Alorian Folksongs!


Fiber Viber
Sep 25, 2013
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So @Luthien and I have been working on some songs written in/for/about Aloria :D I think we should have a list of songs for bards and sailors to sing. It makes the world really immersive, and they're pretty fun to write. If you have an idea for a song, or even a recording of one, feel fee to post it here! It's hugely a work in progress and we're gona keep spitting out songs whenever we think of them :3

Songs as of now:

Women of Ithania: A jaunty song sung by sailors who dream of the women of the world

To Regalia!: An upbeat song by travelers and bards who dream of coming to the crowned jewel.

The Noble: A tall tale of a ship called The Noble which employed people of every race. (Also hear the beautiful cover done by Eledana, HERE .)

Our Sails Are Set: A melancholy tune sung by sailors of Aloria.

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Ithanian Women: Tune and lyrics by Missmaggy2u
To Regalia!: Tune and lyrics by Missmaggy2u
The Noble: Lyrics by Missmaggy2u (original music "Running down to Cuba" traditional sea shanty)
The Noble (Cover): Music and singing @Eledana, lyrics Missmaggy2u
Our Sails are Set: Music and lyrics by @Gabauchi
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Lovely idea, I look forward to seeing/hearing more songs! ^-^
I love this. Might even record something of my own (If I think of something to write).
~Maybe Reserved~​
Ooooooo, I think I still have a few songs that I wrote for Alorian lore, but if not, I'm totally doing some.
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Can I just write some lyrics? I got a few ideas, but there aint no way I can sing 'em
EDIT: I learned how to read, reservin dis post for a dwarvish song
I love it! maybe Elli writes up some lyrics on excisting songssss

Btw.. all the sailors on the valorian ships now have to sing that song. Totes nothing to do ofc. with my char being from Ithania.
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This is amazing! If only Owl City Ocean Eyes styled songs could be such a thing in Aloria. XD
I know a few pretty neat medieval themed songs that could be adapted or sung in Aloria, links from youtube of course.

Otherwise, I have a few WIP ones and I'll get 'em up when I find someone to sing 'em.
Might add more at some point, these might be cute to adapt >.<
Sorry about the rubbish lyric attempts, aha.

Blood Red Roses


A storm is loosed upon the sea

Whose eye is stained with tears.

A wretch Hell-bound and bent on blood,

the makings of the fearful's fears.

The tide it stole away her grace,

the depths, they wouldn't claim her.

A toil begat by father's blood

This path was laid before her.

Redemption borne by brigand's blood

A blight upon the darkness.

The pact embraced, a road unsought

The Maiden of Death won't be unwrought.

Her wrath is known throughout the black,

the gardens of death she is tending

Vengeance is her only ward

Beware the blood red rose's thorn.

Mordred's Lullaby - Sounds nice to adapt

Reign of the Dragons - Isldar Chant
I tried to write it in simple Elven, if you say it right the lyrics kinda fit-ish >.<
I'd have used better words but this is all the Elven thingy could offer ;~;

Órë rámalócë oron
[Rising winged-Dragons[Beasts] in the mountains]

Rimpa on á fána caurë
[Flying on a cloud [of] fear]

Roquen ar á vendëima
[Rode by a Maiden fair]

Nir Aloria xë tyel
[Though Aloria they'll end.]

More soon maybe ouo
Would it be alright if I just adapted the place names in the irish folk song Báidín Fheilimí? It would probably work very well with Ériu Innis given the treacherous waters and stuff.
Hm. Now that some these are going on the wiki, they should be original. Using old songs is public domain if their originals are lost or they're folk sosngs. So "would it be alright if" depends in what you want it used for. For person fun and posting here, minimally changed covers are fine. For wiki consideration, copyright laws are in effect

Anyways, let me know if you need a male voice, I'd be up for helping out, 6+ years of experience.

Highest Note: D5
Lowest Note: A2

Bing Bang Boom Mycin Out.