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Played Character Adagio Von Rolanthe

This character is actively played.


Dec 25, 2023
Reaction score


Character Information

  • Full Name: Count Adagio von Rolanthe of Vanren, Tirgunn​
  • Heritage: Ailor (Leutz-Vixe, Covertly Sarnan)​
  • Age: 25 (June 6th)​
  • Gender: Male​
  • Religion: Unionist (Nolvan as Patron.)​
  • Occult: Mundane​
  • Character Occupation: Lothar Knight-Major, Count of Tirgunn​

Appearance Information

  • Eye Color: Blue-Green​
  • Skin Color: Tan, freckled.​
  • Hair: Ginger, long and braided. (Streak in art not visible.)​
  • Height: 6'4"​
  • Body Type: Lanky, Muscular​

Skill Information

  • Hobbies and Talents: Sharpshooting, Linguistics, Musician, Painter & Baker.​
  • Languages: In order of fluency, Lëtz, Calem, Cesky, Anglian, d'Ithanie, Altalar, Kriv, Canta, Reginyelv.
  • Languages being learned: Droque (10/24), Skodje (4/24).​


  • Adagio is a man who lives life from a sniper's perch, observing the world from a distance with a wince. Close up he is coy, witty and takes care to be a breath of fresh air within the brooding circles of Lothar. Ser von Rolanthe has a vow to diminish stains and sanguine, and think nothing of it, all while uplifting his fellow Knights.
  • Native to the pine barrens of Vanren, Tirgunn; Adagio von Rolanthe was raised in seclusion within his home castle. The young lord in his younger years took a liking to classical music, and linguistics. He lived in the company of his strict and unforgiving mother, and absent father. Following his younger years, the lord moved on to the Darkwald Castle to train for his rank. His squireship was long and turbulent, as the Lord only wished to absorb the information available to him through the Chapterhouse's archives and vast libraries. He had always been a hunter second to an academic. His favor for the arts thrived as he began to barricade himself within his dormitory, spending countless hours painting depictions of clandestine halls and meeting rooms, most of which got him into trouble.

    In the last year of his Squireship, with his mother still stuck on the frontlines of Vanren, House von Rolanthe desperately wished for Adagio to graduate, allowing the Countess to retire into politics. Adagio seemingly refused to get his act in order, and so a house operation was designed. The Countess decreed that if her son would not graduate in one year to come, be would be stripped of his birthright, and another heir would be picked. Unbeknownst to this ruling, Adagio simply continued to paint.

    On a cold winter evening, masked individuals broke down the barricades of the Lord's door, and dragged him into the snow to deliver the House's message. As members of House von Rolanthe already populated the Darkwald Castle as instructors and mediators, they were readily available to deliver the message in only a few hours. One by one, they removed their masks before the lord until the Countess presented herself before her son to offer him one last chance.

    Unable to agree or even speak, Adagio froze metaphorically and literally. Thankfully for his senses, the trees around the grouping began to burn as members of his House collectively dragged his treasured artworks out to the area, and into the flames surrounding him. The Countess, his mother, made it clear. She didn't want or require a verbal reply- he would fix his act or die.

    Following the Lord's graduation, he decided against staying in Vanren, and instead moved to the Crown Isle to carry out his duties.
  • (Work in Progress)
    "My aim, is that there is only one thing my enemies despise more than myself, and that is when they cannot deny I am correct."

Extended Information

  • Ties that Bind: Adagio has made a name for himself in conservative politics as a stalwart of purist beliefs on behalf of the Darkwald and Lothar Order. He considers his work to the order as something that's required of him, and has a hard time separating his life's purpose from Lothar's ideals. His power is to be used to elevate the Order, and his vision of the rights required for the average Mundane citizen to thrive.

    Point and Kill: -

    Woodsman at Heart: Despite being raised in high nobility, Adagio was simultaneously trained to be a proficient hunter. Nobles from his lands are measured in their physical might, along with their political force. To be renown by his subjects, it's expected of him to lead with an iron fist and a sharpened blade. The image of nobility that his lands promote is often at odds with the clean cut nobles of the Crown Isle. Count von Rolanthe is always calculating a balance.

    (Work in Progress.)
  • -=Core=-
    Erwin Braunschweiger - I cannot discern if you are the means to an end, or the end to my means.
    Anichka Mekrov - The coldest scowl to warm my heart.
    Aceline Ripley - A falling blade has no handle.

    -=House von Rolanthe=-
    Jannick von Rolanthe - What would we be without the belief that we deserve to thrive?
    Jean von Rolanthe - Trust and time.
    Kreiger von Karlisle - They hurt you, not me, welcome.

    -=Everyone Else=-
    Hetsahu - For the life of me, I cannot tell you what happened within that tower- but I pray you will never speak of what I told you happened on that day.
    Lumura Haiyan - The strange thing is I cannot properly recall a word you had said to me, and yet I find you have changed my perspective on a lot of the things I thought I knew.
    Kurt Erhardt - I pray the suffering you have endured will serve you in time, and bring you back to what you have sworn to. May my gift be a reminder of who is your home.
  • Imgur Album

    By Scribbe , JesterofJupiter

Combat Proficiencies and Abilities

Attack Stat: 7 (Dexterity)
Defense Stat: 3 (Wisdom)
Proficiency Points: 15
Custom Kit

Dexterity: 7 [Attack]
  • Ranger Stance (Free)
  • Ranger Tag​
  • Ranger Fan​
  • Ranger Viper​
  • Ranger Evade​
  • Ranger Companion​
  • Ranger Shower​
  • Disguise Kit​
  • Puretek Evade​
Strength: 2
  • Heavy Throw​
  • Steady Body​
Wisdom: 3 [Defense]
  • Bardic Harmony (Free)
  • Sonata of Sanctuary​
  • Elegy of Headwind​
  • Aria of Harming​
Charisma: 1
  • Political Presence​
Last edited:
major update. (4/14)
- updated plothooks
- updated title
- added extended details
- updated crp kit
- fresh coat of paint
- golden rays of the glorious sunshine
Last edited: