Archived Additions To The Massivebooks Plugin

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Jan 28, 2014
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Since my first Idea topic was locked due to me attempting to defend my idea I have created a new topic which hopefully aligns more with the views of the MassiveCraft staff who, in the end, are the people I am really trying to convince.

So MassiveBooks as a plugin has some interesting features such as being able to copy, lock and unlock books, re-title books, and a few other book related commands. I honestly feel like it could use some expanding upon to allow some more interesting things to be done and to really help books become a more prominent thing on the server in roleplay and just in general. Below I'm going to list some things I would really love to see added to the MassiveBooks plugin.

1. Bookshelves that allow books to be placed on them. This means that bookshelves have a GUI very similar to a chest that lets you put books in the actual bookshelf. I myself really dislike the whole placing an item frame and then putting a singular book in it. That defeats the whole purpose of building a library with bookcases because now you can't even see most of the bookcase due to the item frame blocking it! Plus it just allows for more space to place books and makes for more immersive roleplay when you don't see books stuck in a frame hanging from a bookshelf. The bookshelves would also only accept written books and maybe maps and no other items could be placed inside of them.

2. The ability to name bookshelves so that the names show when you look directly at that bookshelf just like with books on item frames work now. This way in a large library a single section of books can be easily found! This allows for enormous libraries to be built without the need for someone to search every bookcase for their book.

3. It would be nice if players had the ability to change the author of a book so that the author doesn't show as the player's username. I think Author: Rurin Oakenshield is a lot better than Author: Helldome when roleplaying, a very minor thing I know but sometimes it's the small things.

Those are really my big things, I honestly just want truly functional bookcases. If anyone has an idea to expand one of my thoughts, or a criticism of one of them, or a feature you'd like to see added to the MassiveBooks plugin that I didn't list here feel free to make a comment about it!
Also if your vote toward these ideas is a big fat know it would be super helpful for you to post why in the comments because just giving a negative vote with no feedback makes it impossible for me to understand the issues people see in the idea.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I don't agree with #3.

-Unlimited supply of books is like spawning in books from thin air. It would most likely ruin the market on books since all you have to do is take a book and clear it, and you have an empty book & quill. Even if there was a 'tax' on it, that would mean that it would have to be a decently high tax, because otherwise no one would have a reason to buy books in market anymore.

On #4 I know that staff have the ability to re-author books. Special lore books, for instance, have unique authorizations. The reason why it isn't available to players, most likely, is that we need a way to track if someone writes and starts dispersing an inappropriate book to everyone. If they changed the author, we wouldn't be able to track it very easily.

#3) There would have to be some sort of ridiculous contraption you have to make, something Gutenberg would have messed with maybe... But I agree, no free spawning of books ad nauseum.

#4)Maybe it could be tied to your /nick or something similar. Maybe the solution then would be to have some sort of a registering system for the author names. Not quite sure how it would work though.
#3) There would have to be some sort of ridiculous contraption you have to make, something Gutenberg would have messed with maybe... But I agree, no free spawning of books ad nauseum.

#4)Maybe it could be tied to your /nick or something similar. Maybe the solution then would be to have some sort of a registering system for the author names. Not quite sure how it would work though.
I talked with a Staff Member on number 4 and they said it's completely possible but re-authoring the book yourself keeps you from being able to copyright the book.
I talked with a Staff Member on number 4 and they said it's completely possible but re-authoring the book yourself keeps you from being able to copyright the book.

Awesome, I think it's plausible then!
I hope so... although the lack of any staff interaction with the thread whatsoever is rather disheartening...
I am watching the thread to find out what people are interested in. I requested that this thread be made after a proposal for use of a plugin that wouldn't fit well with other plugins that are running on MassiveCraft. I have purposely kept a low profile because I wanted to see what you want and not influence the discussion too much with my preconceived ideas.
I see no real point to this. Why not put the books in a chest if you want them put in a chest? Furthermore, several edits and restarts will have to happen for this to be included. Plus, this entire idea can't be used in Regalia, as people will steal the libraries books if they put them in a bookshelf. I prefer keeping them in item frames, as people can still read them but no one can steal them.
I see no real point to this. Why not put the books in a chest if you want them put in a chest? Furthermore, several edits and restarts will have to happen for this to be included. Plus, this entire idea can't be used in Regalia, as people will steal the libraries books if they put them in a bookshelf. I prefer keeping them in item frames, as people can still read them but no one can steal them.
One of the purposes of these ideas is to develop a system that will work in Regalia, as well as other places. For your information, item frames only protect books in faction territory, as Cay has written code to do this for Factions II. Item Frames are not protected in Regalia.
One of the purposes of these ideas is to develop a system that will work in Regalia, as well as other places. For your information, item frames only protect books in faction territory, as Cay has written code to do this for Factions II. Item Frames are not protected in Regalia.

I was speaking about item frames placed in regalia by staff.
I am watching the thread to find out what people are interested in. I requested that this thread be made after a proposal for use of a plugin that wouldn't fit well with other plugins that are running on MassiveCraft. I have purposely kept a low profile because I wanted to see what you want and not influence the discussion too much with my preconceived ideas.
Apologies then, I hadn't realized you were still monitoring it at this point.

I see no real point to this. Why not put the books in a chest if you want them put in a chest? Furthermore, several edits and restarts will have to happen for this to be included. Plus, this entire idea can't be used in Regalia, as people will steal the libraries books if they put them in a bookshelf. I prefer keeping them in item frames, as people can still read them but no one can steal them.
The point is for aesthetic and roleplay purposes... I don't want to cover up my nice bookshelves with item frames because then what's the point of the bookshelves. I don't want to build a library out of chests, how utterly ridiculous that would look! Also a restart has to happen for any and every plugin and bug fix so honestly I don't see the argument there. No matter what at some point the server must be restarted for other issues and reasons and it's entirely possible for the plugin to be implemented then, and it's not like the server is down for ages and it's going to ruin your time.
*Cough Cough* This is still on the table as suggestion.
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