Advenai Sewer Town


May 21, 2014
Reaction score

Located near the Wailing Wraith; (Turn left at TP, follow the tunnel and take the first right)


Advenai; is a town made for and provided by Silven, Sanguine, Undead and criminals. The lowest two levels, are publicly accessible, and represent a bustling market amongst numerous facilities. Shops, flats and group bases are available for characters to rent. Daily life involved rowdy fights, and numerous trade negotiations.

Want to join us? Join our discord, and shoot us a PM to be included at a normal member rank. For higher ranks, use the application at the bottom of this page!


The town provides a number of shops and facilities. All of which need active manning to provide roleplay. With fortnightly tax collection (in blood or coin), small events and more, joining the town of Advenai aims to be interactive. Rent houses, bases, shops, or take control of facilities such as the Inn, or warehouse by speaking with the Advenai leader. The town requires guards, mercenaries and general workers.

Worker - Just join our discord and shoot @Lord_Immortal or @Koori a Pm.
(General Worker - Merchants/Artisans/Innkeeper/Merc)
Merchants - Just join our discord and shoot @Lord_Immortal or @Koori a Pm.
(Shop keepers, travelling salesmen, stall owners)
Artisans - Just join our discord and shoot @Lord_Immortal or @Koori a Pm.
(Blacksmiths/Alchemists/Tailors etc)
Innkeeper - Just join our discord and shoot @Lord_Immortal or @Koori a Pm.
(Bartender/Tavern Worker/Entertainer)
Mercenary - Just join our discord and shoot @Lord_Immortal or @Koori a Pm.
Mercenary Captain - Requires Application


The Hierarchy Coven, that governs and manages the sewer town, generally recruits young sanguine in order to raise and train them into active roles. However, it is possible for older sanguine to join and aid the Hierarchy. Groups of sanguine, can join the Hierarchy, with their leader joining the council and thus a place managing the town, or individual sanguine can join.

Acolyte - Just join our discord and shoot @Lord_Immortal or @Koori a Pm.
(Standard joining rank for a vampire of the Hierarchy.)
Inquisitor - Requires Application
(Senior/Mentor rank for a vampire of the Hierarchy.)
Council - Requires Application
(Top/Managing rank for a vampire of the Hierarchy.)

In Game Name:
Character Name:
Character Sheet: (If one exists)
How well do you rate your roleplay? 1 (bad) - 10 (perfect)
What role/job are you applying for?
What can your character bring to the table? Why should they be given the job?
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In Game Name: Nidakk
Character Name: Boldizsar the Bloodthirsty
Character Sheet: (If one exists) Almost done, getting ready to post it today
How well do you rate your roleplay? 1 (bad) - 10 (perfect) 7
What role/job are you applying for? Mercenary Captain
In Game Name: Ailethi
Character Name: Kaithlyn Moemont
Character Sheet: (If one exists) WIP
How well do you rate your roleplay? 1 (bad) - 10 (perfect): I'd give myself a fat 6-7.
What role/job are you applying for?: Worker!
In Game Name: TheKingOfLies
Character name: Loki
Character sheet: In progress
How well do you rate your roleplaying? 6
What role/job are you applying for? Mercenary (Will also work as barmen if he gets around to it)
In Game Name: AnimalisticArts
Character Name: Akira Ami Eto (New Sihai, when it comes out)
Character Sheet: WIP currently
How well do you rate your roleplay? 1 (bad) - 10 (perfect) a solid 7
What role/job are you applying for? Coven Inquisitor
What can your character bring to the table? Why should they be given the job? Akira is able to turn mortals into the undying through various rituals and other means. She is also proficient in stave combat, which she would be willing to share with the members of the coven. She is very calculative and calm, putting thought into her plans of attack and such and could offer good advice to the coven as well.
@AnimalisticArts Hiya Animalistic, I rather like the character concept you explained to me in Pm and on here, so I think for a trial period I'd love to have you as an inquisitor and we'll just see how it goes!
In Game Name: MrOof1
Character Name:
Hallgrim Asleson
Character Sheet:
How well do you rate your roleplay?
6-7 (I have Nobles who I play.. so they may take most of my time)
What role/job are you applying for?
Coven Inquisition
What can your character bring to the table? Why should they be given the job?
Hallgrim can bring strength and true combat to the Coven Inquisition. He is a great teacher for he was apart of the School of Skaggers and had learned much during his time there and during the Burning North Campaign. His skill as a Velheimer and apart of the Dorkarth Bloodline to do damage against his own people while also being able to speak the Old Vampire Language.
Hi @MrOof1
Thank you for taking the time to apply; looking at Hallgrims app and a bit of his background and your description, it's easy to tell that Hallgrim would make a good inquisitor icly. On that basis I would love to give you a chance as one, to see how things go from there onwards!