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A Warning To The Brzeg Invader


The Watcher
Apr 22, 2014
Reaction score
The Mitten


March 29, 307 AC | A Declaration by House Viduggla

To the House av Nystrom,

I, Garth Viduggla, Count of Norrlan have seen your actions taken against the House Skarpsten of the Rikelands. In light of this, I offer you a single warning. Another step in the lands of House Skarpsten, and by extension the Brzeg in the North, and I will see it fit to make it your last. You hold no business in the North other than to wage war and cause needless casualties, which will not be tolerated by myself nor my people. If your troops do not remove themselves from their position in the North, then you can expect House Viduggla to march on you with the intent to demobilize and keep the North in peace.

I advise you heed my warning, for the sake of your men.

Garth Viduggla,
Count of Norrlan.
@Bertramqaz @Last_Link
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"Does House Skarpsten actually need help defending from one-thousand men and a couple of mercenaries that will eventually disappear?" Mused Louis Delmotte.
"How peculiar, Viduggla. I was under the impression you could not attack me or my men? Let's see how long you can uphold the terms of the treaty." Leopold said, gaze hovered over a map of the archipelago.
"Correct me if I'm wrong but wasnt Garth Viduggla one of the main reasons as to why there was a war in the North a month ago? Not exactly a peace keeper, is he" the Revain remarked sideways.​