Altalar House Of Rhylovhas


Scribma Male
Staff member
Sep 4, 2013
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where the elf things are

Altalar House of Rhylovhas
Speak Only Truth


General Information

Etymology: The name "Rhylovhas" is a shortened form of the Middle Altalar surname "Rhyluetherelväyas", which roughly translates to "tender of the moon's grove".
Values: Teledden Altalar superiority, magical strength, accruement of knowledge, Allorn revivalism.
Sigil: An Allorn spire flanked by flying hawks, supported by two stags, and crowned by a silver tree and bushes.
Colours: Royal blue, white, silver.
Culture: Teledden Altalar.
Common physical traits: Typical height of around 6'6" or taller, blonde hair, blue eyes, slender build, generally sharp but androgynous features.
Religion: Altalar Pantheon.
Trade: Court magi, advisorship, curatorship, library-keeping.


Family Lore
Perhaps one of the most enduring family units in Teledden Altalar culture, the House Rhylovhas has long embodied the core values and ethics of its race. Although its origins are muddled, its first prominent member was Besaeraquë Rhyluetherelväyas, who took office as a Conduit in the northern principality of Ellea'nwë for a span of 300 years during the Floundering period into the Grandening period, laying down the core tenets of political awareness and collection of knowledge at any costs that define the name today, though the House has invariably been headed by Æralaanist'haimaias, or Aeralaanys, as patriarch since the mid-Grandening era.

Although never nobility or aristocracy, the family still managed to main close proximity to such figures as advisors and governors, maintaining a healthy degree wealth and some minor parcels of land from which to live and operate to the present day. Since the early 300s, the House Rhylovhas has made some small headway into Regalian politics, establishing relations with Regalian noble houses and holding a political office for a short period, ensuring that, while still lacking noble lineage or aristocratic standing, a modicum of recognition is still attributed to the name.

Family Overview
A veteran of nearly all major conflicts, occurrences, and disasters of the Allorn Empire, House Rhylovhas has become a persistent if minor name in Allorn historical discussion of constants. With great emphasis placed on wisdom, tradition, and knowledge, Rhylovhas holds itself as a proponent of Allorn values, with no heed paid to gender when considering its affairs; despite this, it has maintained a single patriarch in its mainline for over a thousand years, though matriarchal offshoot lines have been established in that time. In line with these Allorn values, the general attitude towards non-Altalar among Rhylovhas is similar to a parent with a child, with an ingrained belief that younger races simply do not have the same grasp on their paths that the Est'alorn do.

With such an ingrained affinity for the collection of information and wisdom, the House Rhylovhas has a decent presence within the remaining scholar class of the Allorn Empire, boasting some of the most complete archives of Ancient and Middle Altalar scrolls and texts outside of the remaining Altalar academies and the private collections of Princes and Princesses, as well as counting many accomplished scholars and mages among their ranks. As such, it is common for Altalar learners to have been taught by, or alongside, a Rhylovhas or an offshoot of the family, especially if these Altalar hail from the northern Principalities. A major tenet of the House professes the need for a Rhylovhas to operate as efficiently and effectively as possible, bringing great shame from the family if a member performs poorly in any given role. Another notable guiding value of the family is its opposal to unwarranted grandstanding and manipulation; most Rhylovhas are fittingly honest and loyal to that end, wanting not to engage in the class of behaviour that led to the downfall of the Allorn Empire. Rhylovhas who do not choose to take up scholarship or advisory roles most often become military, drifting towards the role of officer or tactician within the hierarchy. Curiously, members of the family almost never become clergy for the Faith of Estel in any of its forms; those who do are often summarily disowned, or quickly shunned even if their names are retained.

Much of the wealth that the House possesses stems from its veritable hoard of Vaïel Promises, accrued over centuries from artisans, soldiers, other families, and noble lines by the various advisors and Conduits that have characterised the family's more politically active elements. These Promises are redeemed sparingly, though House Rhylovhas does similarly hold a considerable collection of jewelry and arts it trades within the Principalities, accrued over a great amount of time as its Promises were. As such, the family is considered wealthy, living well within its means in the Principalities, though perhaps more pragmatically within the Holy City due to its differing currency and apprehension to sell off many pieces of heirloom jewelry for regals that frequently change in value.


General Rules
  1. Your Rhylovhas should be at least active, though it isn't expected that a Rhylovhas should supercede any pre-existing main character simply by existing.
  2. Members should aim to hold themselves to a high standard of Elven roleplay; this is to say that a Rhylovhas should be a serious character who is convincingly 'Elven', rather than a pointy-eared teenaged Ailor.
  3. Members should be able to keep themselves busy and produce their own fun while sticking to an IC code of conduct, though family events will be lined up to maintain a sense of family unity.


Family Members
Family tree here.

The following characters are relevant in family lore:

  • Aeralaanys Rhylovhas (1,108): A seemingly immortal Silven, Aeralaanys has played the role of house patriarch since the days of the Grandening. A once-potent mage, he has recently sustained injuries that have cost him one of his arms and his ability to use magic altogether. Despite this, he has maintained himself as a towering authority figure within the family, with a vast wealth of knowledge regarding the Altalar, their history, magic, and the world at large that could only come from such a massive lifespan. Played by @Scribbe.
  • Rhoen Rhylovhas (Deceased): The son of Yraenor and Elowyn, Rhoen was a keen herbalist and alchemist, and was one of the few Rhylovhas to maintain a consistently cheery disposition. Raised alongside his sister Alicientella by Aeralaanys, he became a talented sorcerer alongside his other skills. Despite this, Rhoen's life was cut short outside Merkar'sarh by a Dread skirmishing party. Played by @canaaa.
  • Alicientella Rhylovhas (Unknown): The daughter of Yraenor and Elowyn, Alicientella was a scholar and powerful mage, though she was considerably quieter than her younger sibling, Rhoen. Raised by Aeralaanys, Alicientella grew to become a powerful mage; in spite of this, capture and temporary conversion by a Kathar Dread cell within Regalia altered her mind, pushing her to join the Pride Arken's Manathar cult soon after her cleansing. Alicientella disappeared soon after; her whereabouts and status are unknown. Played by @apath.

The following characters can be applied to be played:

  • Naemond Rhylovhas (134): Yraenor-baal's grandson and twin to Aemond, Naemond is among the few Rhylovhas to step away from scholarly pursuits to engage in more militarily-inclined actions. A skilled tactician, Naemond is a veteran of the first Elven War against Regalia, and suffered a short amount of time in a Regalian prison camp after its conclusion. He is blunt in speech and generally unemotional. Naemond is rarely seen without his brother. Currently unplayed.
  • Aemond Rhylovhas (134): Yraenor-baal's grandson and twin to Naemond, Aemond is among the few Rhylovhas to step away from scholarly pursuits to engage in more militarily-inclined actions. A skilled battlefield commander, Aemond is a veteran of the first Elven War against Regalia, though he managed to escape. He fought against the Dread Empire until recently. He is short in speech and generally cold. Aemond is rarely seen without his brother. Currently unplayed.
  • Ben-Hastur Rhylovhas (125): Ben-Hastur is the half-brother to the twins Aemond and Naemond. Although he did not entirely follow his brothers' paths into military service, he did become a keen military historian, with a great interest in the ongoings of the Regalian wars and their events. He is considerably warmer than his brothers, though he lacks much charm or tact. Currently unplayed.
  • Besaeraquë Rhylovhas (114): One of two living Rhylovhas named after their earliest figure, Besaeraquë took on the role of a diplomat early in his life in honour of his namesake. Guided in Altalar history by his patriarch, Besaeraquë is welcoming and bright, and generally able to navigate most situations with the best result for himself. Currently unplayed.
  • Sehenna Rhylovhas (102): Sehenna is the oldest of her siblings, and perhaps the most appealing of the brood, sporting long, crimson red hair as her Fin'ullen mother does. She is a talented stylist and artist, making many of her own clothes and frequently tying her tresses into ever more complex and impressive shapes. However, Sehenna is also the most volatile Rhylovhas, prone to outbursts of insult and aggression to those who offend or insult her, snarky at even the best of times. Currently unplayed.
  • Nesseia Rhylovhas (99): Nesseia is the middle child, most independent of her siblings, and perhaps the most adherent to the encouraged lifestyle of the Rhylovhas family- learned in history and linguistics, Nesseia has chosen the unique pursuit of recording and researching the histories of the 'lesser' races, from Varran to Orcs to Url. Although this has earned her some criticism from other relatives, she remains steadfast in her pursuit of unwritten history, sporting the most liberal and open mindset of all Rhylovhas so as to achieve her goal. Currently unplayed.
  • Golganoroth Rhylovhas (92): The youngest of his siblings, Golganoroth is something of a black sheep among his family, in that he chose to pursue martial prowess over mental aptitude as much of the rest of the family did. Although close with Aemond, he is considered brutish and brash by most other Rhylovhas, preferring to use a warhammer in battle and to grow much of his body hair in the image of the battle-god Tal'Sieth. In spite of this, he is friendly if not imposing, and a prodigious drinker. Currently unplayed.
  • Besaeraquë Rhylovhas (57): The second of two living Rhylovhas named after another, Besaeraquë is also the most inexperienced Rhylovhas, still choosing a path for himself; although this is somewhat belated, he is allowed his time to make his decision by the rest of the family, who believe he will make the best choice for himself. He is by far the most unsure and insecure of the Rhylovhas, though he attempts to mask this behind the same arrogance as his patriarch. Currently unplayed.
  • Other Rhylovhas may exist with differing archetypes and skill sets; these can be applied for, but it is recommended to apply for a pre-existing one; further, alterations can be made to pre-existing character structures if requested.


DM @Scribbe (Scribbe#7549) with a pitch for a chosen character, including intentions with the possible character, aesthetics, and a quick Proficiency layout. I reserve the right to be picky about entrants, but will be open to players I haven't yet interacted with joining the family.

Recruitment is currently: Open.

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