• Regalian Roleplay Rules

    1. Roleplay rules apply in this category.
    2. Posts are in-character.
    3. Posts are not anonymous.
    4. Posts and reactions made to posts are public. What your character says or does is known by all other characters. If you would like a reaction to be private, do not post it as a public response to a thread. Roleplay it out on the server!
    5. Out-of-character commentary on threads is not allowed unless it is specifically spoiled or bracketed, and/or highlights additional information for in-character responses.
    6. Meme responses are not allowed. This includes reposting the same content as the poster(s) above, or repeating catch phrases on a post.

A Public Letter From Abelhard Latimer


Weathergirl Extraordinaire
Apr 15, 2018
Reaction score
United States
Several scrolls of parchment had been posted throughout the more established parts of the city, being pinned up to various bulletins through the use of Gluant. The penmanship was sub par, each word being written down in spidery, erratic fonts.

"To those who think all their private business and disputes should be made public, through the use of our fine system of bulletins and public forum, I commend you! You have made a man who has learned to read only three months ago regret his decision to do so. It was a mistake to abandon the use of my secretary, who had filtered which announcements and decrees had reached me and which ones had not. For spirits sake, please stop clogging up our fine system of bulletin boards without good reason to.

Signed With All Irony Intended,
Abelhard R.P Latimer."
At the bottom of the post was a wax stamp, a red seal with three grooves running parallel to each other from the upper left to the lower right.
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"He just did exactly what he told others not to do. Useless." Estlin actually facepalmed.
"In all fairness, I enjoy it, some of the public announcements make me laugh." Aleck uttered the sentence with a small grin, nudging Abelhard with an iron clad elbow.
Joseph moseyed by the bulletin board and gave the letter a passing read. Snickering to himself as he recognized the familiar name signed.

"Well I s'pose SOMEONE had t' say it.."
Haeddi Harhold brushes the notice aside, not even reading it as she murmured, "More junk mail on the notice board? Come on."

Another Paper quickly got pinned atop this one. Abet a bit crude, but it got the point across. It's bottom half read:

Furs and Hides being sold to you regalia! These local caught and local made furs are primely tanned and scraped for the lowest of commoners to the highest of elites! We got somthing NOT LOCAL? Then I'll go out and shoot it dead on the spot for you! That's right for you! Rain, sleet, snow, and even ithanian desert scorpions won't stop me.

What's more is that we've got hides and leathers too, and I'm sure you don't want to sail across half the world to buy a meager ithanian calf leather jacket! No! We slaughter and cure our leather locally! Yep! Locally!
So no need to take that seven day trip south just for some stock leather

Contact me, Serlida Bermot, Regalia!
And I can kill it for you.


e backed away from the poster. Walking to the Nook once more. "Cen! You sure you're giving up on my first offer?" @YunYun
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Mani's eyes glossed over the message, and she rolled her eyes as she finished reading it.

"Well then un-learn to read then if yer so annoyed..." She muttered, "Or hire back that secretary o' yers. No mind, hardly anyone wastes ink on mindless banter I'm sure."

Recalling her drunken note from yesterday, she quickly realized the hypocrisy in her statement. Sure, the note about her father was important, but... that scribbled out message at the bottom was more than likely seen to be more of a waste of ink than anything else. Speaking of, she did scratch that out properly, right? Biting her lip, she turned and quickly scuttled away, trying not to think about it.
"You see Estlin, it's all about having a good laugh." Shane had a hard time stifling a laugh as he read the notice.

"Why did he stamp it with red? Was this really that important?" Commented an observing dei Termini with a fancy cane.
A note comprised of cut out words and letters from previous random postings was pinned to the board.
Keep making public posts, I need more material.
Sincerely, Wouldn't you like to know?
Under the note was a few random stamps someone seemed to have torn off their original parchment.