Alorian Folksongs!


I hate being that one guy who can't sing for crap, and was only 5th chair violin for the longest time. Will I never have skill in music?

At least I can write hella good! And what's a folk song without words?
Hello there! Inspired to make some sea shanties for the Alorian people, a friend led me to this thread! Though I'm afraid it's inactive? If so, I would very much like to start it up again. I'm overly pleased with the concept and would very much like to contribute to the project.
Hello there! Inspired to make some sea shanties for the Alorian people, a friend led me to this thread! Though I'm afraid it's inactive? If so, I would very much like to start it up again. I'm overly pleased with the concept and would very much like to contribute to the project.

o3o not dead. Always happy to have more peeps singin
o3o not dead. Always happy to have more peeps singin
Yesss! Already have a song up and ready for official recording of which will hopefully take place tomorrow. Isn't a sea shanty (still grasping the feel of such songs), but I have one of tragic romance! (U) To be unveiled soon. And, lastly, where can I find these songs if they have already been posted in the Wiki?
Yesss! Already have a song up and ready for official recording of which will hopefully take place tomorrow. Isn't a sea shanty (still grasping the feel of such songs), but I have one of tragic romance! (U) To be unveiled soon. And, lastly, where can I find these songs if they have already been posted in the Wiki?

Some of them have been added to the Tales pages of the wiki as poems but they're mainly in this thread and on soundcloud
Hello missmaggy! I have been gone for a very long time, but my presence has been prompted with the improved finishing of my song, Lost is Love. I was going to post it up here when I had made my original version, but now I've completed a full smooth composition using NoteFlight, a fantastic website. So I was wondering if you would consider this thread operational? I can see it hasn't been used in a very long time. I would love for it to be resurrected and for people to continue putting music on here. If not, I may very well just make a thread of my own, and the staff would have to put it on the Lore, such as yourself. So please respond at the earliest convenience! I'm glad to have popped by! @Missmaggy2u
Thanks for reminding me of this thread, it seems the lore that the song I had written about has changed.