Archived A Very, Very Obvious And Needed Feature.

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Jan 22, 2013
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Names! Custom names. You can do /nick, to name yourself as an RP character.
Of course you'd need to find out the real name of someone, so there would need to be a /realname or similar.

It is much better for rp, and you don't have people in rp chat saying something like "xXDudeXx, a blight shall be released upon the land, the likes of which the world has never seen". It just kind of takes away from RP, IMO, and is just kind of a no-brainer to add.

That is all.
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I have often thought of this too, but there is an inherent problem. This is that you do not know the players actual name. So if you wanted to know which faction a player was in you would not be able to do so. This could also be abused quite easily. For example person 1 wants to attack person 2, so person 1 changes their /nick to the name of player 2's friend. So now player 1 is called player 3 and can easily sneak up on player 2 and attack him.
Well, there is always way to code stuff, right? ;)
Cay makes plugins. A player's name is a variable. That variable can be changed very easily. That's why colours didn't work for players with longer names, because the plugin was actually prefixing them with &c (Or whatever green's colour code is). So this already exists and has already been implemented into massive in the past. You don't need to worry about whether or not it's possible, because I can assure you it is. The only question is if massive will want/implement this, unless sharding changes the necessary bukkit mechanics.
Doing some research, I have found that indeed it is true you can change the name above yourself. However, it is not just a variable you can change instantly. Using Tagapi and nick namer, it is possible. However, my idea does not call for it whatsoever, so your post wasn't really necessary.
We don't run on bukkit anymore for a long time.

This option will probably get realized in the future, but not for the coming months as sharding takes a higher priority.
This is a good idea for different races. I do not like to see orcs with the name (eg.) fluffly pinklebunny89
Actually it's alot more complicated then this. If you are going to write a one server plugin, you must also include a system for the sharding support. After all, if your name changes on one server, the other server must get a message or retrieve t he data from one server and change your name there as well, or you'd have a different name on every server (world)

It's not that simple.
Actually, it comes with essentials.
Actually essentials isn't good enough. Their systems are cool, but confusing and inconsistant. Cayorion had to code his own mute/jail system in and the same would go with nicknames. The option to code it is there in the future, but after sharding (which includes factionsV2 afaik).

Just so you know: your mcstats and faction gets stored thanks to your name. When you real minecraft name changes, you will certainly loose everything you had. And we will NOT transfer your data.

If we implement this feature, we must make nicks obviuos (color, only in local) and we would have to find a way ( idk how it works) to make it working properly with chestshops, renting and deadbolt.
How is this a needed feature ?

My stand on all these extra plugins is as simple as this. They are all very nice and fun in all, but TPS is still an issue. Ide love to see the day when we have 300 players online at 20 TPS. Plugins like this are extra drag for no reason, even if they hardly make a difference at all as far as TPS. All these small plugins do add up and its also more to make sharding compatable which is not something that is good for Cayo on a time wise basis. We already have plugins that could be removed, such as the new friend plugin or the jokes plugin. Please people prioritize TPS so we can expand the future of possibilities instead of asking for frivilous things.
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