Archived Acces To Buy Premium In Itune?

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Sep 28, 2014
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Can you make that i can buy premium in itune because i got alot of that and i dont like using paypal
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You can only buy things with iTunes credit that are on iTunes, which is limited to apps, music and videos. There is no way to make it possible to buy premium with iTunes credit.
well im sorry it was a idee o-o
You can only buy things with iTunes credit that are on iTunes, which is limited to apps, music and videos. There is no way to make it possible to buy premium with iTunes credit.
Only if massive made some kind of app for special donations, or am i wrong? :P
The problem with this is that in order to create an app on the app store, you need to spend something like 100$ a year for a license to post it on the app store and I don't think Massive has the capacity to pay that fee.
I know a few times people have traded for an iTunes gift card for premium, so it's not out of the question. I would just make a thread looking for people who want iTunes gift cards, since I would imagine iTunes gift cards are in rather high demand all the time because of new music, apps, etc.