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A Repenting Criminal


Always smirking
Jun 3, 2019
Reaction score
A few notices would be posted nearby the Golden Willow and Nook Inn for all eyes to bear witness, the font written elegantly across the pages.

Realizing when you've made a mistake is never easy on ones conscience, but I, Fen'nan Solaveira have realized I have made far too many. I have on multiple occasions made countless errors and the path in which I have taken and have gone about things has been wrong. Where I have treaded I have created chaos and conflict in my wake, I have disrupted the peace of Regalia and for all my victims I humbly apologize for my actions.

Even so, I bear no grudges for all my mistakes and conflicts I have wracked on others. For surely, I was in mistake each time and the fault is none but my own. I have been no easy person to deal with, and I have come to realize over some many days how fond I've become of this great Empire. I have committed countless crimes, harmed others in my reckless actions, all through the simple want of mischief and desires of mulling boredom, and have become immature in the wake of this. And so I apologize deeply to all my fellow, common people that I've put in harms way.

Violets have apprehend my reckless self countless times, and for that, I thank them. The Order has done a fantastic job as usual as keeping criminals and vagrants like myself off the streets. I righteously thank the Violet Order for setting me on this brand new path. I apologize to all in the Violet Order which I have caused grievances to as well. It is through you all have I been inspired. So thank you, and may you continue to serve the Empire with such determination.

Overall I come bearing the news that I rescind my criminal activities. I throw down my reckless actions and trade it for something anew. I cut ties with all the criminals I have come to know and associate so well with in my life here in Regalia. It is with the hope of becoming something better, that I do this. I now turn my head towards the Empires direction and look upon it with new goals and ambitions. It is the Regalian Empire, I'm sure, that only leaves all the other rulings gaping, and I've come to see that. I have realized my ever such fondness for this Holy Empire, so therefore this newfound appreciation I find has only motivated me. I seek to aid and help the Empire in what ways I can, and am humbly open to all offers of aiding it should I ever be granted the chance, as surely, I can only attempt to repent in what ways I can for all my misdeeds and troubles I've caused by putting my talents to use for the good of the Empire. It is my hope to start a new path to only further my goals, and many others, to bring light to the beloved Regalian Empire, and I hope that in assisting this Holy Empire, I can make up for all I have done overtime.

A Repenting Criminal,

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Nehm'ra leaned against the wall, looking over the parchment she'd stolen off a New town board with a bit of intrigue, but also annoyance. Her head leaned back, giving a dramatic sigh as she folded the paper and tossed it up to her fellow Witch who hung against the ceiling couch. "Another one bites the dust. I gave that girl her hair back too! A shame, really." She'd frown a bit and move to sit above with Kasula.
Milo was walking along, when the sight of Fen's signature caught his eye. Curious, he read the notice, letting out a sigh when he finished. "I do hope this does not mean farewell."
Kasula took the paper with a raised brow as she hanged upside down on the ceiling, the Witch decided not to read it over and instead peer over to Nehm'ra. "Do you want me to read this? I don't want to read this. I'd much rather toss it into fire. Fire's fun, no?" Spoke the Witch as she stuffed the paper into her coat with a smile.

@Minty Jade
Pinned under the notice was a short, crisp response to the notification with the Violet Order insignia

To Miss Fen'nan Solaveira,

I am not a sentimental man nor am I a poet, so I won't say much but I will leave you with this quote. "True redemption is seized when you accept the future consequences for your past mistakes." This is not a foreboding threat, nor is it a statement of my disbelief in your endeavors, in truth, its affirmation that the Violet Order and myself as its Chair have witnessed this notice and wish you only the smoothest, tranquil path back to a just life.

With kind regards,
William A. Howlester
Lord Commander of the Violet Order
Imperial Court Marshal.
A Bloodcast Knight sat near the tree he always found himself under, reading the letter that had been copied and sent to him early in the morning, as he honed the edge of his half-melted sword until it gleamed in the morning sunrise. A futile gesture, to be sure, but one borne out of habit.

A faint smile graced his features as he finished reading the letter, placing it to the side as he stood to observe the orange hues of first light. He lifted his gaze a slight into the sky, breathing a chuckle as he spoke- half to himself, a quarter to the blade, and a quarter to the morning itself.

"Aye, I knew you'd listen."
Lina raises a brow as she looks over the note.
Tilts her head to the side with a scowl as she rereads it for the second time.
"Apologize" she mumbles to herself almost offended.
Lina taps her finger against the paper
"It's one thing to change and another for her to apologize"
she walks off with a worried expression repeating "Fen apologized" to herself.
Huddled in corners and betwixt the shadows of roofs, Faust came across his poster that marked the board. He glanced across it, pulling it from the board from his hunched-over position as he sparingly scanned through it with what literacy he could muster. The news, nonetheless, brought him some joy. Relief, mayhaps. He let it fall back to the board, reaching for his non-existent hat, before furtively scuttling off.
Novellia set her gaze upon the letter as she stood at her balcony. A servant had fetched it for her, having been ordered to gain a copy of anything that concerned the acting matriarch. She read quietly and with a passive worry. The autumn winds, as refreshing as they were, blew away the wretched feeling. A smile rested upon her face. "She hears us finally. Please, if I can ask for one thing more, it would be for this happiness to stay." She held the letter close and took a sip of tea, enjoying her morning more than before.
Synne could do nothing but smile. As she came across the note, clapping her hands together with glee. "Ah! Yep! Knew my daughter-son could do it! I should make her.. Soup! As a congrrats!" Savouring the note for a moment, she hopped off.
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Mallen was passing the notice board near Nestled Nook Inn on his routine walk across the city. He slowed his pace to a stop, and put his hands behind his back to nonchalantly read the letter from a casual distance. He didn't care who or what it was from yet. He squinted at the small paper, and, stepping out of his routine, stepped forward with stiff knees and heels clacked together. He related to the- he paused to look at the name, Fen'nan Solaveria, and by reaction, thought, Really, she did that all by herself? She wasnt institutionalized? This sounds like brainwashing. He glanced down, Well, one should avoided getting caught, its simple. People don't believe a story like this, redemption, anyways. She'll be back to it in no time! He smirked and thinks, unhelpfully of inviting her to the next gang he joins. Testing her sounded fun, but he was still busy.