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Played Character Althea Bel-Vinnin

This character is actively played.


Plant Nerd
Jun 16, 2023
Reaction score



[App Format made by Okanara.]
Plain Text App
  • Full Name: Althea Waters nee Bel-vinnin

  • Race: Solvaan | Highborn | Nature Arkenborn

  • Age: 27

  • Gender: Female

  • Birthdate: March 20th

  • Religion: Estelley Faithful | Follower of Sinnavei & Mana

  • Guild Order : Gloomfolk

  • Pet: Lunarion the Caramel Caucasian Shepherd - Gifted by Lord Iltaron and a Solur named Tulip.
Core Concept

  • A young and friendly Nature Arkenborn Solvaan who enjoys baking, and living in Gloomrot. She likes to care for the plants around her home, and will venture into the forest at times with her nature spirits, the Solurs. She also has an interest in meeting her father, the Nature Arken. She is loyal to those she calls friends, and those of the Estelley Faithful. Often times joining in fights when one is in need of help.
    • Althea is a Gloomfolk

    • Althea protects nature.

  • Althea stands at the height of 5'11 with eyes of silver, and blue.

  • Althea's hair is blonde, and usually down with a small pony tail in the back with a ribbon.

  • Althea has floral glyphs on her hands that will glow when stressed, happy or while using magic.

  • Strength: 0
    • Force Toss - Free Solvaan Pack
  • Magic: 14
    • Magic Snare

    • Familiar Disrupt (Magic)

    • Magic Revive

    • Magic Revenge

    • Magic Shove

    • Magic Smog

    • Magic Warp

    • Magic Curse

    • Magic Summon

    • Enchant Bolts – Free Solvaan Pack

    • Safeguard Pack

    • Magic Isolate

    • Magic Resist

    • Shapeshift Pack

    • Oceanic Pack
  • Defense is 15 ( +2 Main Defense Stat while they are inside the Repose's walls. This becomes +1 when they are in the Morgenwend area)

  • Attack is 17 (In the city it's roll 16 and in Gloomrot on a road it's roll 20, elsewhere in Gloomrot it's 19 due to Nature Arkenborn Mechanic, and Gloomfolk Order)

  • Altalar (Native)
  • Nātl, Breizh, D'Ithanian, Gallwech, Aontaithe, Common (Known)
  • Learning:
Plot Hooks

The Mists Guide

Althea was apart of the Mist Watchers in Solleria in her younger years. Mostly helping when it cames to plants, and the flora on the missions.

Guardian of the Forest

Althea is a Gloomfolk. Her task is to keep the Gloomrot Forest safe.

Daughter of Nature

Althea is a Nature Arkenborn. Loyal to her Arken Parent Nature, and hopes to one day meet them, and her half-siblings.

  • Solvaan can use the Mist Form Transformations, which does not count as a Disguise, and uses a variety of weather effects on their appearance.
  • Solvaan can use the Mist Beast Transformations (found below), which allows them to change appearance to that of the classical Mist Beasts, which is a Disguise.
  • Solvaan will not be attacked by wild and non-humanoid creatures, which may prevent them drawing aggression from certain Event Creatures (discuss with Event Dm's).
  • Solvaan are able to sense the mind of wild animals, which allows them to determine if an animal is an animal, or a person disguised as one (for example Body Arkenborn).
  • Solvaan can see through low visibility conditions of any kind (sand storm, blizzard, fog, ash clouds, dust etc), but must still protect from choking hazards.
Natureborn Mechanics

  • Nature Arkenborn can use the Floralshift Transformation, which changes them to Yanar, but keeps their old Racial Traits. This is not a disguise, but the Yanar body can Shapeshift in design.
  • Nature Arkenborn can summon any number of Solurs (little nature spirits seen in the art), which can be tasked to do simple things in and around their Rental/Estate/Base and for aesthetics.
  • Nature Arkenborn gain +1 Main Combat Stat (break Cap up to 11) while they are inside Gloomrot Forest, but lose -1 Main Combat Stat if they are in: New Town, Imperial Isle (the main Boulevard).
Gloomfolk Order Mechanics
  • Gloomfolk Order Members gain +2 Main Combat Stat while they are on Gloomrot's roads. This becomes +1 when they are in any other Gloomrot area that is not strictly a road or pathway.
  • Gloomfolk Order Members gain +2 Main Defense Stat while they are inside the Repose's walls. This becomes +1 when they are in the Morgenwend area Both also count as Roads for Mechanic above.
  • Gloomfolk Order Members gain access to the Disguise Skill Pack, but only while inside Gloomrot, and their Disguise must be mossy/swampy/Gloomrot-like with bark and twine.
  • Gloomfolk Order Members may sometimes appeal to Roadwatcher Erlend for Library information on a threat that is terrorizing Gloomrot, and to aid in the vanquishing of it through means.


Althea was born in Solleria, and raised by just her mother. She grew up not very liked in her village due to her Arkenborn status, and didn't have many friends. She only had her solurs for company. But she did try to make friends and tried to treat everyone with kindness hoping to receive it back. When she was old enough, Althea volunteered with the Mist Wardens to try and prove her worth. That she was useful. Due to her connection with nature, her tasks mostly came down to the plants, but when it was needed she would fight to help keep people safe. After she did one tour, Althea went off to travel a bit. She spent a bit of time in Ithania to work in a bakery, and learn all that she could. After spending a year or two in Ithania working as a baker, she went to Regalia, where she's found a place to call home.

In Regalia she became friends with those in Floral Court. Met her husband, and started her own bakery. She would go around the city helping, and meeting people. Joining the Gloomfolk to keep the forest safe, and fighting any threats that lurk in there. She would go on to have a son, and adopting her husband's daughter as the small family would live happily, until the summer of 312AC when the two went to Amontaar.




6 Talers
An Instrument gifted by Von Bon Bon, The Koto.
A rapier made by Lady Pyria Farraan from The Forged Armory.
A fine steel glaive with breizh style knotwork engravings along the blade gifted by James Waters.


Nature Arken | Parent | I hope to meet you one day... I wish to make you proud.

Isadora Bel-Vinnin | Mother | NPC | Not a day goes by that I miss seeing you, but we shall see each other again.

Many Siblings | I don't know who you all are, but I wish too!

Steafan | Son | NPC

Cassidhe | Step-Daughter | NPC

Qotzec | We don't have to share the same blood to be family.

James Waters | Husband | Never have I ever met someone so special as you.


Avril | So kind, and I always enjoy our chats.

Nora Waters | Quiet, and so sweet. I can not wait to talk about plants with you!


Rowi | Medically skilled, and always caring for others. Don't forget to live life. Perhaps one day we will be good friends.

Countess Rosha Farraan | I thought we were once friends....



Made by the wonderful MasqueofMelody

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[Not in use at the moment!]


Avatar of Sinnavei





Divine Mechanics
All Religions provide 1 single Mechanic to their Believers that fits within the flair of their Religion. This Mechanic is lost if the individual becomes Afflicted, or stops believing in the Religion, but can be regained.

  • Estelley Faithful can manifest an "Avatar of the Gods", which is a Spirit who does not have a free will and is instead fully controlled by the person (and in a way, is a conduit of the person). This Avatar is themed and aesthetically built after the Patron God of the individual, does not reserve Kill-Perms (meaning anyone can kill it in Combat, but does re-manifest after 24 hours). The Avatar can have their own Proficiency Points and Abilities, counting as a Spirit, (and if used, should be mentioned on a Character Application including the point spread, but is not their own person and does not have their personality that exists besides the Estelley worshiper (functioning like the Worshipper putting on VR goggles at their home and piloting the Avatar). Remember, Spirits, even ones from Gods, are still very illegal in the eyes of the Law!

Strength: 2

  • Force Toss
  • Steady Body

Constitution: 5

  • Rebound
  • Debuff Endurance
  • Thick Hide
  • Bulwark
  • Rage Counter

Dexterity: 7

  • Ranger Stance [Free]
  • Hook Shot
  • Ranger Cover
  • Ranger Cut
  • Ranger Trap
  • Ranger Wallop
  • Ranger Tag
  • Ranger Blur
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