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A Search For Military Staff!


Apr 25, 2019
Reaction score
A notice would be found dotted around the city, taking up room upon notice boards across the Imperial and New Isles. Each one was hand written, the penmanship of Vakgu Lok-Guthrain, and each carried a wax stamp representing such a member of the house.

A letter for the interested,
A general under House Guthrain, Vakgu Lok-Guthrain, seeks out military strategists and leaders to fill his new army. All needed positions are open to be filled, and all needed positions will be listed. If you find yourself able to fill one of these positions, loyally, then pen a letter to the general. Further, those of Orken blood, whether full or a mere sixteenth take precedence over other applicants, though any race may apply(barring Kathar).

Open positions:

  • Field Commanders; Expected to competently lead anywhere between 200 and 300 soldiers on the battlefield. ((Command Tactic Skill required))
  • Field Officers; Expected to effectively handle anywhere between 5 and 20 men on the battlefield, or on individual operations. ((Squad Tactic Skill required))
  • Artillery Commander; Expected to skillfully orchestrate artillery and siege equipment and operations on the battlefield. ((Siege Tactic Skill required))
  • Scouts; Expected to discreetly gather intelligence to help plan military movements. ((Stealth, Perception, and/or Hunting suggested))
  • Medical Officer; Expected to manage the field medics and provide medical care in an exemplary manner. ((Medical or Alchemy Sciences required))
  • Standard Bearer; Expected of nothing more than to march with the army and proudly fly the Guthrain banner for all to see. ((Stave Combat suggested))

Additionally, any further generals, admirals, or ship captains desiring to serve under the Guthrain banner should pen a letter to Kalmar Lok-Guthrain((@NoERPChat )).

-Vakgu Lok-Guthrain.
General under House Guthrain.

((Please send all applications to me through forum conversation, not as a response to this thread!))