Sera Valeska Von Kalterwald
- Information -
- Full Name: Valeska Von Kalterwald
- Heritage / Culture: Ailor, Wirtem
- Age: 23
- Gender / Pronouns: Shey / They - Prefers neutral titles
- Religion: Purist Unionist
- Occult: ON SIGHT. (N/A)
- Character Occupation: Lothar Knights, Grauwald Chapter
- Eye Color: Their eyes are a milky brown
- Skin Color: Pale with large eyebags under their eyes. She uses makeup to accentuate the redness under her eyes
- Hair: Faintly curly, dark purple hair that falls down their back in loose ringlets
- Height: 5'9
- Additional Features: Valeska is always seen wearing a black wide brimmed hat with a veil around its brim. Both of Valeska's legs are gothitech prosthetics.
- Calem - Split Mother Tongue
- Common - Split Mother tongue
- Lëtz - Semi Fluent, Studied.
- D'Ithanie - Conversational, Studied.
Born to Alrick and Isolde, Valeska von Kalterwald was created for one reason. To join the Lothar, to follow the path their family had paved for them, and to rid what plagued the world. From the moment they could talk, they were told to recite their families victories. From the moment they could walk they were taught how to fight.
They lived the majority of their life locked inside of their Calemburg home friends take away from studies. Yet, Valeska found comfort in speaking to the Ravens that pecked at their window even going so far as to name them.
They found that unlike their cousins, Valeska was not cut out to be a brutish fighter who could sever limbs with a single blow, rather a supportive figure in battle. Using their knowledge on fighting, they could closely watch each fight, waiting for the perfect moment where the enemy dropped their guard for that split second, instructing their ally to attack once more and once that was done, once their allies grew sloppy. Valeska would don a black raven mask, hiding their kind features from their foe and drawing their sword to pick it off themselves.
Through their Lothar schooling, Valeska remained well behaved. They'd spend late nights writing notes on the occult, primarily magic. They looked up to the Grauwald, aspiring to one day stand alongside them and that they did. Two years after their graduation from being a Squire. Valeska was sent to Regalia, finding their way to the local Lothar chapter. They still donned their raven mask, shouting commands to aid their fellow Lothar.
Family Relations
Alrick - Valeska's Father. A man who has scared his entire family into being the perfect soldiers their ancestors were, cruel and heartless. In his old age, he struggles to continue his duties and his wounds are finally catching up to him. He has grown ill and knows he will soon have to palm off the family to Valeska. Valeska hopes they can hold their families weight upon their shoulders and continue what has been paved for them.
Isolde - Valeska's Mother. Isolde was a nice woman, the present figure in Valeska's life that taught them the kindness they show to their fellow Lothar and to the people they swear to protect and the ruthlessness they show the occult. Yet, she was always busy with raising children, paperwork and caring for the townspeople and she continued that until the moment she died. Valeska wasn't present for that, yet heard she still had the kindest smile as she perished.
(More to be added)
Valeska's Pinterest Board
Combat Proficiencies and Abilities
Attack Stat: INT
Defense Stat: WIS
[14/14 points spent]
Proficiency Points:
- Strength: 2
- Technique Parry
- Chaining Throw
- Constitution: 0
- Intelligence: 7
- Puretek Blessing
- Puretek Evade
- Puretek Wrath
- Puretek Sanction
- Puretek Reload
- Safeguard
- Wardrobe
- Wisdom: 5 - COMMAND STANCE
- Pursuit Command
- Assault Command
- Fortify Command
- Execute Command
- Endure Command
- Dexterity:
- Faith: 1
- Guided Prayer
- Magic: 0
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