ā£How would your character express Happiness and Contentedness?
āAlexa when happy normally would let out a small smile sometimes accompanied by a laugh. But otherwise not much else, either often being too tired now and days to show off much energy at a time. But it can be more childlike should Alexa feel up to such and is well rested along with being very pleased or happy by what's happening.
"When you get the moment, enjoy what you have and the moments of peace you get. Cause you could wake up to it all being voidfire the next day."
ā£How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
āHer ears would pin down to her head when in fear with her tail freezing in place behind her. However, her expression remains stone cold. As is her natural reaction to try and hide her fear or fright by something and try to seem tough. However, friends often can see through this disguise.
"Fear is weakness, don't show it to others.. less you want your place to be challenged."
ā£How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?
āAlexa normally will try to shrug off or ignore her stress. If that doesn't work, then find the source of her stress and the problem. And attempt to rid of it in any way shape or form.
"Life has always been stressful, I won't cave now. I can always deal with this later."
ā£How does your character view Law and Authorities?
āShe sees them quite frankly as useless. Even before her infection they had been. The multiple attacks and lack of care for the citizens. Even from her own Nobles she worked for and found herself wishing to be undoubtedly loyal to with no end. As she was introduced to Vampirism and joined a coven. Her faith in the guards and Peerage grows weaker every passing day.
"Most of the Guards and the Peerage are useless nowadays, I mean, they are the reason I am what I am today."
ā£How does your character feel about Races other than their own?
āShe does not judge others based on their race. Believing all races are naturally equal and should be such. As she knows the need to fight for an accepted place in the world during her younger years. With the constant pressure to improve and push herself for approval. And therefore wishes for no one else to need to fight like she did.
"Do not judge who you do not understand. Get to know them first before you make assumptions of that person based on skin. Or what they look like."
ā£How does your character feel about Religion for themselves, and other faiths?
āHer Religion, which used to be of Estel most of her life. Quickly changed to that of the Dhul-Enhura after her turning into a Cratos. The Religion which she had learned from both her adopted father, Rhys Sagh and step brother Rizu Sagh. She sees Dhul-Enhura as the now true and only God in her life. Given how many times she believed the one she worshipped before had failed her. And watched people who didn't worship Dhul-Enhura fall into insanity. Believing it was her destiny to join the Collective, hence why she was spared of her life after turning and kept her Dhul-Enhura for.
But it's not to the level she would force her Religion on others nor even judge their Gods. She would likely more or so just humor them however. And pity them if she speaks to then of Dhul-Enhura but not heave her warning.
"May Dhul-Enhura Eclipse all those Gods and Goddesses fake and punish those who refuse to seek the truth and ignore his ancient wisdom."
ā£How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?
āAlexa sees magic as a useful tool to use. But also a special passion to herself. She had grown up learning it from her friend Leth who had taught her the way of magic growing up. And she had later moved off to look for more ways to improve her magical abilities and trying multiple different kinds of magic. But it never truly worked to satisfy what she wanted for herself. That was when she took on Vampirism. And her already current healing abilities are enhanced beyond normal standard. Only then did she feel really.. Satisfied.
"Magic is alright, but it will never compete against machinery."
ā£How does your character feel towards their family?
āHer birth mother and other family members had mostly left the city. With her grandfather killed and her mother simply out on adventures. Alexa began feeling a hole inside herself she needed filled. So when she joined the Collective shortly after she was adopted by Rhys and Sivo Sagh. Who is now whom she strives and works towards impressing. She also has now her little sister who is also named Alexandria and an older brother named Rizu. And her weird uncle figure in life who she thinks to be an idiot but at least he is her idiot. Whom is named Lock.
"My family is that of the Collective. And I am happy now among them."
ā£What is your character the most proud of about themselves?
āShe is proud of her ability to help and care for her coven, and her current noble house, Kreiburg. Which she had always strived her best to be recognized and seen. Being loyal to both groups to no end. Making one of her most defining traits be loyalty to those she finds herself caring about.
"I will remain loyal to those I care for. Unless one of them forces my wrath."
ā£What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?
āAs of now it likely would be the Collective. Whom she wants to stay with and keep marching onwards with them in their endeavors. After many failed attempts at finding happiness among other groups, she had near given up. Until she met Rhys.
"I live onwards to fight for my friends, those I care for. And my Coven.
ā£What is your character's biggest insecurity?
āHer biggest insecurity at the moment is very likely the fear of abandonment. And having no place in the world or true social life. Where Alexa as a Sanguine is more self secluded. She still depends often on the social interactions she has on the surface with different crowds. For however much she must like her new life. She truly can never give up what she had grown up doing. And that is more or so being a social butterfly.
"If news of my Vampirism gets out, I know for certain my social life might as well be destroyed. And those I trusted will turn their backs on me and attempt to cure what doesn't need cured."
ā£What is your character's biggest fear?
āShe greatly fears fire, for in her eyes. It's a vile thing she finds herself both thankful for but also scared of. Keeping flames in her homes full of plants inside controlled fire places or furnaces, and refuses to use lanterns or torches. As she does not want her home burning down but also needs the provided heat during the harsher times of year."
"Fire is beautiful with the way the flames move and glow, yet it's so deadly and can cause so much destruction at the same time."
ā£Character Quirks
Alexa has an entire language-like thing when it comes to her moods and personality. Which friends can often use to tell what Alexa is feeling even when she tries to hide it.
āContent or Happy: Tail waves gently back and forth behind her.
āExcited: Tail moves around in a circular motion.
āSad: Tail drapes down to the ground and drags across it.
āFearful: Tail instantly stiffens out and becomes nearly still as a rock.
āAngry: Tail lashes back and forth behind her
āDisgusted: Tail becomes more stiff and twitches.
ā£character's skills.
āAlexa loves nature and gardening. She owns a garden which is basically her entire home which she often tends to and takes care of. Growing all kinds of fruits and plant life in it. She also has a hobby of acting and doing acrobatics (circus arts). She had recently learned from Rhys how to work and tinker with some Clockwork but not a lot of it, along with making forging and working with armory and weapons another hobby of hers. Meanwhile she practiced her fighting skills with her mother Sivo.