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A Public Letter From Mani Gunnar


Hen of The Woods
Nov 24, 2019
Reaction score
Sleepy Hollow
Strange, this is legible, but it has what appears to be a stain from some sort of spill... it smells strongly of wine... did someone write this while drinking?

To who it may concern:

A man by the name of Olaf Gunnar has been missing since The Burning of Drixagh. Anyone with this name, please contact Mani Gunnar immediately. Your daughtir misses you, fathir. Fyrirgefðu, ég elska þig.

And to Ser-Commander-Karp, the handsome but outlandishly blunt wad who insulted my lack of knowledge on history, kindly bite it! I should never have given you free food, you rude jerk!

(Strange... some words appear to be hurriedly crossed out at the bottom.)
Strange, this is legible, but it has what appears to be a stain from some sort of spill... it smells strongly of wine... did someone write this while drinking?

To who it may concern:

A man by the name of Olaf Gunnar has been missing since The Burning of Drixagh. Anyone with this name, please contact Mani Gunnar immediately. Your daughtir misses you, fathir. Fyrirgefðu, ég elska þig.

And to Ser-Commander-Karp, the handsome but outlandishly blunt wad who insulted my lack of knowledge on history, kindly bite it! I should never have given you free food, you rude jerk!

(Strange... some words appear to be hurriedly crossed out at the bottom.)

A Neatly written cursive reply was found on the same letter, "Have you checked the breeze? Ashes tend to blow."
Fen'nan Solaveira read this over, staring silently for a brief moment before she bursted into a fit of laughs, doubling over and clutching her stomach.
"Oh! Ha ha, I knew she shouldn't have given him free food. Hee hee, ha, told her he was an arse, pffffft what a riot!" She exclaimed through her laughs, "I'll tell him to bite it, hee hee."

She then proceed to do just that, like the goblin she was, the redhead scribbling in the corner of the letter, "Yeah, Karp, bite it arse-face!"

There was then a sloppy drawing of an elf flipping someone off in Inquisitor Armor scribbled beneath it this small insult.
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Garth Viduggla let out a quiet sigh once he caught sight of the notice. He glanced towards Francis, the steward of Ardige, murmuring "Notify me if you catch any mention of that name."
The Priestess let out a defeated sigh, going to her alter in the middle of her first floor to take an Ivory statue of the giantess Ul, she kissed her forehead before putting it down. "Ul, if you have not already, do not take this man but if you have, may he have died with fair Soldi."