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A Public Missive: Preparing For Danger


Rat Mumther
Jun 10, 2014
Reaction score
Nenyarina Grove
Regalian Empire
Roleplay Guilds


♚ A Public Missive ♚
By Miss Nadina Haaven
Preparing for Danger


13th March 308AC.


We have reason to believe, on consultation with Regalia's top Dimenthism Scholars, that our city may be subjected to another coordinated attack by the Void Beasts (colloquially dubbed 'Clickers') sometime within the next 24 hours.

As a result, I am releasing this short document of advice, written in combination with Regalia's top medical authorities, to ensure the citizenry are more prepared for what may lie ahead.

Please note that this list is not exhaustive, nor officiated, and should not be considered in place of advice from Regalia's Charter Commanders and Government Officials. This guide serves only to supplement State-sanctioned instruction and provide guidance in its absence.


Part I | Prior to an Attack
  1. Move yourself and loved ones to a safe location. If your current residence is within the Central Isle of Regalia, it is strongly recommended that you seek refuge in New Town, Old Town, or outside of the city limits entirely. While it is not yet clear how far the Void Beasts are willing to travel, the corruption is expanding at a rapid rate.
  2. Stock up on food, water, and basic medical supplies. Less-perishable food items such as fruit and vegetable preserves, dried meat, and baking essentials are preferred. It is strongly recommended that every household keep a basic first-aid kit of alcohol, bandages, Rubyflower paste, and some sort of pain relief.
  3. Barricade unnecessary doors and windows ahead of time. Wooden planks nailed into the wall and unwieldy furniture pushed against doors will suffice for this, but always ensure you have a swift exit should one become necessary. Do not leave your barricading until the last second, when it may be too late.
  4. Keep away from Void Corruption zones. Regardless of if the area has been barricaded, stay as far away from signs of corruption and Void Taint as possible. These areas are easily distinguished by the immediate death of all surrounding plantlife, patches of scorched earth, and floating white mildew that infests the air close to it.
  5. If you must walk through or near an Void Corrupted area, cover one's eyes, nose, and mouth completely. Goggles and a thick handkerchief to cover the mouth are bare necessities. If a Clockwork mask or Yuntia Cactus Alchemy is available, make good use of these items to ensure you do not breathe in any of the spores.
  6. Avoid contact with Manathar. It is well documented that the Void Beasts have a sustained interest in the Aberrant Species known as 'Manathar', and that their presence is thought to attract the Beasts to the area. For this reason, it is strongly recommended that mundane Ailorians limit their contact with Aberrants as a whole, but specifically Manathar, during this time.


Part II | During an Attack
  1. Heed the advice of our Guard Charters. During an emergency, always seek out and heed the commands of our Government and Civil Servants above all else. Immediately seek shelter when requested, and flee the area when it is unsafe. Do not stay behind to fight unless you are fully trained and well armed to protect yourself.
  2. Seek immediate shelter in Public Buildings. If you are unlucky enough to be caught outside of your home when the Void Beasts attack, retreat to the nearest public building where you will be best protected from the elements. Fortified buildings, such as Greygate or the Mercenary Keep, are ideal, but larger shops and taverns such as The Nook and Cranny or The Hidden Dragon may also suffice.
  3. NEVER engage the Void Beasts alone. From the few eye-witness reports we have received, the Void Beasts are far larger than first anticipated, and easily capable of major internal damage or death if engaged in battle. It is times like these where the core tenants of Unionism are to be most adhered to. To try and be a lone hero is not only suicidal, but detrimental to our people as a whole. Fight the beasts only within well-armed groups, and stand together as one powerful force.


Regalia's Scholars are working hard to discover the root cause of these attacks and find a cure for the unholy Corruption overtaking our beloved Crown Isle. If you have skills that may be of aid, it is strongly encouraged that you lend your services to one of Regalia's growing Defensive or Academical parties, sanctioned by Lord Chancellor Delmotte.

In these difficult times, every individual--from the noblest of Imperial Knights, to the lowliest of Peasant Bakers--offers a skill that is equally important in keeping our way of life secure.


Oratario Paean.
Scribed on behalf of Miss Nadina Haaven,
Imperial Alchemist to the Kade Family.
Civil Servant to the Empire.
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* ~A further note of advice was tacked on afterwards!
"Limit contact with Manathar."