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Played Character Adagio Von Rolanthe

This character is actively played.


Dec 25, 2023
Reaction score

Last edited:
  • Full Name: Count, Major Adagio von Rolanthe

  • Race: Ailor (Leutz-Vixe)

  • Age: 24

  • Gender: Male

  • Occult: Mundane
Core Concept
  • Adagio is a man who lives life from a sniper's perch, observing the world from a distance with a wince. Close up he is coy, witty and takes care to be a breath of fresh air within the brooding circles of Lothar. Ser von Rolanthe has a vow to diminish stains and sanguine, and think nothing of it, all while uplifting his fellow Knights.
    • Devout Purist-Unionist

    • Darkwald of the Lothar Order
  • Adagio stands 6 '3, broad shouldered & semi-muscular.

  • Ocean blue-green eyes, and vibrant ginger hair.

  • Below his neck is always covered in dark clothing and light armor.

Class - Ranger
  • Constitution: 2
    • Interception
  • Dexterity: 7
    • Ranger Stance (Free)

    • Ranger Tag

    • Ranger Wallop

    • Ranger Blur

    • Hook Shot

    • Ranger Cover

    • Escape Artist

    • Disguise Pack
  • Intelligence: 3
    • Puretek Antimagi

    • Puretek Evade

    • Wardrobe Pack
  • Strength: 3
    • Building Scale

    • Force Toss

    • Steady Body
  • Native Fluency - Common, Letz, Calem, Kriv

  • Fluent - Český, Altalar, Ithanian

  • Conversational - Réginyelv ,Dressalo, Hellas

  • Studying - Anglian , Breizh, Skodje
Plot Hooks

Strong shoulders; unsteady spine.
Adagio comes from a line of Leutz-Vixe blue-bloods, intertwined with the creation of the Darkwald Order, now the Lothar Order. As of arriving to Regalia as a newly knighted Darkwald, Adagio's mother had passed, making him the first Count of his family.

Art Imitates Death
Adagio is a practiced, prolific painter. His skill is a great secret he does not share with many. He is protective over his art, purely to divorce the idea of himself being an artist and a Darkwald. Adagio was nearly expelled from the Lothar Academy for his obsession with painting secret halls and meetings. In an act of great reconditioning, the Count learned to associate art with death. Adagio is also a skilled pianist, though he is less shy of showing this. The Count's free time is also spent learning and speaking new languages.

Persist; Disengage
The Ser makes a point to pursue all orders, to do as he is told. Should he be ordered to do something within Lothar, he will do it. This works in the inverse; when he is told to yield, he steps back without question, even if in the bouts of saving someone. His ability to disengage and disregard is one of his bigger strengths. Adagio takes pride in the optics of a devout follower, carrying the persona of a blind soldier for its utility alone. In truth, every action he takes is one to promote the greater Lothar Mission.

Extended Details
  • von Rolanthe pays patronage covertly to the Culture Gods, Neall and Nolven. He has a fixation with their message, and the moral exchange of beauty and war. The entryway of his estate is covered in paintings of war and historical propaganda illustrations.
    • Something implies the Count's quiet obsession with the Twindivine is more a practice of intrigue than devout worship…
  • von Rolanthe, if fond of the speaker, when speaking in Calem he will slip into Lëtz in hopes to give the other person an ear for his mother tongue. His love for his culture and native language is unwavering.
    • Often, he will offer lessons in Lëtz to all those he is fond of, in exchange for practice in another language he is currently studying.
  • von Rolanthe appreciates and encourages being called simply 'Darkwald' in most settings, often signing missives and reports as - Darkwald von Rolanthe. Considering his lineage, it always refers to the head of his family, his mother and grandmother signing off with the same title.
    • The Count has mentioned his middle name is Darkwald. This has yet to be verified.
  • von Rolanthe is often seen sporting uniforms and traditional attire from the Lothar Academy, his house being a core supplier of such goods to the establishment.
    • Fixed on his lapel at all times, is a vintage golden crest of the Darkwald Order, and an Eye of the Everwatcher pendant.
  • von Rolanthe's life before the Academy was unremarkable, spending time with his mother in the silence of their estate. Often watching the burning pine barrens of Tirgunn cycle like a clock from the balcony of his home castle in Vanren. He began learning to play the piano at this time, his first true love.

  • von Rolanthe is known to have an eye for Viridan Knights, often befriending them and finding comfort in their company. As a young boy, Adagio watched the Viridian Knights enter and exit his home castle in wonder. It could be assumed that should he have not been born into a noble Lothar house, he would have donned the shining armor of the Hohenfels. It has become a fixation.
    • In adulthood, his comfort and affinity for standing beside the Viridian can be seen as an effort to appear disarming and less radical.

    • Despite the von Rolanthe family color being a pale green-blue - The Count commonly sports shades of green– daringly close to the Viridian's signature color. One might wonder if he is aware how easily he could be mistaken for one, or if it's just an expression of his admiration.

  • Constitution: 1
    • Interception​
  • Dexterity: - 7 ATTACK
    • Ranger Stance (Free)​
    • Ranger Tag​
    • Ranger Wallop​
    • Ranger Trap​
    • Ranger Cover​
    • Ranger Splash​
    • Ranger Cut​
    • Sharp Reflexes​
  • Intelligence: 4 - DEFENSE
    • Puretek Antimagi​
    • Puretek Evade​
    • Puretek Burn​
    • Puretek Reload​
  • Strength: 2
    • Force Toss​
    • Steady Body​
Last edited:
major update.
- updated plothooks
- updated title
- added extended details
- updated crp kit
- fresh coat of paint
- golden rays of the glorious sunshine