Several scrolls of parchment had been posted throughout the more established parts of the city, being pinned up to various bulletins through the use of Gluant. The penmanship was sub par, each word being written down in spidery, erratic fonts.
"To those who think all their private business and disputes should be made public, through the use of our fine system of bulletins and public forum, I commend you! You have made a man who has learned to read only three months ago regret his decision to do so. It was a mistake to abandon the use of my secretary, who had filtered which announcements and decrees had reached me and which ones had not. For spirits sake, please stop clogging up our fine system of bulletin boards without good reason to.
"To those who think all their private business and disputes should be made public, through the use of our fine system of bulletins and public forum, I commend you! You have made a man who has learned to read only three months ago regret his decision to do so. It was a mistake to abandon the use of my secretary, who had filtered which announcements and decrees had reached me and which ones had not. For spirits sake, please stop clogging up our fine system of bulletin boards without good reason to.
Signed With All Irony Intended,
Abelhard R.P Latimer."
At the bottom of the post was a wax stamp, a red seal with three grooves running parallel to each other from the upper left to the lower right.Abelhard R.P Latimer."
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