - 6/10
"She's a medic. Always need more of 'em in the world. Patched me up the... first few times I got injured, I think? She's pretty quiet often as well. Still haven't really seen her in battle... Huh. Wonder how she fights."
Sahuvi - 5/10
"He's capable. I haven't talked to him a... lot. Pretty sure he's the main guy runnin' Tempest Keep. I don't really.. Eh. I dunno. Don't have much of an opinion on him."
Mari - 8/10
"She's the boss of my part-time job. Pays me a lot and pretty smart with the tech stuff. It's... Hard to be in a room with her and Therese at the same time."
Therese - 7/10
"Haven't really had a lotta good conversations with her, but she's nice. I think we're friends. Hard to be in a room with her and Mari at the same time."
Francis - 7/10
"Good guy. Let me live with him, we're roommates now. We agree on a lot of things. Wingmanned with me for Mari and Therese. Certainly trusts me. Feelin's mutual. Pretty cool, even if he doesn't like rum..."
Sahupah - 7/10
"They make amazing cookies. I made a lotta Draconists mad when I bit them. Whoops."
Scale - 0/10
"WHY would anyone eat people? It's unnecessarily cruel and harder to do than just... Eatin' beef or somethin'. He attacked a lotta my friends too. I hope he dies an unpoetic and quiet death. Heard he was proven to not be Morrlond's chosen... Hah."
Vaela - 3/10
"I don't know why she hates me so personally. It's... unsettlin' at the very least. What did I do? She's dangerous too... Fucked up how I've pissed off someone that looks so powerful. Although. Tanokh has... Told me a good few negative things about her."
Tanokh - 4/10
"I.. He's annoying. He claims he's perfect. Calls me a damn Nyxilite. But he seems observant n' we agree on... A few things. He's useful. And it sucks."
Amira grew up in Crookback. Around her late teenage years, she became an Aelrrigan squire and was sent to the Laoch Lasrach Chapterhouse until its destruction, moving to the temporary one in Gallovia. After her squireship, she returned to Regalia and is currently there.
Actual Backstory
Amira was born in Crookback, with parents that were retired pirates. From them, she learned how to steal, pickpocket, and fight. She was a very small presence on the edge of the Crookback crime scene, getting into petty squabbles but never dipping into the darker and violent parts deeper into the sewers, to her parents' satisfaction. They retired from being pirates for a reason. Due to being surrounded by a majority of people who used Abyss magic, she grew dissatisfied with Estelley's treatment of them and the void gods, switching to worship Deep Will Morrlond (which her parents didn't really mind, they weren't that religious anyway.). She does not remember the friends she had made, believing they had just not been that big of a part in her life. When she was 18, she applied to become a squire for the Aelrrigan Order, which she doesn't distinctly remember the reason for. She has settled with the idea that she applied to learn more about magic and applying it in combat.
Around this time, she started noticing that she has some serious memory issues, a lot of her thoughts disappear at a fast rate and she forgets conversations quickly. It makes her better at combat due to the rate at which she processes the information and allows her to deduce things in her environment easier, but it makes her incredibly unreliable at retaining information through spoken words. She starts keeping a journal and got introduced to Fornoss, specifically worshipping Nyxil to keep the secret of her absolutely shitty memory away from the other squires so that she may become a knight. And also because Nyxil was associated with oceans and stuff. That also. Her squireship was uneventful, mostly training and sparring. She came back to Regalia after graduating from being a squire, deciding going back to patrol the place she grew up in was the best idea.
Combat Proficiencies and Abilities
Attack Stat: 7 (Dexterity)
Defense Stat: 5 (Magic)
[15/15 points spent]
Proficiency Points:
Strength: 1
Technique Parry Pack
Dexterity : 7
Cutthroat Stance
Cutthroat Quickstab
Cutthroat Target
Cutthroat Dodge
Cutthroat Bleed
Cutthroat Escape
Cutthroat Mirror
Dirty Fighter
Constitution: 2
Rage Counter Pack
Breather Pack
Magic: 5
Arcane Aura Pack
Arcane Counter Pack
Arcane Cleanse Pack
Arcane Barrier
Oceanic Pack (Magical)
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