• Regalian Roleplay Rules

    1. Roleplay rules apply in this category.
    2. Posts are in-character.
    3. Posts are not anonymous.
    4. Posts and reactions made to posts are public. What your character says or does is known by all other characters. If you would like a reaction to be private, do not post it as a public response to a thread. Roleplay it out on the server!
    5. Out-of-character commentary on threads is not allowed unless it is specifically spoiled or bracketed, and/or highlights additional information for in-character responses.
    6. Meme responses are not allowed. This includes reposting the same content as the poster(s) above, or repeating catch phrases on a post.

A Warning


average LoL player
Feb 12, 2019
Reaction score


to you - the foolish people's…

We have warned you, people's of Regalia of our Coven and our glorious Gods from Maraaqi, to the others. Our Coven has slowly killed off your people of Regalia one by one, flesh by flesh, bone by bone.

You claim that you will stop us, yet your dull-wittedness selves have been proven wrong so far. Our Coven is not for Void Worshippers, but for criminals all above - whether sanguine, werebeast, kathar, silven, or any race of Regalia. Any and all criminals may join to kill and to gain power from you foolish nobles, aristocrats, and fools of Regalia.

Our puppet, a woman, shall not rest until she seeks her revenge that she has long awaited for. She is the High Coven Witch and the absolute bringer of death - she is to be claimed the next ruler of Regalia.

You fools of Regalia have a limited amount of time before we strike. Till then, we shall slowly, but surely kill off your citizens one by one. We have already killed around 30 people within the last day, and more is to come. Our Coven shall make you all surrender to the darkness. WE will claim the Regalian throne and seize control!

And to the criminals out there, seek revenge on them by joining us.
Cael frowned as he read over the notice, then snorted. "Amazing how some in this city can't grasp the scope of it. Ten thousand. Ten. Thousand. Violet Guardsmen currently in service. And every rag tag bunch and sewer sulking coven thinks they have a shot." And with that, he strolled off to the Willow.
"Thirty people killed?" Karp stated as he looked over to the notice. "Truly masters of stealth as no body has been found or crimes reported. I shake in my boots awaiting for them to strike." He finished speaking to his company with a small grin.
A set of silver eyes ran along the lines. A twisted set of features that signaled distaste before scoffing, mostly that in ridicule. "And who are you? Never even heard your groups name, shouldn't hide behind the paper." He stated, his features twisting back up into a smile, as he paced off.
Eric would read the letter, shaking his head as he took a gulp of his cider from his mug "I don't know, I'm hearing a lot more threats then action. I guess this is just another bluff" The man said before chuckling softly to himself.
Vena'llia plucked the notice from his hands and promptly chucked it into the fireplace with a shrug. "Meh. Fire up the lanterns if they come like they claim. Then we'll see how this 'darkness' fares."
Fen'nan looked over this second notice before busting into more uproarious laughs and shoving the notice in Milo's face. "'ILL-WILLE'T FOOLS?!' AHAH!"

"Cheeky lil cunts think 'hats how you go about it! Daft! Oh haha! What a riot!"

"This is free fuel for bounty hunters at this point. With, zero credibility behind it." Estlin murmured tossing the note aside.
Fen'nan looked over this second notice before busting into more uproarious laughs and shoving the notice in Milo's face. "'ILL-WILLE'T FOOLS?!' AHAH!"

"Cheeky lil cunts think 'hats how you go about it! Daft! Oh haha! What a riot!"

Milo chuckled as he took the notice, reading it over before his smirk increased slong with his feeling of humor.

"Ahh how INTIMIDATING! Better watch our backs for the big bad coven, ahah!"

"Add another to the stack! They're not being very bright!"
Came the yell from the Sihai as she bustled about the deck of her ship. "Shouldn't have admitted to killing so many people, really. Capital law says five is the max and then it's--"
The petite woman paused, dramatically throwing herself backwards against the bannister and tossing her hand to her brow.
"Off with their heads!"

After close inspection of the notice, the Silven's gaze slowly panned off to her companion, idly rubbing at her own neck.

".. I gotta be honest, Mal. I don't get it."

The Maraya nodded sagely, squinting once more at the paper before offering a reply to her partner in crime.

".. I know I'm just startin' t'read, but this paper makes no sense."
Cazzlyzza took the paper in her talons, the paper hatchling has just dropped it off. She tilted her head in confusion staring at the poster before muttering to herself in Zasta, "Thirty people in a day? What are they trying to brag? I killed sixty people in an hour during the Chrysant." This confused Cazz greatly, how could someone with such a low body count brag so high as to take over Regalia. If she had more, did this mean SHE could become empress Cazzlyzza and make Zzuros serve her? She pondered a moment.
The young doctor adjusted his cracked reading spectacles a bit, squinting his eyes as his hands fell back to their usual routine of nervous fiddling whilst he read. His eyes scanned over the document a few times, before a sharp exhale passed his cracked lips.

"Oh dear- This is not good.. Oh- Mm.."

His frightened utterings slowly faded into a nervous mumble as he grasped a copy of the declaration, and rolled it up for safekeeping; intent on finding the tall and strange Url he had encountered earlier to show him, and hopefully have his fears and suspicions of its validity eased somewhat.
"Thirty people...?" Mani scoffed as she peered over the note. "Awfully proud of themselves, aren't they...?" She ripped the paper off the notice board, giving it a good look-over. Recalling the fear she'd felt after being followed home by a strange figure, she wondered if perhaps this group had anything to do with it. "I'd like to see them try to make me thirty-one." She muttered angrily under her breath, as she crumbled the paper and tossed it on the ground, stepping on it with the heel of her boot for good measure before heading into work at The Nook.

[[OOC: Mani's an idiot asking to get herself stabbed]]
The apparition swirled the whiskey around in his glass, slumped down in his chair, as he retrieved the notice from his underling. A harsh hum escaped the creature as he perused the contents,"Ain't my issue, sister. Theys stay outta my way, and we'll get on just fine. Besides, it ain't nothin' but gibberish. Ain't worth wastin' my time with this shabam. Revenge? Rather not squabble over petty grudges." With little urgency, or true care, he passed off the parchment to Umbra,"In case ya care to look yourself." And with such, he went back to his usual scheming.
@NebulaePrimo @BiBiBirdie
Duke sauntered up to the poster holding a near-empty bottle of Regalian Pale Ale. "Ooh... pretty picture", he mumbled to himself as he took a swig of his ale. "Sure wish I could read."

He drained the last few sips of his drink and spun off to order another.
James sharpens the end of his blade, grinning at the note

The Vampiric Blight has decided to rise, so shall it fall and by Bathur's will every last one of them will feel the point of my sword. So to shall all who stand with them, Praise be the Old Gods.
The self-proclaimed Lich Lord leaned forward upon their desk, their fiery gaze blurred by the sight of fire and paper. After far too long, they finally collected themselves and put down their flask in favour of the declaration. "Far too many call themselves the enemy of all covens, yet never show their face to me," strummed their voice, akin to the strings of the double bass.

"If they are to laugh inside their bases and behind their Violet shields, then they should laugh before me and expect the consequences or not laugh at all, lest they expose themselves as cowards! To call others to do what they do not wish to is simply a sign of weakness and stupidity! To say thirty deaths mean nothing, and yet, they do not wish to risk making themselves thirty one because they're too heroic? Or because sitting around proves someone was 'wrong?' Is that a sign of courage, or a sign of greed?" Xilthruum continued to make a verbal mockery of the crowd, but this time, their voice was clear to those in the Undercity.

"If a knightly oath deliberately banned the use of childish mockery and malicious chortles, many men would become disgraced indeed."
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