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A Violet Declaration On The Carnival


most honest biped in athens
Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
Reaction score

A porcelain mask was tied to Greygate's grand stage, hung on a noose of multicolored, theatrical clothing, near synonymous with the Carnival's leader, Solitaire.

The Clowned King is captured.
Solitaire's true name is Evarha Panoukla.
There is no mystery to them. They were a Vampire, and are now a mundane half-elf. Her following has began to doubt itself due to her failures. If she continues to act like a dog, she'll be put down like one.

No more clowning around.
Additionally, anyone found attending the Carnival's "Feast of Fools" is thereby associating with and financially assisting a crime gang, and viable for arrest.
Valarosta leaned over Leufred's shoulder, brows vaulted toward the ceiling after she read the parchment. A vaguely impressed and humoured tone caused a slip of her accent, tinting the words particularly Katharish.
"Hey, that's pretty good."
The Bloodcast commander would chuckle upon attending this, he'd met her just earlier that very same day. "Well that was fast!"
Solitaire's thunderous cackle was cut short by a fit of violent and gutteral coughs. She shifted herself in her bed, a sinister smirk curling on her cold lips,"So the guard decide to stall. Yes, they think they've thrown quite the curve ball. Although, all they do is continue down my pit fall. In time, all will hear my call. Then this wicked town, in turn, shall fall."
The injured jester pans her sight towards their assortment of Harlequins, slowly raising to a seated position in their cot;"Do not relent. The guard can't prevent. Run free and resent. The Violet's have hardly made a dent. Capture the clanker's scent. Let this mark the day of their descent!"
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"I guess we won't be having an entertainer anytime soon" Malyrra shrugged letting out a quiet chuckle
Celilynde smiled, attributing the victory of this day to actually remembering who is wanted by the guards.
The manathar curiously tapped her nails on the arm of her chair as she read over her fellow commanders notice. She let off an annoyed mumble at the comment of a name, leaning back in her seat. "Why do liars think they can play me? That ugly Isldar clown is loosing his tongue next time I catch him. /Spirit/ do I hate dishonesty."
Claire sighed. "Well. I had hoped that the clowns would have done something interesting before they got caught. That rhyming one though, they were trying too hard. Still, I look forward to seeing what they try and do now..."

Aster is glad the weird clown leader has already been caught. There's something... not right about clowns.
A certain kathar skimmed the paper.. tapping her claws rhythmically. "Well - they can say it's the end.. but in reality - they're just making more paper work. Waste of tree's."
Guy Delmotte was relieved that he wouldn't have to worry about this insane clown posse as he innately feared them and their juggling followers.